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08-27-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
we need a masters division so j brown and i will be guaranteed medals, or a golden wheelchair or something.

oh and fu kpc. i will never be as old as you (or as strong)
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08-27-2009 , 08:22 PM
me vs. DZH pound-for-pound long-drive competition
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08-27-2009 , 08:30 PM
The teams idea is quite a good one...
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08-28-2009 , 07:19 AM
are people talking about meeting up somewhere and doing this?

also a team workout like the affiliate cup at the crossfit games would be the coolest thing since team stuff is auto more fun and then could make teams fair. here's what they did this year:

Stadium Workout
30 Wallballs (20lbs/14lbs)
Row 300m
30 Box jumps (24")
30 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
30 DB Push press / Push jerk (40lbs/25lb)
30 Deadlifts (225lbs/135lbs)

1. The wallballs are performed one athlete at a time, starting with the women. When all four athletes have completed the wallballs, they move on together as a team.
2. The middle four drills are then performed together in "Annie R U Ok?" format, meaning all four team members start at different stations at the same time. They rotate in the order listed once all four athletes have completed the rowing and reps. When all four athletes have completed all four drills, they move together to the deadlifts.
3. The barbell will be pre-loaded with 225lbs. Both men will perform 30 deadlifts each, and then the team will be responsible for removing 90lbs. Both women will then perform 30 deadlifts each, and the clock stops.
4. There is a 20min cap on this workout.

Hill Workout
2500m (approximately) Hill run relay

1. The first athlete will run one lap (approximately 500m) carrying a short piece of PVC.
2. At the completion of the lap, there will be a well marked transition area in which to pass the PVC to the second athlete, who runs one lap with the PVC.
3. This repeats until all four athletes have run one lap with the PVC.
4. The team then runs one final lap together.
5. The clock is stopped when the last athlete crosses the finish line holding the PVC. If the last athlete to cross the line isn't carrying the PVC, the clock stops when that athlete grabs the PVC.
6. There is a 20min cap on this workout.

North Pad Workout
3-rep Overhead Squat plus
Max total pull-ups in 3 attempts

1. Each team will have 20min to record the above efforts for all four athletes.
2. Each team will have one pull-up bar, one barbell, one rack, four 45lb bumpers, two 25lb bumpers, two 15lb bumpers, two 10lb bumpers, and four 2.5lb plates.
3. In any order, all four athletes must perform exactly three sets of max pull-ups. Pull-ups are standard ROM, and will be judged by middle of the neck reaching the height of the bar.
4. All four athletes perform the heaviest 3-rep overhead squat possible (as many attempts as they want within the 20min time limit).
5. The greatest successful loads lifted by each athlete are tallied, and added to the total reps for the 12 sets of pull-ups performed to become the team score.
6. The team with the highest score wins.
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