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View Poll Results: JaySicko vs. ISF
4 30.77%
9 69.23%

09-26-2010 , 02:11 AM
I think i should fight jfon. I like him and think his log is a good read, but we have similar lifts and his log is better and more popular than mine. Only one can survive.
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09-26-2010 , 02:57 AM
evoken, that was before G4S was posting here, or i was uber wasted or both. i am 6'1" 220 now, pretty tough to overcome an 80 plus pound weight disadvantage against someone as athletic as he is. i fought 2 submission grappling and 2 vale tudo matches(basically mma rules) back in the late 90's and 2 of the guys were 300 plus, and no fight lasted more than 2 minutes, with me winning by sub in the grappling(obv) and KO in the MMA type fights, i am super rusty though. i mostly really hate people and i know how to channel that energy when it counts.

i am far from the baddest guy around, but if a person is around my size or smaller they probably need to fight on the professional level to beat me. i have good striking ability, most people i've punched just drop to the ground and lay there convulsing, really, really good takedowns(like i've missed 1-2 takedowns in my life against non wrestlers, if you come at me aggressively you will get put on your back pretty much) and lol at taking me down just really not gonna happen, and a blue belt with the machados in bjj, my guard isn't the best because i was really never in it. most of the time whatever someone is better than me at, i can obliterate them in the other skills. i can take a punch pretty well too.

fighting a 300 pound dude who DL's 700 and Zercher's 600, and isn't some f****t plifter, nah i'll pass. i would just ask him for an extra pair of his sweaty wristwraps and buy him a beer or something.
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09-26-2010 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
I'm too old to fight

I think it's quite obvious G4S would destroy multiple 2p2 h&F regs in a fight, thread is not serious speculation of who would win. Except Bruiser vs Thremp, that one is dead serious because of the FEROCIOUS INTERNET ANIMOSITY.
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09-26-2010 , 03:18 AM
Good drunken debate from a few nights ago...

How many H&F'ers do you think G4S could take on at once?

The specifics:

- You are in an enclosed area, roughly the size of a basketball court. There are no foreign objects.
- You are not allowed to touch a wall.
- When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When they are all knocked unconscious, they lose. Once a H&F'er is knocked unconscious, that H&F'er is "out."
- I (or someone else intent on seeing to it you fail) get to choose the H&F'ers from a pool that is twice the size of your magic number. The pool will be 50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms of demographics, other than they are all healthy Americans.
- The H&F'ers receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult Gorilla. You will receive one hour of "counter-tactics" training.
- There is no protective padding for any combatant other than the standard-issue cup.
* The H&F'ers are motivated enough to not get scared, regardless of the bloodshed. Even the very last one will give it his/her best to take you down.

I set The Gorilla's magic number at 30, but upon reflection, I think you could take on a few more. How many could you take on?
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09-26-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
Good drunken debate from a few nights ago...

How many H&F'ers do you think G4S could take on at once?

The specifics:

- You are in an enclosed area, roughly the size of a basketball court. There are no foreign objects.
- You are not allowed to touch a wall.
- When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When they are all knocked unconscious, they lose. Once a H&F'er is knocked unconscious, that H&F'er is "out."
- I (or someone else intent on seeing to it you fail) get to choose the H&F'ers from a pool that is twice the size of your magic number. The pool will be 50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms of demographics, other than they are all healthy Americans.
- The H&F'ers receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult Gorilla. You will receive one hour of "counter-tactics" training.
- There is no protective padding for any combatant other than the standard-issue cup.
* The H&F'ers are motivated enough to not get scared, regardless of the bloodshed. Even the very last one will give it his/her best to take you down.

I set The Gorilla's magic number at 30, but upon reflection, I think you could take on a few more. How many could you take on?
You are trying to argue that 1 large man could fight 30 smaller men at once, assuming equal motivation. I am gonna go with the under.
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09-26-2010 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
If we were really gonna do this, what weight class would everyone be?
I would never fight because I am a p*ssy and do not have that kind of aggression/anger, but if I was ever going to do any kind of weight class sport I would probably drop to 165 lbs, from a current (fat) high of 200.
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09-26-2010 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by jdock99
You are trying to argue that 1 large man could fight 30 smaller men at once, assuming equal motivation. I am gonna go with the under.
Somewhere in that post I think tbk transitioned into an actual gorilla.
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09-26-2010 , 08:13 AM
I would be a good person for anyone to fight, really. I am not very strong, I have never been in a fight nor have any clue about self defense, and when I see two people freak out in and start fighting in front of me I get sick to my stomach and not excited. It's dif if they are on tv, tho, obv.

And I think if thremp could use his same e-fighting skillz irl for fighting he would really just fight forever and keep dodging all the punches until his opponent gave up.
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09-26-2010 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I would be a good person for anyone to fight, really. I am not very strong, I have never been in a fight nor have any clue about self defense, and when I see two people freak out in and start fighting in front of me I get sick to my stomach and not excited. It's dif if they are on tv, tho, obv.
Sounds like a perfect matchup for me. We would never fight, just stare at each other before collapsing into a heap, puking our guts out.
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09-26-2010 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken

I think it's quite obvious G4S would destroy multiple 2p2 h&F regs in a fight, thread is not serious speculation of who would win. Except Bruiser vs Thremp, that one is dead serious because of the FEROCIOUS INTERNET ANIMOSITY.
You vastly overrate anything other than the fact that there is a non-zero chance Bruiser stalks, kills and sexes my body.
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09-26-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
You vastly overrate anything other than the fact that there is a non-zero chance Bruiser stalks, kills and sexes my body.
Exactly. Bruiser has a dire animalistic need to sex the desiccated body of a short asian with a beautifully defined serratus and groin veins, Thremp is in a desperate fight or flight survival mode. Conflict of the year.
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09-26-2010 , 01:42 PM
desiccated? I assumed he would do it while still warm.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm bigger than Bruiser.
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09-26-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by jdock99
You are trying to argue that 1 large man could fight 30 smaller men at once, assuming equal motivation. I am gonna go with the under.
Who brought the new guy?
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09-26-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
Good drunken debate from a few nights ago...

