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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

05-17-2011 , 07:02 PM
WTF creep
General Gym Observations Quote
05-17-2011 , 08:48 PM
I think some people take the title of this thread a little too literally. You don't have to post all oberservations about every time you see someone do a routine that isn't starting strength.

Not really directed at anyone specifically but it does apply to some more than others.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-17-2011 , 11:11 PM
jfc i catch a guy watching me do my set then when i get up he swoops in and adjusts the bench so he can do iso curls. with like 3 other spots he could have done them within 15 ft. cant believe i didnt lose it.

however, a random kid somehow managed to use the pull up bar like it was monkey bars. looked like that scene from little giants. unbelievable.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
What was so important that it warranted such urgency to clear out the area so rapidly? He sat down and played with his iPod for a few minutes and chatted with his girlfriend. After five or so minutes, his girlfriend put a five on each side and got a single set of those Smith squats with the feet way out in front of the bar. Over ten minutes later, Mr. America finally did his single set of terrible Smith squats....the same as his girlfriend's -- except without the depth.
i feel your sentiments here. but fwiw, when i am in a crappy gym people leave their crap lying all over the place so even though i want to be polite and not touch other people's stuff, i can't wait at every place cause a lot of the time no one will ever come back.

actually last time i was in the gym three people starting working deadlifts together and i asked them how many sets they had left just to let them know i was waiting. then when they finished they walked around and stood around the DL without telling me they were actually done. so i politely waited for them and suffered for it. then when i figured out they were done, i had to ask them to unload their weight.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
I wouldn't have minded as much if it were a good lifter, but this guy spends most of his time in the gym strolling around (when he's not sitting down) and adjusting his iPod. Also, it was clear I was there....I had weights loaded and a real belt (I use the same type Cha uses in his videos -- at least on some of my max sets). Also, he didn't even set my belt down properly.
in my experience the strong people who lift good have had perfect gym ettiqute.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 12:44 AM
Except for Captain Kirk. What a ****.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by sayid_the_saviour
i feel your sentiments here. but fwiw, when i am in a crappy gym people leave their crap lying all over the place so even though i want to be polite and not touch other people's stuff, i can't wait at every place cause a lot of the time no one will ever come back.

actually last time i was in the gym three people starting working deadlifts together and i asked them how many sets they had left just to let them know i was waiting. then when they finished they walked around and stood around the DL without telling me they were actually done. so i politely waited for them and suffered for it. then when i figured out they were done, i had to ask them to unload their weight.
Yes, I understand that perfectly. If I were gone for five or ten minutes, I'd have expected to find my bar unloaded and my belt in a corner somewhere and would have blamed no one but myself. I'd have been embarrassed, in fact.

However, in my case I was gone literally only 30 seconds, and I positioned my belt intentionally to show the bar was in use. I can't imagine walking up to a loaded bar with a weight belt right there and immediately chucking the belt to the side and taking the space.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 01:32 AM
Heh, okay, I would never mess around with a belt placed on top of a loaded bar : )
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 03:37 PM
I generally look around for 10 - 15 seconds and ask someone nearby if anyone was using a loaded bar. I would never wait 1 full minute. It is totally standard for ******s to leave loaded bars out and for me to unrack them before I can begin working. Also the fact that he's doing useless exercises is irrelevant.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 03:43 PM
Seems pretty unreasonable to me.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 03:47 PM
this has been happening at my gym recently as the rack i will have a clipboard with a pencil and notes, towel over the bar, belt over the rack, protein shake on the ground, be getting water for a few minutes or maybe taking a piss and people will unload my much **** do i have to leave at the station to let people know its being used?
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Duerig
Also the fact that he's doing useless exercises is irrelevant.
It would be irrelevant except he wasn't doing useless exercises. He wasn't doing any exercises. He sat down on a bench next to the Smith machine and spent five minutes chatting with his girlfriend and choosing songs on his iPod. Also, he didn't even give the obligatory, "sorry, I didn't know anyone was using this," when I got back literally ten seconds after he got there. Instead, he said, "don't're not in our way." LOL

I have moved stuff before, but I've never moved stuff if I wasn't planning on even setting up for a lift for another five minutes and I've surely not done so without asking people in the immediate area if anyone was lifting there.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
this has been happening at my gym recently as the rack i will have a clipboard with a pencil and notes, towel over the bar, belt over the rack, protein shake on the ground, be getting water for a few minutes or maybe taking a piss and people will unload my much **** do i have to leave at the station to let people know its being used?
I hear there are miraculous devices for carrying water around with you available, like a mobile water fountain
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:35 PM
meh...i already carry around a protein shake, but i would get super bored and lose my energy if i stood in the rack during 3-5 minute rest periods, so i get walk to the water fountains during my rests...also, less to carry to the gym with me...
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Saw two teenage bro wanna be's today. Both probably 16 or 17. One is a super skinny white kid and his shorter asian friend. Asian guy is pretty skinny too, but much less so that whitey and has slightly defined arms, of course whitey thinks his friend is Ronnie Coleman and hangs on his every word.

Saw the asian kid doing some of worst form bench presses I've ever seen, both legs off the ground kicking like he's swimming for his life.

Later when they were over doing curls (ldo) by the dumbells I was sitting close enough to hear their conversation, i'm not privy to many 16 year old's conversations anymore so it was interesting.

