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H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts

01-04-2013 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
That's all you got for villa aiott??
Well since I'm confirmed villa everyone else is >rand to be wolf right. Maybe not so much on d2 tho ... more available reads.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
No offense Aura but I'm inclined to go against your reads bc of how wildly inaccurate you were last game and with nugz reads for the same reason. Which could really be awful for me if Nugz is a wolf, but I don't think he is.
I'm not offended. I'd like to think that I'm getting a little bit better, though. I'm still trying to figure out this game. Remember that nearly all of us were wrong a bunch last time. I just happened to be wrong almost all the time (until the end, if you want to check it).

Sample size, ldo.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:09 PM
Fair point.

Sog was wafting me wolfy stink a fair bit yesterday. just like dt said jr was a bit confusing but still felt like wolfy mcwolferson throwing the towel in. that could look bad for dt if he winds up vein wolfy as no one had defended him up to then but dt not on my list yet
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:13 PM
Wow, that was confusing, KC.

I didn't notice that you changed Aidan's list.

Here's Aidan's list and here is KC's list for reference.

Care to explain anything on your list, KC?
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
Fair point.

Sog was wafting me wolfy stink a fair bit yesterday. just like dt said jr was a bit confusing but still felt like wolfy mcwolferson throwing the towel in. that could look bad for dt if he winds up vein wolfy as no one had defended him up to then but dt not on my list yet
What does your list look like?
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
I already said this but we should leave him alone for now and focus on jr and sog. if kc isn't nk'd tonight or tomorrow he's prob a wolf.
I dunno about this. If we all decide on this then the wolves just shouldn't night kill him. It's not the same situation as last game with you because we have no reason to believe he's the seer.

I know KC has extra value because he's experienced but I think his wolfiness has more than canceled that out.

Again it's hard to really say anyone is like 50%+ likely to be wolf this early. I'm just going with my read.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:24 PM
Here's my mid d2 list:



The Yugoslavian
Country Roads

kidcolin (note, very unlikely SOG & KC, likely an either/or and I'm more up in the air on SOG)
JohnnyRyall, could be convinced he is falling as first lynch though. Irrational actions leaves him here for the time being.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by aura
What does your list look like?
I have and kc as top 2

Prob sog and got a little vibe from monte but I might be missing some stuff haven't gone through everyone's posts in full detail just posting suspicions as they pop up
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:27 PM
Jr was the other for my top 2 phoane post ftl
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:40 PM
lol @ anyone having me on a wolf list. I mean I guess I could have fifth level bussed Aidan out the gate yesterday but that seems kinda unlikely.

KC heat is fine with me, but I'm inclined to go Johnny today unless convinced otherwise.

SOG has the HIV. Might be a good EOD bandwagon lynch if today goes weird.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by aura
Wow, that was confusing, KC.

I didn't notice that you changed Aidan's list.

Here's Aidan's list and here is KC's list for reference.

Care to explain anything on your list, KC?
We'll do top 3.

Wolf leans:
Johnny - ldo
SOG - didn't post at EOD despite being here and being off wagon.
uscpf - super UTR. odd drop in yesterday.

Weasel - found his d1 heat aids. Sticking up for a wronged UTR.
page - explained yesterday. Pretty much cleared himself on d1.
DT - pretty obv.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:56 PM
to elaborate more about SOG, just look at what he's done today.

Originally Posted by suckoutgenius
you jumping on the JR bandwagon right before you wolf buddy Aidan was about to get lynched is AIDS.

pretty obv you're a wolf this time. I could have easily changed my vote from you to JR and got it tied if I was a wolf.

lol. k brah.

Originally Posted by suckoutgenius
I was just getting home from the casino. Left the casino a little after 8 and got home ~8:30 and started cooking dinner (barely ate anything all day). I was on my iphone in the kitchen trying to keep up but I didn't have a gut feeling about either of the bandwagons so I just stayed neutral (2nd time playing so I didn't realize this was a big deal).
plays the newb card.

Leaves never to be heard from again.

He's tunneled on me and he's not actually participating in the game at all. I made a thin case on KY, he quickly comes up with a huge theory that I'm right about KY, BUT that i'm also a wolf. It's awful.

he then lays low and does **** all the rest of day, but comes back to EOD only to not participate in the wagons.

He comes in today only to answer for his AIDS effort and leaves. He's a shook wolf.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Here's my mid d2 list:



The Yugoslavian
Country Roads

kidcolin (note, very unlikely SOG & KC, likely an either/or and I'm more up in the air on SOG)
JohnnyRyall, could be convinced he is falling as first lynch though. Irrational actions leaves him here for the time being.
Just want to note re: my list. I am very solid on my greens. If you pay attention to how the d1 Aidan wagon loaded, it's very unlikely that any above green-marked player is a wolf.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 01:58 PM
whether johnny is a wolf or not he sure isnt playing to help the village
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:00 PM
Votes from post 644 to post 764
Night in 08:00:56

3 kidcolin downtown (22), nuggetz87 (6), suckoutgenius (2)
3 JohnnyRyall allinontheturn (7), KhalynYohrk (10), aura (12)
1 suckoutgenius kidcolin (19)
1 pageh656 JohnnyRyall (4)
2 unvote Country Roads (5), The Yugoslavian (3)
5 not voting crashjr (1), Montecore (14), pageh656 (5), uscpf (0), Weasel45 (1)
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Votes from post 2 to post 642
It is night

7 Aidan Shark Sandwich (104), allinontheturn (22), downtown (57), KhalynYohrk (44), Montecore (94), nuggetz87 (18), crashjr (18)
6 JohnnyRyall pageh656 (73), kidcolin (59), Aidan (30), The Yugoslavian (14), Country Roads (8), aura (13)
1 pageh656 JohnnyRyall (17)
1 kidcolin suckoutgenius (42)
1 Shark Sandwich Weasel45 (3)
1 not voting uscpf (5)
quoting EOD1 for my own review and comparison with today's early wagons
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:07 PM
Well only one thing is clear 100% lock.

Villas need to post more.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:14 PM
It would be easier to post moar if day didn't start at 4 am.

kidcollin for the giggles.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:24 PM
Is it just me or are there like 8 people mia today
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
Is it just me or are there like 8 people mia today
It's not just you and it's really a problem.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:35 PM
KC, I don't like the SOG claiming noob every post either. Same with him not posting much useful village help/analysis. But it is consistent with how he played last game iirc and he was a villager (pretty sure?)
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:37 PM
Paging Yugo.

Paging Monte.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:38 PM
He cant be useless forever and its also convenient and decent cover.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
He cant be useless forever and its also convenient and decent cover.
Well yeah my post was meant to hopefully push him in that direction. But also, especially with new players, there will be some differences in play style with a role change. It's just hard to help unless youre a really good beginner.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-04-2013 , 02:44 PM
Sorry guys, my day got kind of ****ed up when my nanny called out (the wifeacore got her sick with the stomach flu). My day has been spent feeding babies and changing diapers; I should have some time after they go down for good (~6 pm).

In the meantime, I agree with the general sentiment that Aidan voters are relatively likely to be clear; I think a JR lynch tells us the most about the wagon formation last night, but I'm not going to fight a KC or SOG lynch either
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
