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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

10-01-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Sagan
Well I'm sure he could leg press like 35 plates, so you know....gotta catch up.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
If you're doing a lift on a smith machine, you're doing it wrong.
There are ways to do things more wrong than others.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2010 , 10:39 PM
That's pretty ****** deep man.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-02-2010 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
There are ways to do things more wrong than others.
Cool. Next you gonna blow my mind with insights like "water is wet" and "sky is blue"?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-02-2010 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
The strange thing is, I've seen her squat before (when she wasn't pregnant), and she didn't seem to have this awful form. Smiths are of course evil, but if you are doing a lift where you would literally fall over if it weren't a Smith, you are doing it wrong.

Then again, she had no weight on it other than the bar, so maybe it was more of a stretching thing. She used to have decent weight on it.
Maybe her belly gets in the way of normal squats now that she's pregnant
General Gym Observations Quote
10-02-2010 , 06:51 AM
I do not support the lurve of the fat acceptance movement ITT.

ETA: lul at 70sGhey using a CrossFitter.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-02-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
ETA: lul at 70sGhey using a CrossFitter.
This is in fact pretty lolz and made me chuckle a bit when I first noticed as well.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:30 AM
How has this fallen to the 3rd page.

Something LOL happened to me when I just went to the gym. Its 3am and its generally me, the trainer and this one other bro who does a bunch of upper body work.

I am warming up near the squat rack doing air squats, hug stretch etc. This guy lays on the floor about ~10 feet away from me and the trainer follows. He starts putting on 45lbs plates on his chest as the dude is laying on the floor. gets to 11 and then lets them stay on for ~10 seconds and then the trainer snap takes them off. The whole process of loading up to 495 was probably over a minute and a half. I must of had a wtf look on my face because the guy comes up to me in the middle of one of my sets and tells me he is training for cars to run over him, he wants to set some sort of record and then showed me a vid on his iphone/itouch w/e. lolol
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 06:12 AM

oh hai guiz. Have you noticed that if there are two drinking fountains close to each other, only one is ever cold?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 06:40 AM
It's because everyone goes to the higher one. Which is why I use the lower one. This tip is pro at my 24 Hour Fitness.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:44 PM
My gym is holding a powerlifting contest in the beginning of November. I overheard three bros discussing it.

Bro 1: You guys gonna do that powerlifting thing?
Bro 2: Maybe, I think I'll do bench.
Bro 1: Yeah, I was thinking about bench.
Bro 3: Yeah, I'll def do bench.

General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 03:01 PM

I know squat (heh) about PL meets; is it possible to only do one lift?

And awesome story DWD

Last edited by Soulman; 10-05-2010 at 03:15 PM. Reason: A 1/16th squat story worth telling silky, lol
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman

I know squat (heh) about PL meets; is it possible to only do one lift?
wp, and yes.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 03:08 PM
2 squat racks and 2 power cages in my gym. I am on a squat rack doing squats, there is a busy man in the other one alternating bicep curls and forearm curls with 55lbs. both cages are open.

A guy asked me how many sets I had left, I said I was gonna be on here for awhile but you can work in. He said that's ok Ill go to the smith machine. Goodbye. Then he comes back because all the smith machines are full. Then he asks me if I could go to the power cage because he doesn't like them. GTF away from me.

I just frowned.

So he reluctantly sets up in the power cage and squats 135 a bit above parallel then 225 1/4" then 285 1/8" then uh oh he is going for 3 plates. Man I should have moved for him when i had the chance now he is gonna own me with his massiveness. He gets it off the rack and goes for the 1/16th depth but wait he cant hold it and goes crashing down onto the pins. WHy even bend your knees buddy just unracking counts as a set amirite?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 03:10 PM
Well he certainly showed you whos boss lol. What a tard.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
If you're doing a lift on a smith machine, you're doing it wrong.
Guess I better needlessly endanger myself by doing my calf raises freeweight from now on!!
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Party
Guess I better needlessly endanger myself by doing my calf raises freeweight from now on!!
how's your calf development coming? really filling in? i have low insertions and my gastroc and soleus are lacking. but i've been supersetting seated and standing calf raises, donkey raises and extreme ROM stretching between each round, and i've def noticed some solid diamond shaping coming out.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2010 , 06:04 PM
drama would be impressed
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10-05-2010 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
how's your calf development coming? really filling in? i have low insertions and my gastroc and soleus are lacking. but i've been supersetting seated and standing calf raises, donkey raises and extreme ROM stretching between each round, and i've def noticed some solid diamond shaping coming out.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:48 AM
They just had a guy on the History channel who is the "human speedbump" on their modern marvels program. But this guy had an extra abdominal muscle running down the center.

Originally Posted by DontWakeDaddy
How has this fallen to the 3rd page.

Something LOL happened to me when I just went to the gym. Its 3am and its generally me, the trainer and this one other bro who does a bunch of upper body work.

I am warming up near the squat rack doing air squats, hug stretch etc. This guy lays on the floor about ~10 feet away from me and the trainer follows. He starts putting on 45lbs plates on his chest as the dude is laying on the floor. gets to 11 and then lets them stay on for ~10 seconds and then the trainer snap takes them off. The whole process of loading up to 495 was probably over a minute and a half. I must of had a wtf look on my face because the guy comes up to me in the middle of one of my sets and tells me he is training for cars to run over him, he wants to set some sort of record and then showed me a vid on his iphone/itouch w/e. lolol
General Gym Observations Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:42 PM
not an observation, a funny story though from earlier tonight.

I was in the changeroom alone (very small, fits about 2 ppl), and as I was putting on my shoes i noticed that there was a large amount of dirt bunched up in the middle indent of my shoe. so i use my hand to scoop it out. it wasn't dirt. I know had 3 huge gobs of dog **** on 3 of my fingers. I was just staring at my hand in awe. Some dude walked in and he must've stared at me a good 5 seconds before i noticed him and looked up. the only thing i managed to say was "bro", before he turned and walked out. I have no idea why I said bro, i've probably said it less than 5 times in my lifetime.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
not an observation, a funny story though from earlier tonight.

I was in the changeroom alone (very small, fits about 2 ppl), and as I was putting on my shoes i noticed that there was a large amount of dirt bunched up in the middle indent of my shoe. so i use my hand to scoop it out. it wasn't dirt. I know had 3 huge gobs of dog **** on 3 of my fingers. I was just staring at my hand in awe. Some dude walked in and he must've stared at me a good 5 seconds before i noticed him and looked up. the only thing i managed to say was "bro", before he turned and walked out. I have no idea why I said bro, i've probably said it less than 5 times in my lifetime.
that. is. disgusting.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-06-2010 , 10:36 PM
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10-06-2010 , 11:14 PM

**** covered fingers ITT
General Gym Observations Quote
10-06-2010 , 11:33 PM
Douchebag older dude, curling weight way too heavy for him, in that he used his whole back for literally every rep, and he was showing this really weak looking woman how to work out by only doing curls in the power rack. Was giving me advice on using different equipment to squat or military press for the power rack. After he saw the way I looked at him, he decided not to do his forearms in the power rack anymore and go to the preacher curl station so the lady could really blast her guns.
General Gym Observations Quote
