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Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd

12-08-2013 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
How the **** does the guy just walk in front of the camera like that at the most important moment of the lift? Still, nice on the PR! Also nice effort on 440. I'm actually inspired seeing you fail a heavy FS and HBBS. Still using great form, and they looked solid enough that I expect you'll nail those PRs soon enough.
****ing Sam. Thanks! I think if I could hold that sticking point for one more second I could've grinded it up but I bailed pretty quickly. I've got another shot at 440 towards the end of the month, so there's a chance!
Originally Posted by Evoken
Do you guys think limb lengths positively are correlated with penis length? It consoles me to think that people with short arms/legs who can squat or jerk a barbell very well probably have small penises, and black guys never have short limbs and asian guys often do. Just sayin'

But hey, gj on the squat pr.
You upset? You're probably right, but luckily the short levers give me the ability to lift some heavy weights which makes the ladies moist. At that point, dick size becomes largely irrelevant imo.


Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Dayam bro. 425 is nice! That 440 was really close too. A good fail.

Originally Posted by elrey
All this strength work is gonna negatively affect your met cons tho
I should do some more metcons while I'm doing this keto phase of my diet. Fat will just melt off and then I get the abz. I will finally look like I CrossFit.
Originally Posted by downtown
Nice squat.

Just lol at the spotter though.
I think he trolled me irl. He low bar squatted 435# right after, but he weighs 230 so f him.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-08-2013 , 11:10 PM
Who needs to worry about satisfying a woman when you're extremely proficient at jerking?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-09-2013 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Who needs to worry about satisfying a woman?




Well, it's not a "strict press" and I notice my heels actually come off the ground (the ****?)... Regardless, that's a 193.6# OHP and I weighed in at 192.6# this morning.




Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 04:05 PM
Good work thus far fredd. Crossfit logs are so fun to follow!

How do I get better at moving my front foot in the jerk? I seem to jump my feet rather than slide, also I have arms twice as long as yours is this a factor iyo?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
Good work thus far fredd. Crossfit logs are so fun to follow!

How do I get better at moving my front foot in the jerk? I seem to jump my feet rather than slide, also I have arms twice as long as yours is this a factor iyo?
I know right? You never know what they are going to do next! It's like P90x with weights!

Hmm, never had that problem so I'm not sure exactly how to fix it. Is your landing pretty inconsistent?

How much have you messed with power or squat jerking?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 05:21 PM
Iana oly expert, but would jerk balances help with that?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 05:33 PM
Never heard of a jerk balance, but the Catalyst video makes it look like it would help. I'd make sure to only do it with pretty low weights since it looks like a somewhat unstable starting position.

I remember at the Pendlay clinic he would have us slide into place, then manually move our feet/legs/whatever was needed to be in the right position. We'd practice that a couple reps. Then once we got the feel for it, we'd do a split jerk with just the bar and OHP for several reps to get used to being there. I still do this as part of my standard warmup. I think I explained it well, but I'll take some video tonight of the drill.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Never heard of a jerk balance, but the Catalyst video makes it look like it would help. I'd make sure to only do it with pretty low weights since it looks like a somewhat unstable starting position.
When this movement shows up in my programming, 50-60% off your max jerk is the usual working weight and it's usually for sets of 3-5.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 06:17 PM
I used to work on "tall jerks" to address that issue. I think it helped.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I know right? You never know what they are going to do next! It's like P90x with weights!

Hmm, never had that problem so I'm not sure exactly how to fix it. Is your landing pretty inconsistent?

How much have you messed with power or squat jerking?
I'd say I'm rather consistent with foot placement. Yes both- although squat jerking with manute bowl arms is tough. I think about 80 is my best?

Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
When this movement shows up in my programming, 50-60% off your max jerk is the usual working weight and it's usually for sets of 3-5.

Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Never heard of a jerk balance, but the Catalyst video makes it look like it would help. I'd make sure to only do it with pretty low weights since it looks like a somewhat unstable starting position.

I remember at the Pendlay clinic he would have us slide into place, then manually move our feet/legs/whatever was needed to be in the right position. We'd practice that a couple reps. Then once we got the feel for it, we'd do a split jerk with just the bar and OHP for several reps to get used to being there. I still do this as part of my standard warmup. I think I explained it well, but I'll take some video tonight of the drill.
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
When this movement shows up in my programming, 50-60% off your max jerk is the usual working weight and it's usually for sets of 3-5.

Nice- I'll use it.

Originally Posted by downtown
I used to work on "tall jerks" to address that issue. I think it helped.

