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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

09-29-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Someone I "know" posted a picture on facebook of himself with a barbell unracked on his back like he was gonna squat it. Things I wished people knew:

1. 110 kg doesn't deserve the complements he got with that picture.
2. The pussy pad is really, really....... really, really embarassing.
3. The towel on his back underneath the pussy pad is also embarassing, and unnecessary.
4. That weird looking, flimsy, tapered belt is a piece of crap.

Seems to me what the fairly obvious path for you should be. You can squat like 180kg+ right? You really need to publicly reply with a pic of your own and a comment of "wow dude you really inspired me to get in the gym and have a go at some squats - btw what's the pad and towel for?"
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 05:38 PM
Unless the comments he was getting were girls saying how much they want to suck his dick, I don't see why it's that bothersome. People actually doing physical activity should be complimented (within reason), even if it's ridiculous. Unless they are douches. Then it's ok to point out how pussy they are.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Seems to me what the fairly obvious path for you should be. You can squat like 180kg+ right? You really need to publicly reply with a pic of your own and a comment of "wow dude you really inspired me to get in the gym and have a go at some squats - btw what's the pad and towel for?"
that'd be fantastic. I expect pics for proof.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Seems to me what the fairly obvious path for you should be. You can squat like 180kg+ right? You really need to publicly reply with a pic of your own and a comment of "wow dude you really inspired me to get in the gym and have a go at some squats - btw what's the pad and towel for?"
lol that's brilliant

Originally Posted by tzwien
Unless the comments he was getting were girls saying how much they want to suck his dick, I don't see why it's that bothersome. People actually doing physical activity should be complimented (within reason), even if it's ridiculous. Unless they are douches. Then it's ok to point out how pussy they are.
I strongly disagree with this. IMO, I don't think people should be complimented on something they SHOULD be doing anyway, even if everyone else is fat and lazy. I don't compare people to other people, I compare them to what they should be.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
lol that's brilliant

I strongly disagree with this. IMO, I don't think people should be complimented on something they SHOULD be doing anyway, even if everyone else is fat and lazy. I don't compare people to other people, I compare them to what they should be.
positive reinforcement is good for people.

Like the chick last who told me last night to that I wasn't reracking the dumbells in the correct spot. I'm going to volunteer my thanks everytime she puts something back in its place, or correct her when she doesn't.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 06:56 PM
Well dude, you were the GGO first in that sitch.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 07:18 PM
The other day some guy complimented my chin-ups and mentioned how he couldn't do one yet, that he would jump into one and then go up and down at the top, but it hadn't been helping. I told him he should do long slow negatives instead and repeat it throughout the day GTG style; this week he came up to me and thanked me for the advice, saying it was the most progress he'd made in a long time. It was nice having the brief feeling of being someone who knew what the **** he was talking about.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I strongly disagree with this. IMO, I don't think people should be complimented on something they SHOULD be doing anyway, even if everyone else is fat and lazy. I don't compare people to other people, I compare them to what they should be.
Lol, that's pretty pathetic. You can do that with every human ever. Nobody lives up to their potential. Every man should be a 5% body fat sex machine, banging women left and right, but not many are.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 07:57 PM
No, no man should, that's like the peak potential of manliness. But "working out" and not being a slob IS something every man should be doing.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 08:57 PM
what about working out and being a slob. what's that get me.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-29-2012 , 11:19 PM
respect on an internet poker forum
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2012 , 01:01 AM
Saw a guy walk on his hands for about 8 feet today in the middle of the weight room. I tried to hate on it, but it was damn impressive. His mirror shadow boxing bouts were less impressive, though, and I had no difficulty looking down on him for that.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2012 , 02:30 AM
I seen a hot asian girl doing yoga poses in the stretching area. She was doing super difficult gumby stuff. Is was mad sexy. Then I seen her do this yoga head-stand pose where her feet are straight up in the air. She held that position for a solid 10 minutes. It was unbelievable.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2012 , 09:21 AM
I saw a guy wear a belt to DL 135 lbs in between sets of ab-rolling on some kind of skateboard.

A chick was putting her feet in the handles of a cable station and doing some kinda one-leg kung fu balancing act.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2012 , 06:11 PM
pack of skinny asians lifting with the most atrocious form i have ever seen, and leaving aprox. 20 dumbbells just lying in the middle of the gym, for shame.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-30-2012 , 07:32 PM
Who wears a camelback at the gym? Now he is doing standing curls with it on. Wait he took it off to do sitting curls. Now he just put it back on to do standing hammer curls. No time for hydration breaks bro?

Variance: he was curling a lot more than I could
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2012 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
The other day some guy complimented my chin-ups and mentioned how he couldn't do one yet, that he would jump into one and then go up and down at the top, but it hadn't been helping. I told him he should do long slow negatives instead and repeat it throughout the day GTG style; this week he came up to me and thanked me for the advice, saying it was the most progress he'd made in a long time. It was nice having the bro feeling of being someone who knew what the **** he was talking about.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2012 , 07:02 PM

Last edited by GMan42; 10-01-2012 at 07:03 PM. Reason: but lol, yeah basically
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 05:54 AM
danielpeterson going daily in gym
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by danielpeterson
Thanks a lot for the share.this is very need ed information for me.because i going daily in gym.our instracter is not a well this information will help me..
That's more like it, much better than the spinach one. Check out his other posts while you still can, folks...
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:30 AM
It's National Day Golden Week holiday in China atm. Almost everyone has the entire week off and most things are closed.

I sent a text message to a girl working in the gym to ask if the gym was open. She said "sure! tomorrow!" so I go there and turns out it was actually closed but she had a key and opened it just for me and hung around until I was done with my leg workout. Squatting. All alone. In ghost gym.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:33 AM
perfect opportunity to do curls on a bosu ball in the squat rack with gloves and chalk
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:37 AM
hahaha lolled irl
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:41 AM
I assume you tore your shirt off, flexed your manly chesticles then sexed her in the showers?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:53 AM
Yep that's exactly how it went down in my head. Spinach all over the place. Told her to call me "Arnold" as well. So hot.
General Gym Observations Quote
