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*** H&F Form Check Thread *** *** H&F Form Check Thread ***

06-22-2011 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
i'm trying to be like busto but taller and whiter, can some of you good olytards give me a form check on these hang power snatches por favor(lol 60 kilos)
These are more hip power snatches than power snatches. The form looks ok for what they are, but high rep + hip snatches makes it difficult to tell much (at least for me).
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-22-2011 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Don't let your hips start up first before the barbell leaves the floor. A little bit is ok if you're doing a dynamic start (to the point where they'd be in a static start), but it seems like they are shooting up too much.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-22-2011 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
i'm trying to be like busto but taller and whiter, can some of you good olytards give me a form check on these hang power snatches por favor(lol 60 kilos)
I think you'd benefit from a bit more knee bend in your second pull. You obviously get a ton of glute/ hamstring into the lift, probably from all your kettletarding, but the bar path seems to have more horizontal movement than is optimal. I think if you used more weight you'd find that the weight would pull you forward and basically make catching it impossible because the bar travels too far horizontally. If you lengthen your second pull to just below the knee, it makes it easier to get more knee bend, thus using more quad and making the bar path more vertical.
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06-22-2011 , 03:30 PM

not a great video but it could be worse I guess
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06-22-2011 , 07:25 PM
This is the perfect "how not to deadlift" video.

O/U on how long that kid's back will last doing that?
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06-22-2011 , 07:55 PM
DF thanks, that was very helpful and makes perfect sense
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-22-2011 , 10:59 PM
Haven't been happy with my squats for a while, have been tinkering like crazy and think I might finally be getting it. What do you guys think?

set #1 -

set #2 -

set #3 -
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06-23-2011 , 01:04 AM
look pretty good. Stop doing that weird hip thrust/lean back thing before your descent.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-23-2011 , 09:59 AM
Thanks KC. Beastly lifts at the meet btw good work. Those are my cues to remember to finish standing up at the top and to lead back with my ass rather than sit straight down. That bad?
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-23-2011 , 06:28 PM
more squats, these felt better and interestingly my back felt worse. The last set which I didn't film(no geebees left) felt a lot better and smoother but hell if I know.

My lower back hurt but like I said I tried even harder on the last set and I don't think it was worse.

I'm still ****ing up my ****ing groin tendons though, and I don't know what's causing it and it seems nobody else does either.
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06-23-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by checkcall
Thanks KC. Beastly lifts at the meet btw good work. Those are my cues to remember to finish standing up at the top and to lead back with my ass rather than sit straight down. That bad?
it's just unnecessary and probably dangerous. You're finishing the lift fine, but you should never have any forward hip movement to start the lift.
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06-23-2011 , 07:01 PM

those are sort of a mess. When you coming to FR?
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06-23-2011 , 08:47 PM
I don't know man, asap because my lower back is pretty ****ing wrenched right now. I hope it isn't hardcore serious but yeah, this sucks real bad.

I'm still getting these tendon issues and now it's on both sides afdsafsaf;lsakjfa makes me so mad just thinking about it

To see exactly what's hurting in the groin sit like this

and lean forward. Feels like one or maybe two tendons on each side, you'll feel em when you lean forward.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-23-2011 , 09:05 PM
I have adjusted my squat form a bit; how do these look?
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06-23-2011 , 09:40 PM

we can probably do tomorrow if you want. Tues next week also an option.
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06-23-2011 , 09:43 PM
Okay. If I can walk I will see what I can do, it's probably going to end up being Tuesday if I'm okay.

Thanks again by the way.
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06-24-2011 , 02:51 AM
Thanks for the power snatch help. Very much appreciated. I think I'll relax on power cleans/snatches for a while.

sylar- have no clue on vertical jump
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06-24-2011 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by waldo027
Have to get your elbows more forward. Ideally you want the bar directly over your wrists and elbows, but elbows in front is waaay better than elbows behind. I think you should push towards the back a little more at the top to get full ROM also.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-24-2011 , 07:26 AM
Hey Busto, how do the elbows look on my press here? I feel like I can't get them any more forward at the bottom, possibly due to shoulder inflexibility.
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06-24-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Redmen62
Hey Busto, how do the elbows look on my press here? I feel like I can't get them any more forward at the bottom, possibly due to shoulder inflexibility.
I think it is worth working on to get the elbows more forward at the bottom. That is some impressive grinding and I think you just wanted to show off your WIM! Seriously, nice work! +5lbs just waiting on you if you fix the elbow thing.
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06-25-2011 , 08:02 AM
Haha, no- the he sad thing is that's not even that much of a grinder set for me on press :-(

Good to hear you think I've got more in the tank.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-25-2011 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
more squats, these felt better and interestingly my back felt worse. The last set which I didn't film(no geebees left) felt a lot better and smoother but hell if I know.

My lower back hurt but like I said I tried even harder on the last set and I don't think it was worse.

I'm still ****ing up my ****ing groin tendons though, and I don't know what's causing it and it seems nobody else does either.
Bar is high on your back. Deliberate? Its also very unstable. Tighten everything. Keep chest up.

You are going too low and completely losing all tightness at the bottom. There is no bounce. They almost look like paused squats with the lumbar spine in flexion. Knees out hard, tight tight tight lower back and feel the bounce, weight midfoot.
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06-25-2011 , 03:04 PM
Bump for any comments?

Originally Posted by sards
I have adjusted my squat form a bit; how do these look?
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:56 PM
KP - what ra z boy said. That groin pain is very familiar to me - its the adductor muscle. Its the worst part of what happened to me when I herniated a disc in my back. Read the past 3-4 weeks of my log if you want to see what misery that causes. Rounding your low back puts tremendous stress on the discs. The bad injury might not happen right away, but discs wear out over time. That shooting pain to the groin muscle is a warning sign imo, especially considering the fact that your low back hurts too.

Flatten your back for the whole lift. That's by far the most important thing. Keeping the back flat at all times will not only make all your lifts stronger, it makes your back stronger and harder to injure.

sards - its hard to see your back in that vid, but otherwise, those look pretty good to me.
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