How many H&F'ers do you think G4S could take on at once?

The specifics:

- You are in an enclosed area, roughly the size of a basketball court. There are no foreign objects.
- You are not allowed to touch a wall.
- When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When they are all knocked unconscious, they lose. Once a H&F'er is knocked unconscious, that H&F'er is "out."
- I (or someone else intent on seeing to it you fail) get to choose the H&F'ers from a pool that is twice the size of your magic number. The pool will be 50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms of demographics, other than they are all healthy Americans.
- The H&F'ers receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult Gorilla. You will receive one hour of "counter-tactics" training.
- There is no protective padding for any combatant other than the standard-issue cup.
* The H&F'ers are motivated enough to not get scared, regardless of the bloodshed. Even the very last one will give it his/her best to take you down.

I set The Gorilla's magic number at 30, but upon reflection, I think you could take on a few more. How many could you take on?
Does he get a rocket launcher or something? No one can take 30 full-grown people at once.
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09-26-2010 , 02:49 PM
Someone has never watched an action movie.
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09-26-2010 , 05:11 PM
Haha I'm heading back from a bender at the Borgata and just read this. While I'm not handicapping anything, a couple points of fact.

1. I was never a door guy
2. I absolutely beat smiley at arm-wrestling
3. Smiley won more during some grappling when I just got into bjj
4. Smiley refused stand-up sparring
5. I have a chess-boxing bet with an IRL friend and 2p2er which I think will be sweet

As for the ethnicity-athleticism comments, its confounded by mixed-race, and mediocrity across broad modal domains.

ETA: Relative strength ftw
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09-26-2010 , 05:31 PM
Actually a semi-decent thread lol...

I probably win against ISF if he doesn't have any semi serious "combat" experience assuming he's right around that 200lb mark. I'm probably a dog though if I can't get it to the ground.

If I was cutting to a weight class, I'd probably have to diet down to 160ish and then cut to 145. Ughh I don't even want to think about what I'd look like at 145.
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09-26-2010 , 05:41 PM
2. I absolutely beat smiley at arm-wrestling
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09-26-2010 , 07:24 PM
Jaysick and 145 do not belong in the same sentence imo

I imagine G4S could take on a decent number of H&Fers.

My 6' 180lbs no training ass would be like swatting a fly.

Not sure if there were a dozen of me it would even matter
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09-26-2010 , 07:33 PM
as far as any sort of multiple attacker vs 1 person, i'm pretty sure two 200 pound athletic men are a favorite over any one person in unarmed combat.
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09-26-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
as far as any sort of multiple attacker vs 1 person, i'm pretty sure two 200 pound athletic men are a favorite over any one person in unarmed combat.
unless by any you mean almost any im going to make my sceptical face
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09-26-2010 , 08:40 PM
I think the Thremp verse me fight is kind of interesting because we are kind of unknowns and it's not really clear how serious we are as athletes and how much we are just trolls. FWIW I would break that kid's nose.

JaySicko and ISF is cool because ISF is one of the elite lifters here, athletic, and a big guy, if I remember correctly, but Jay is a terrific lifter also, and though he may weight significantly less, has a strong wrestling background. I put my money on Jay because I think his college wrestling background counts for a lot.

KPC vs. AngryGorilla is obviously the main match up of the night. Here we have two elite athletes and lifters fighting each other. One is a massive man and the other is big, but small in comparison, but he has serious fighting background. I mean, this fight is cool enough I think we should get it on UFC. I go with KPC just cause of the thread I started recently where people said unless you have an insurmountable weight advantage, then fighting skills will always decide.

I thought up another good fight. I want to post picture of the contenders but my internet is real slow. AngryGorrilaWife vs. DIDDS
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09-26-2010 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
I think the Thremp verse me fight is kind of interesting because we are kind of unknowns and it's not really clear how serious we are as athletes and how much we are just trolls. FWIW I would break that kid's nose.

JaySicko and ISF is cool because ISF is one of the elite lifters here, athletic, and a big guy, if I remember correctly, but Jay is a terrific lifter also, and though he may weight significantly less, has a strong wrestling background. I put my money on Jay because I think his college wrestling background counts for a lot.

KPC vs. AngryGorilla is obviously the main match up of the night. Here we have two elite athletes and lifters fighting each other. One is a massive man and the other is big, but small in comparison, but he has serious fighting background. I mean, this fight is cool enough I think we should get it on UFC. I go with KPC just cause of the thread I started recently where people said unless you have an insurmountable weight advantage, then fighting skills will always decide.

I thought up another good fight. I want to post picture of the contenders but my internet is real slow. AngryGorrilaWife vs. DIDDS
I think it's clear Thremp is more athletic than you and sadly bigger as well, no matter how much we troll his housecat size. You do both have rage going for you, and I think you hate him more than he hates you, so it's tough to call.

Jaysick and ISF aren't elite lifters, they're very very strong intermediates of course, but G4S is the only elite lifter. I think the wrestling training gives Jaysick the advantage though.

G4S's wife would demolish most of us as well, she could take DIDDsx2 probably.

If it was 90s KPC vs 2010s G4S, maybe it would be interesting, but he's just too old to win.

Last edited by Evoken; 09-26-2010 at 08:56 PM.
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09-26-2010 , 08:46 PM
1890s KPC maybe
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09-26-2010 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
1890s KPC maybe
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