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Help with boxing training.... Help with boxing training....

06-17-2008 , 02:06 PM
I've been doing primarily weight resistance training the last year (following a typical 8-12 rep, 3 sets an exercise sort of routine) and am looking to get back into boxing (its been about 6 years since i use to be into it so i'm quite a ways from competition shape). I put in a 2 hour session 5 days a week (shadow boxing, jump rope, bag work, core training etc.) but i'm looking to take training a little more serious. I figure for aerobic health i should be jogging 3 times a week for 40-50 minutes but as for anaerobic health and resistance training specific for boxing I'm a little out to lunch. Anyone have any advice?
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 04:06 PM
I initially started doing crossfit to improve my stamina in the ring, and it helped quite a bit. unfortunately, I haven't boxed in several months due to a torn tendon in my knuckle
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by turnipmonster
I initially started doing crossfit to improve my stamina in the ring, and it helped quite a bit. unfortunately, I haven't boxed in several months due to a torn tendon in my knuckle
Any suggestions for the weight room? Should I look to change how many reps i do in a set? What exercises should i focus on? I'm doing legs twice a week (squats, leg press)but beyond doing a lot of pull ups and lat pull downs i'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do for upper body. I want to increase power in my punch but not slow it down.

ps> hand injuries are a bitch, i fractured my hand once and it took for ever for it to heal to the point where i was comfortable with my punch again. Good luck with your hand.
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:59 PM
Sticky will help for weight routines.

Gaining strength through compound weights, power cleans, deadlifts, presses, rows. Lowish reps 5-8ish, this won't slow you down. You're gaining explosiveness and power.
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 07:20 PM
I would definitely include some of the olympic lifts for explosiveness. I also found core and leg work pretty helpful for defensive stuff, so much of slipping is all abs/lower back. it probably wouldn't hurt to start with a starting strength type program (squats/deads/standing press/bench/cleans) and take it from there.

it does make me feel better to know you've overcome a fracture, sometimes I feel like I won't be able to box ever again .
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 08:34 PM
start doing crossfit

or go to and look at his stuff.

Infinite intensity is a bad ass book and ross used to box.
Help with boxing training.... Quote
06-17-2008 , 09:26 PM
yeah, I don't think long distance slow jogging is going to carry over to boxing as much as crossfit. Read crossfit's site, see how the workouts are arranged, and try and figure out why this would be much better for increasing stamina.

I would also make sure to do cleans or snatches for the trap work, explosiveness, power, speed, and fun.
Help with boxing training.... Quote
