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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

12-02-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
Ryan Reynolds, Dane Cook, Seth Rogan vehicle imo
One of these things is not like the others.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
when i used to manage a gym and sell memberships, and indians would come in, i would start the prices off at something like $2000 Initiation and $500/month with a 10 year contract, which would give me wiggle room to actually sell the membership for its real price of around $200 down and $30/month for a month to month plan. if you didnt start that ridiculously high, they would never buy because all they care about is getting a deal. the whole barter culture type **** puts me on lifetilt.
I never have any good gym observations as my gym is awesome. Some Indian taxi driver was trying to get a good deal on joining up as he could have 5 others sign up too. They were explaining they don't do any offers whatsoever. The Indian was relentless and the conversation went to this weird way of the owners having to repeat that they don't do any offers for anyone.

At the end of the conversation it comes to light that the 5 people he would sign up with him had already signed up, showed up once and never came again. The taxi driver took huge glee in this as they had all been lying to brag about how often they'd all been going. Owner replied, 'it's not that big of a deal. that's why we have the free trial, most people come once, puke and then never show up again.'
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
One of these things is not like the others.
Ryan Reynolds is obv the cool trainer that knows his stuff, Dane Cook is the evil dumb ass trainer. Seth Rogen will be one of their clients who has to hilariously lose x number of pounds or his girlfriend is going to dump him, or something. Practically writes itself. Female lead probably the broad that is married to Borat, and a small part for Paul Rudd as a comical, clueless fitness enthusiast. $$$
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
I know its cliche at this point but I had a new epically bad bench spotter.

He was reasonably big, although he was doing "deadlifts" in the middle of the gym floor with a short bar. I assumed he was just a standard bench monkey. So anyway I give him my spiel about only giving me help if I ask for it but I would like a liftoff, don't hover your hands under the bar, etc.

I lie down on the bench and the guy proceedes to unrack the weight BEFORE I EVEN GRAB THE BAR. He's then like "woah this is heavy you got it?" Of course its heavy, its literally twice what he was deadlifting. I barely make my hands up to the bar before he drops it on my chest and I sputter out a rep and rack it.

He tells me to let him know if I need another spot.
Wait the guy dropped the bar on your chest? Holy ****ing ****!
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Wait the guy dropped the bar on your chest? Holy ****ing ****!
Doug really has epic run-bad at bench spotters, lol.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
Ryan Reynolds is obv the cool trainer that knows his stuff, Dane Cook is the evil dumb ass trainer. Seth Rogen will be one of their clients who has to hilariously lose x number of pounds or his girlfriend is going to dump him, or something. Practically writes itself. Female lead probably the broad that is married to Borat, and a small part for Paul Rudd as a comical, clueless fitness enthusiast. $$$
This is very good.

Pitching the movie with Dane Cook is probably the best shot at getting it made.

Making the movie with Dane Cook is probably the best way to lose money.

But I could be very wrong. Dane Cook would probably rule in this role since he wouldn't have to act. Actually, I'm starting to dig the Dane Cook heel turn.

Don't forget your token Asian comic relief - Ken Jeung, John Cho, or Rex Lee will do. Since you can't make fun of black stereotypes in movies anymore (unless they're thinly masked as Transformers), you need to lay into those wacky Asians with their analytical minds and small dorks.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 10:29 PM
Has the potential to be better than dodgeball imo.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Has the potential to be better than dodgeball imo.
Talk about loading the bar with 2.5s.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-02-2009 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Had to run an errand and parked in front of a gym I used to belong to 4-5 years ago. There is a huge glass wall with machines and equipment right by the street. Looking in the window, I got to see the following, all at once:

1) Lateral dumbbell raises while standing on a vertically oriented dumbbell (on its end). No clue on this one.

2) A trainer "coaching" a girl to do 1/2 ROM band-assisted air squats. The band was attached to the top of a machine, so basically she would bounce back into the squat and let the band pull her up.

3) A second trainer holding up his client and spotting/pushing him through 1/3 ROM pullups (didn't go all the way up or down).

It was like looking back into bizarro world.
God trainers ****ing tilt the **** out of me. I want to initiate a globogym pt genocide sometimes. It's just so god damn stupid how it's THEIR ****ING JOB to teach people how to exercise and they still can't pull it off even with the wealth of information available. It's completely understandable for the uneducated gym-goer masses to constantly be ****ing up, but from somebody who does it for a living it's just mind-bogglingly ******ed.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 12:22 AM
I had a client start talking **** about another trainer because he saw him make someone do something stupid. That was pretty awesome.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
you are just a big jerk and a bully. You think it's funny going around and stirring **** and being a bully and spitting in peoples face when all we are trying to do is impart our wisdom upon you and others and be helpful.
hey do you know what a bully is? how can i be a bully if the entire forum is united against me? f-
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
God trainers ****ing tilt the **** out of me. I want to initiate a globogym pt genocide sometimes. It's just so god damn stupid how it's THEIR ****ING JOB to teach people how to exercise and they still can't pull it off even with the wealth of information available. It's completely understandable for the uneducated gym-goer masses to constantly be ****ing up, but from somebody who does it for a living it's just mind-bogglingly ******ed.
they need to make it extremely complicated and mysterious or people would stop paying them.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
Ryan Reynolds is obv the cool trainer that knows his stuff, Dane Cook is the evil dumb ass trainer. Seth Rogen will be one of their clients who has to hilariously lose x number of pounds or his girlfriend is going to dump him, or something. Practically writes itself. Female lead probably the broad that is married to Borat, and a small part for Paul Rudd as a comical, clueless fitness enthusiast. $$$
I could write out a screen play for this simple of a movie in less than a week. Give me a month and it would be awesome.