It drifted from supplement talk (NO explode is the best btw, it's not too weak or too strong, whatever that means) to video game talk (one of them knows a guy who can win like 1v12's online in Call of Duty Black Ops, no lie) and finally back to gym talk "What should we do now? Let's work back" and on to the standing row machine.

I'll cut them some slack because pretty much 99% of teenagers are ******s so no biggie.
what else would two 16 year-olds in the gym talk about?

Originally Posted by GambleGamble
After not hitting the gym since last Tuesday I stroll in today to finally get back in there and do some OHPs... but of course some guys were in the only squat rack


...2 of the guys are regs who do minimal brotastic crap, the one being basically trained by the other was doing 225 to decent depth for a couple sets then switched to box squats while the other guy Ive seen do everything from DL ~500 x5, PC 225x5 then did 405 to parallel. The only sad thing was they had a kid with them (maybe 15 tops and he was doing 95 but with no depth at all and they were not correcting him.

So all in all I didnt feel to bad and since its been a week just did BP instead.


On a an amusing side note (at least to me) my roommates BF was over this weekend and he jokingly played tough guy for a minute with me so I randomly starting being a creeper to him by giving him stare downs etc as I was doing **** around the apartment and at one point he was sitting where we could see each other but no one else could so I jokingly took off shirt grabbed a curl bar I have in my room and stood there where only he could see just eyeballing him while curling over and over again til he looked an me then I just gave him a final stare down until I stepped into my room... he was like WTF creep.
well, you definitely looked creepy!

[ ]I get the humor
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 05:30 PM

Fair enough!
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
meh...i already carry around a protein shake, but i would get super bored and lose my energy if i stood in the rack during 3-5 minute rest periods, so i get walk to the water fountains during my rests...also, less to carry to the gym with me...
**** that. you sit and wallow and visualize your next set for the entire rest period.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
meh...i already carry around a protein shake, but i would get super bored and lose my energy if i stood in the rack during 3-5 minute rest periods, so i get walk to the water fountains during my rests...also, less to carry to the gym with me...
H&F on the iPhone
General Gym Observations Quote
05-18-2011 , 10:10 PM
heh, i would probably end up head banging and dancing around after getting bored after 20 seconds of just sitting there...

new band of the week "feed her to the sharks"
General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 12:11 AM

At gym, I get there and my stuff is occupied so I sit in the corner and play chess on my iPhone 4(thinnn veil) until it frees up. There's these two Asian women in their 30s on the recumbents talking in Chinese, pretty common. I finally get a spot and start squatting. No big deal, just me and them two, they don't pay attention to me, I don't pay attention to them.

Finish my 3 sets, do press and bench, again, nothing whatsoever.

I start putting weights on the bar to DL and I notice one of them is looking in my direction. Like, head fully turned. I glance over and just give a genuine smile and a "hey" and go back.

She hasn't moved and her voice immediately changes to that semi-quiet whisper and she says something to her friend and now they're both looking at me. I look back and they make no effort to not look. At this point in time a guy walks in the gym and goes straight to the bathroom/steam room.

I start to deadlift and notice in the mirror the first girl is looking directly at me and smiling hardcore. I do my best to focus through and not get distracted and actually get in some awesome DLs for the first time ever.

I finish and look back and she just smiles at me and looks at me. I get really uncomfortable and figure I have a **** stain on my shorts or something and go in to the bathroom. Nothing weird with my outfit.

Definitely not GGO worthy, until I look up in the bathroom and notice the guy in the steam room is pressed directly up against the glass and just STARING at me through the glass door. I was so startled I almost lost my balance and fell.

I undress and go toward the steam room and as I grab the door the guy doesn't move an inch. I open it and just kinda give him a nod and he says in some vague Euro accent "come in" I consider sprinting out of there in my boxers but decide not to.

I sit down and then he sits down on the other side and doesn't look at me and acts like a normal dude again. 45 seconds later I'm finished with the shortest and longest steam session I've ever had. I put on my shorts and catch out of the corner of my eye the guy is just staring at me again. I ran out of the bathroom soaked, holding my shirt, socks, and shoes.

The two women saw me and didn't give me a second glance or make a sound.



one of these is not like the other

General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 01:25 AM
^^ I lol'd

Awkward moments is one of the reasons I try to stay off from the steam room
General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 01:28 AM

Something similar happened to me years ago. I was squatting and some guy behind me (I saw him through the mirror) was staring toward my back and smiling, his eyes following my squat motion. When done, I stepped aside and his eyes followed -- with an even bigger smile.

I slowly turned my head back toward him with concern. He noted my concern and said, "hi....I was just reading your shirt." It turned out that I was wearing a shirt with some sort of semi-humorous top 10 list on the back and had forgotten all about it! LOL

Needless to say, I had to offer my apologies for that one.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 01:31 AM
My shirt is blue.

I guess I just got a purdy mouth
General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 05:47 AM

clearly they wanted a threesome and you blew it.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-19-2011 , 06:33 AM
think people staring at you is weird? how about this: i was in the train at the end of a carriage, close enough to see through into the next one through glass, sitting directly opposite me through the window is a young asian chick. 10 mins after i get on the train she randomly pulls out a sketchpad and starts drawing while obviously glancing at me every few seconds. after about 30 seconds i'm staring right at her with a puzzled expression on my face, to her credit it didn't phase her at all and she kept drawing

had no idea what to think about that, atm just assuming she wanted penis
General Gym Observations Quote