Thanks for the rec- I'll try it tonight. If used a paused split jerk- dip, pause for a 2 count then jerk but I still look like a cheerleader with my feet.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Then once we got the feel for it, we'd do a split jerk with just the bar and OHP for several reps to get used to being there.
this worked wonders for me. my split jerk was hot garbage, and after working a few sets of this into my warm ups before doing c&js improved them to luke warm garbage.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 10:54 PM
12/9 PM

Front Squat


Making up a heavy front squat session I missed from last week.



Didn't need many warmup sets, but these felt super heavy. I'm guessing a combination of the heavy squats on Sadderday, switch to keto, and slightly cooler temperature lead to a bad day. I was supposed to snatch and c&j up to a daily max today, but I decided to just do some bar work while teaching some people proper positions. Prob a lightish weightlifting day tomorrow with the intentions of some PR attempts on Thursday.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-10-2013 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I used to work on "tall jerks" to address that issue. I think it helped.
Looks legit. This is one of the things that sucks about trying to help others with their lifts. I really only know my path and trying to figure out what others need to do has me a bit lost.

Originally Posted by shamrock20

Thanks for the rec- I'll try it tonight. If used a paused split jerk- dip, pause for a 2 count then jerk but I still look like a cheerleader with my feet.
Oh ya, I really liked heavy pause jerks. They made me feel like I started getting under the bar and I kinda forgot about them. I'll be doing those on my warm up lifts.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-11-2013 , 11:43 PM
12/11 PM

Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch

90,95,102xo,107o (PR) , 110xx

Felt good so I kept going up. Thanks Abadjiev. 107 is technically a snatch PR and I hit it doing a complex. NotSureIfCountsForWhiteboard.gif



So mehh on C&J right now.

I planned for a light day. After I went heavy on snatches, I made certain to cut C&J short. Then I went out and ****ed up my keto by smashing a pizza + 3 beers since tomorrow is #MaxOutThursday. Good day and tomorrow will be good as well.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-12-2013 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I remember at the Pendlay clinic he would have us slide into place, then manually move our feet/legs/whatever was needed to be in the right position. We'd practice that a couple reps. Then once we got the feel for it, we'd do a split jerk with just the bar and OHP for several reps to get used to being there. I still do this as part of my standard warmup. I think I explained it well, but I'll take some video tonight of the drill.
Originally Posted by shamrock20
Nice- I'll use it.
A couple cleans with just the bar to start off and then I go straight into a split jerk. I really focus on landing on the heel with my front foot, which I think keeps my feet closer to the ground when I split. Once I get the bar overhead I make sure to get balanced and then do some reps. Note that I get unbalanced on like rep 6 and stabilize my body while the bar is overhead so I can have more practice doing that. But ya, it's a pretty simple drill.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-13-2013 , 03:19 PM
12/12 PM






Just a ****in terrible day. Had very little energy after supercarbing with pizza and beer the night before and only got 6 hours of sleep.

Also am having some discomfort in my back. I'd hardly call it pain, but it is something that's happening regularly. Going to setup an appointment with the ART guy next week and see what's up. Taking tonight and possibly this weekend off from lifting depending on how my back feels.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-17-2013 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Indianapolis, IN, United States 12/17/2013 9:26 A.M. Departure Scan

Whoop whoop! I was worried they might get stuck in mediocrity forever.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-17-2013 , 11:29 AM
12/13 PM




Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch




So much for taking it easy. I got warmed up and everything felt good so I kept going.

12/14 AM

Took the morning off from lifting and did some mobility work.

12/15 PM




Bench Press


12/16 PM





Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-17-2013 , 09:44 PM
12/17 PM




Front Squat



Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:34 AM
You don't really take a lot of days off do you?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
You don't really take a lot of days off do you?
I usually take 1 day off per week. Am I supposed to just wait around until I feel like lifting? If you want to get good at something, do it every day. Days off are just a waste of time.

Last edited by fredd-bird; 12-18-2013 at 09:18 AM.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:38 AM
That speaker has another vid which is my favorite motivational vid of all time. The one with the kai greene and sports footage in it.

Finished the WarOfArt book by the way. Good stuff. Helps me individualize as a "professional" poker player so much.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-18-2013 , 10:13 AM
Ya, I was lead to that video through the recommended links after that video you posted in Bro thread. That other one didn't do much for me, but I like this one. /shrug
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-19-2013 , 09:53 PM
12/18 PM






12/19 PM





225,245,275,295xo,315oxxx (PR)

AWWW ****TTT!!! Second time I've cleaned 315 and I actually put it over my head! Reformed 2013 weightlifting goals are now complete. Time to have a beer and cruise into the new year with one more HBBS PR attempt day and come up with some concrete goals for 2014.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
12-19-2013 , 10:21 PM
Doin work
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
