Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,055
My question is what do you guys do for health insurance if you are "self-employed" or do not currently have health benefits via your employer?
Like many of you out there, poker is my primary source of income and I do not have a "real" job w/ healthcare benefits. I am no longer a student or covered under my parents' plan. Although, I do go to the gym regularly (3-4 times a week) and often bike on the off days so that I'm relatively healthy. However, I still catch the common cold and sinus infection type stuff from time to time. I also would like to continue getting an annual physical to make sure everything's alright and working as it should. Consequently, I assume it's best to go w/ some sort of insurance provider to ensure I'm covered should something extreme happen (car wreck, some DA hitting me while on my bike, get drunk and jump off a wall to break a leg, unlikely but possibly etc). I'm currently considering the higher deductible plans because I think it is indeed quite the long shot that I will need to utilize them, mainly want something with low co-pays.
My main concern is routine or remedial doctor's visits and prescription costs.
Does anybody have some provider recommendations and what plan should I get (I'm a 24 year old male that is fairly healthy)?
The prime candidate plan I'm looking at currently is $101 per month + $40 doctor visit co-pay + $10 prescription co-pays and a $750 deductible for major illnesses or injuries (surgery, etc).
All sound advice is gratefully appreciated.