I don't think there would honestly be a market for it, though. But I could be wrong.

I think it'd be hilarious, tbh.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 12:06 PM
Make sure I get a cut of the proceeds.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Doug really has epic run-bad at bench spotters, lol.
I think it's just the time that I go. 7:30 pm is after all the athletes are done but right when the fat girls show up to do 20 minutes of elliptical before their PWO pint of Ben & Jerry's. I usually have a good handle on who is competent enough to spot because I've been going to this gym for over 5 years, but there's been a lot of new faces the last couple weeks.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 05:51 PM
Two guys at the gym today were literally bro spotting EVERY rep i looked over at. It was their chest day obv and i kid you not i did not see them do a single rep in half an hour that the others hands weren't all over. I'm not saying they might've squeezed a couple of reps out unaided but i didn't see them.

You had the full spectrum. Bench/Raise combo, Numerous DB benches with hands under the elbows, Incline DB bench with front raise spots again, weird stuff with the cable machine. I'm actually not that hard on a bit of bro spotting but that was taking the piss. The thing is they looked allright tbh fairly muscled. Heard them speaking about some wonder £30 supplement with some unbelievably cheesy name that i actually lol'd inside at the time, like TESTblaster or something. Thank the lord for Bro's.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I could write out a screen play for this simple of a movie in less than a week. Give me a month and it would be awesome.

I don't think there would honestly be a market for it, though. But I could be wrong.

I think it'd be hilarious, tbh.
id watch it....

i go to a "fancy/nice gym". its 170/month + 300ish initiation (honestly not sure since company pays), but they've been emailing me for months about a personal health/fitness assessment with their PT. today i am going to try it out of sheer curiosity....see what they tell me.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 07:24 PM
they will probably ban you from squatting deep because they trained with matthew pinsent
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
This is very good.

Pitching the movie with Dane Cook is probably the best shot at getting it made.

Making the movie with Dane Cook is probably the best way to lose money.

But I could be very wrong. Dane Cook would probably rule in this role since he wouldn't have to act. Actually, I'm starting to dig the Dane Cook heel turn.

Don't forget your token Asian comic relief - Ken Jeung, John Cho, or Rex Lee will do. Since you can't make fun of black stereotypes in movies anymore (unless they're thinly masked as Transformers), you need to lay into those wacky Asians with their analytical minds and small dorks.
i like this post a lot. could you please explain your comment about black stereotypes and Transformers?
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
they will probably ban you from squatting deep because they trained with matthew pinsent
Lol is this comment from experience?

Just say you trained with Hoy. He squats ATG.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by EternalWanderer
His right side was always stronger than his left, so as I was preoccupied all the weights slide off one half of the bar crashing to the ground, then the other half fell off. Everyone in the room stared at us and then one of the bodybuilders berated me for not properly spotting.
Ha you muthufukas that don't use colars! I told you this was going to f*cking happen!

Originally Posted by milesdyson

Originally Posted by downtown
1) Lateral dumbbell raises while standing on a vertically oriented dumbbell (on its end). No clue on this one.
What the sh*t? This sounds really hard... Dangerous... but really f*cking hard.

Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Lol is this comment from experience?
Don't get out of the General Gym Observations thread often?
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Don't get out of the General Gym Observations thread often?
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:22 PM
Look on the front page for "SO ANGRY PLEASE HELP" quite a lol read that wouldn't be out of place in this thread really.

For future readers:
General Gym Observations Quote
12-03-2009 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
they will probably ban you from squatting deep because they trained with matthew pinsent
pinsent is actually a rowing icon and a beast so i have tons of respect for the man. scheduled my appointment with one of these guys in a few days. we'll see how it goes....

random: there was a guy just now who is clearly doing ss. first person i saw deadlift since august. both him and me were doing deadlif, bp and squat today, meanwhile there were at least 10 guys curling. i wanted to say something to him but didn't do it ...:/

one of the bicep guys was doing curls WHILE doing decline abs. this stuff never gets old for me. go him.
General Gym Observations Quote
12-04-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
the thread he started is about getting banned from squatting
General Gym Observations Quote
