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04-09-2013 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
The vast majority of us are dudes, so it doesn't make pragmatic sense to define "skinny fat" for women. Plus women's clothes are basically engineered to shape fat into attractive shapes.
Last time I checked, dudes often spend their time discussing the physical properties of bitches and the relative appeal of said properties.

Originally Posted by cha59
Snitch is right. Quit now before you dig a deeper hole imo.

Look. If half of all women are overweight/obese, by far the next most prevalent category is skinny-fat. I don't know how this is so hard to understand...

Basically every girl you ever talk to that is a cardio bunny and/or constantly going on all-salad diets and is not overweight/obese is skinny fat (although some of them are just skinny).

It makes perfect sense to call them such because they are not skinny (like runway models), they are not fat (like fatties), they are not toned, lean or muscly (like athletes, girls that lift, bodybuilders, etc)... their bodies aren't attractive (when naked), but they're not fat. Skinny fat.

And of course it connotes a certain level of attractiveness... it's because they have unattractive bodies. What the hell.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 03:56 AM
Skinny fat sounds alot like a word we got in Swedish. "lönnfet" ,"lönn" is secret/stealthy/etc, put "lönn" before "mördare" which is murderer and the direct translation would be assasin. "fet" being fat. Lönnfet would translate to something like " secretly fat" or so. We describe ppl who seem to look fit/skinny with clothing, ie dont have much in visible areas like face, arms and sucks the tummy in good. the moment they undress and you get surprised... Lönnfet.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 04:28 AM
People are used to thinking skinny fat is very negative thing to say about someone, but being a skinny fat isn't really that bad for women. Maybe that's why some people feel weird about calling (average) women skinny fat?

Pic in #19905 is pretty good example. If that's not skinny fat then wtf is it? Seriously, how would you describe that body if not skinny fat?

Originally Posted by BoooooooM
i wonder if he has a really really fat gf who likes being on top.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 05:12 AM
Was just with a hot 110lb 5'5 chick with zero muscle. Body still felt great. Chick works 80 hours a week, so no time in her opinion.

Cliffs: Plenty of hot bodied chicks who never do anything athletic. There can't be a single male who is not aware that this is possible.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
cashy that guy you posted isn't even skinny fat, he's just skinny.

this is skinny fat
that is slighly overweight(this guy does not have low bf%)

Originally Posted by 00Snitch


Look. If half of all women are overweight/obese, by far the next most prevalent category is skinny-fat. I don't know how this is so hard to understand...

Basically every girl you ever talk to that is a cardio bunny and/or constantly going on all-salad diets and is not overweight/obese is skinny fat (although some of them are just skinny).

It makes perfect sense to call them such because they are not skinny (like runway models), they are not fat (like fatties), they are not toned, lean or muscly (like athletes, girls that lift, bodybuilders, etc)... their bodies aren't attractive (when naked), but they're not fat. Skinny fat.

And of course it connotes a certain level of attractiveness... it's because they have unattractive bodies. What the hell.
you are mistaking (slightly) overweight for skinny fat
it is NOT the same

a skinny fat women would be lean(lowish bf%) but with tits, ass and some curves so what (most) men consider hot

a man with the same attributes(lowish bf%, little muscle, few visible fat stores) would not look good because
a) muscles play a huge role in making a man attractive
b) contrary to women curves are not desirable for men

of course there are few female exceptions(those who store all the fat in unflattering places) but they deserve their own category

Originally Posted by chinz

Pic in #19905 is pretty good example. If that's not skinny fat then wtf is it? Seriously, how would you describe that body if not skinny fat?
slightly overweight(5-15 lbs too much)

Last edited by cashy; 04-09-2013 at 07:23 AM.
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04-09-2013 , 07:59 AM
cashy and txdome:
So basically the "problem" for you is that you think skinny fat has very negative connotation to it... it doesn't. A lot of hot girls are skinny fat, the description just fits them perfectly. Why should skinny fat women be called something else just because skinny fat doesn't look good on guys? Is it also wrong to call hot curvy women curvy... that'd probably have a negative connotation too if you said it about a man.

Originally Posted by cashy
slightly overweight(5-15 lbs too much)
Combine that "slightly overweight" with having low LBM (ie. >90% of girls) and what you have? Pretty much the definition of skinny fat.
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04-09-2013 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
cashy and txdome:
So basically the "problem" for you is that you think skinny fat has very negative connotation to it... it doesn't. A lot of hot girls are skinny fat
thing is that basically nobody would call the hot girl "skinny fat"
most women who get that tag are just a tad overweight

Originally Posted by chinz

Combine that "slightly overweight" with having low LBM (ie. >90% of girls) and what you have? Pretty much the definition of skinny fat.
slightly overweight = sub-optimal bf%
skinny fat = "optimal" bf% but sub-optimal LBM
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:25 AM
skinny fat is not optimal bf% for males or females.

Optimal bf% and low LBM is just skinny

I'd say 'normal' in measures such as BMI but with a higher than normal bf% is skinny fat
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Onitsuka

with a higher than normal bf% is skinny fat
that's fat fat
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:20 AM
Where does the word fat come from if skinny fat means guys with like 10-15% BF, that doesn't make any sense. They're just skinny.

Skinny fat = low LBM and >20% BF but not by so much they'd go into beached whale category. For girls maybe make it >25% BF. So basically someone who's a fatty but not fat enough to look fatty with clothes on.

At least that's what I considered skinny fat and people I know irl and most people at forums seem to have ~same definition.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
Skinny fat = low LBM and >20% BF but not by so much they'd go into beached whale category.
fat fat
where does the word skinny come from

skinny fat = someone who is skinny(low bf%) but still looks somewhat fat(due to lack of LBM)
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:25 AM
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:29 AM
if you want to continue to call slightly overweight people skinny fat go ahead
makes zero sense tho(just call them overweight, no need to invent a new category)
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:29 AM
Skinny fat: "Normal" BMI, no one would describe him as fat, yet has a higher than optimal bodyfat %. Pretty much never has a appreciable muscle mass.

This guy is skinny-fat. No muscle, doesn't look "fat" anywhere. Yet his bodyfat % is higher than you'd think just based on his BMI.
Originally Posted by cashy

Fat fat: Combines both a suboptimal bodyfat % with a higher than "normal" BMI. Might have some muscle mass or might not. Has at least part of his body that people would describe as fat.

This guy is fat-fat. Look at his belly. Not having any muscle on the rest of his body doesn't just qualify him as skinny-fat:

Originally Posted by Country Roads

General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:35 AM
cashy, your definition is notably different from everyone else's, yet you say somebody else is inventing new categories here. Also if you google skinny fat, pretty much all the pictures and descriptions you'll find suggest higher than 15% bodyfat. And even the guy in pic you posted yourself doesn't really seem to go into your category, if you're saying skinny fat means 10-15% BF. With your definition the word "fat" simply becomes completely useless. There's no way anyone with 10-15% BF looks even remotely fat in anyway imo. (unless you're loco or something)

if you want to continue to call slightly overweight people skinny fat go ahead
makes zero sense tho(just call them overweight, no need to invent a new category)
Isn't it quite obvious from the term itself that skinny fat is a sub-category of different types of fatties? ffs.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:35 AM
Thread approaching 20k posts, might die of AIDS before milestone is reached.
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04-09-2013 , 09:38 AM
I like BP's summary, let's leave it at that. /derail
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
cashy, your definition is notably different from everyone else's, yet you say somebody else is inventing new categories here. Also if you google skinny fat, pretty much all the pictures and descriptions you'll find suggest higher than 15% bodyfat. And even the guy in pic you posted yourself doesn't really seem to go into your category, if you're saying skinny fat means 10-15% BF.

With your definition the word "fat" simply becomes completely useless. There's no way anyone with 10-15% BF looks even remotely fat in anyway imo. (unless you're loco or something)
guy in the pic i posted does not have more than 15% bf

Originally Posted by chinz
Isn't it quite obvious from the term itself that skinny fat is sub-category of fatties? ffs.
it is a sub-category of skinnies
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:48 AM
the skinny fat discussion
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04-09-2013 , 09:50 AM
How the **** am I supposed to squat with this going on??

General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Thread approaching 20k posts, might die of AIDS before milestone is reached.
Quick, a triple cocktail! Need pics of weighted assisted pull-ups!
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
How the **** am I supposed to squat with this going on??

Build a home gym?
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 10:03 AM
The the exact same cage my old gym had. It was awesome.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 10:08 AM
The problem with all your pictures is that u have guys that would be more at the extremes of skinny fat (high and low) when in reality the best case would be somewhere in the middle of these 2 guys, if only I had pics of me shirtless before I started lifting you would really see skinny-fat
General Gym Observations Quote
04-09-2013 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
How the **** am I supposed to squat with this going on??
Just be alpha about it. Step over the safety bar or go around the back, load up the bar and start banging out reps as if there's no one there. If you bump into the chick, give her a dirty look afterwards so she knows she's in your way.

Last edited by GMan42; 04-09-2013 at 10:47 AM. Reason: Disclaimer: Yes, I would also stand there and quietly seethe about it without saying/doing anything
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