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*** February Crossfit Thread *** *** February Crossfit Thread ***

01-30-2009 , 11:27 PM
What's are some of the harder abdominal movements that don't require wikid hamstring flexibility or w/e? I'm getting bored with l-holds/raises and weighted declines

I'm reading this stuff about GHD situps but it seems like it involves a lot of other muscles

Figured this would be a place to ask since I know you guys do some gymnastics stuff.
01-31-2009 , 12:01 AM
Planche Progressions
OH Walks
OH Anything
Turkish Get Ups

There are a million ab exercises. Most suck. (Weighted declines GTFO?!?) Trying doing things that involve standing and holding heavy things OH or manipulating your BW.
01-31-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by droopy0021
In general I just don't like losing and felt like whining. Now I can be done being a bitch and work harder tomorrow.
Good policy. Two things about the Cindy score (and the concepts extend to other workouts and your competition with wifey):

1) when neither of you can do it as RX'd it's really hard to say who is ahead for establishing a base line for the actual workout

2) he may have a body type that is better suited towards BW stuff whereas other wods/benchmarks you'll be returning the favour.

The time may come where you'll want to play with the framework to bias it more towards things you want to accomplish, but for now, particularly given that you are progressing, don't bitch out. Other thing is that BW stuff is often easy to add to a warm-up or do here and there throughout the day.
02-01-2009 , 10:54 AM
Last few posts from January for continuity.
02-04-2009 , 04:53 PM

3 rounds:

21 DB snatch (40#) Left hand
21 L hold pullups
21 DB snatch Right
21 L hold pullups

Had issues w/ shoulder flexibility on snatches and was doing a hybrid of power snatch and full squat snatch. Supposed to be full.

L holds were mostly broken L's or tuck holds. In sets of 2-4.

Took 31:30. Was happy to get through Rx'd as pullups aren't a strength.
02-04-2009 , 05:49 PM
I'm going to be a mile from Crossfit Las Vegas for 2 months this summer!
02-04-2009 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
What's are some of the harder abdominal movements that don't require wikid hamstring flexibility or w/e? I'm getting bored with l-holds/raises and weighted declines

I'm reading this stuff about GHD situps but it seems like it involves a lot of other muscles

Figured this would be a place to ask since I know you guys do some gymnastics stuff.
Janda situps are good (I should start doing more). Basically contract your hamstrings against an immovable object and do a situp. They are difficult since they remove the hip flexors for the most part.
02-09-2009 , 01:10 AM
wow we're really slacking this month.

i just did cindy, i feel ashamed of myself, got 20 rounds, my PR is 25 or 26. i could tell from the start it wasn't going to be pretty, i was gassed after 4 rounds. feel good though, oh well. i think i've gained a few pounds of muscle since i last did it, maybe thats why it was a little tougher, that or im just a big p***y
02-09-2009 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
wow we're really slacking this month.

i just did cindy, i feel ashamed of myself, got 20 rounds, my PR is 25 or 26. i could tell from the start it wasn't going to be pretty, i was gassed after 4 rounds. feel good though, oh well. i think i've gained a few pounds of muscle since i last did it, maybe thats why it was a little tougher, that or im just a big p***y
i would be interested to have you do it next time with a 20lb weight vest.

bet you can still get really close to 20 rounds in. i know that sounds weird but do it sometime in the next month or so and let me know.

btw i can not seem to bust the 24 round plateau and it is really pissing me off.
like i say every time it comes up. this time for sure...............
02-09-2009 , 07:15 AM
yeah i think i can do 20 in 20 with a 20, lol. i think it was just one of those days today. the squats killed me, i haven't been doing too many air squats or burpees lately. my shorter metacon workouts with moderate weights have been great lately. im gonna hit some burpees and light high rep swings pretty hard in the next month, that should get my bodyweight stuff back on track.
02-09-2009 , 11:45 AM
Hey can i ask you guys a few questions about crossfit.
I'm not CF bashing but genuine queries.

What's the reasoning for having everything so random, WOD's each day seem to be jumping about all over the place. It seems like it'd be a ineffiecient way to get stronger/faster at anything.

eg. Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps,

another day;
Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

I'm not saying these w/o won't be hard as they will but seems a roundabout way of improving your fitness. (feel free to rip me a new one btw)

What's your guys experience of CF? What sort of results and such have you got and why is CF>>> than anything else?
Thanks. Now making a sharp exit as i can see some of you running at me with pitchforks trying to burn the heretic
02-09-2009 , 11:52 AM
It seems like it'd be a ineffiecient way to get stronger/faster at anything.

It is, but it's elite-level GPP ( general purpose progamming), for guys who need every level of conditioning to be 95th percentile and above. Eg. military guys, firefighters etc. I'm almost certain it's useless for any skill athlete.
02-09-2009 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by jimi1999uk
What's your guys experience of CF? What sort of results and such have you got and why is CF>>> than anything else?
Better than anything else is a goofy proposition. Here are two of many pluses, though.

+The workouts are scored and recur which encourages self-measurement and keeping a log of one's progress.

+A large variety of well-chosen movements are employed, they often have a challenging technical component. This keeps things interesting as well as exposing the trainee to his/her weaknesses-- which in turn is inspiring.
02-09-2009 , 12:35 PM

I've been exposed to CF for little over a year now. I'd say your impressions of the program are pretty good. Most people should come out of the program after a while in better shape (whether that's stronger, faster, better endurance, leaner).

The randomness keeps the program interesting for most people and ideally keeps them working out. Hard to get completely bored. You can learn new movements (can't say I'd ever thought of trying a hand stand pushup, hang power clean or L-hold pullup just over 1 year do them all).

If you're looking for sport specific training you might be better off looking elsewhere (or at least taking portions of CF workouts). But how many of us are really elite level athletes in a specific sport? Typical ex-college/high school athletes still looking to play/compete in their sport can benefit from these workouts, can't they?

Before starting CF I was active 5 days/week (basketball, some running, weights 2x/week (bad program for most part, too many isolation and not enough full body lifts). Since starting CF I'm stronger, healthier (arthritis in my left knee is less a factor), leaner and have better endurance.

If you can deal with all the CF koolaid being handed out it's a pretty good program IMO. Typically < 1 hour is used up for the workout so time isn't an issue. You receive training/motivation either in group class/facility or from the main site. And the results are measurable in workout times/reps/scores. Unless I'm looking to specialize and be a powerlifter, runner or elite sport specific competitor what more should I expect from a workout program?
02-09-2009 , 12:49 PM
Do you guys think doing CF one month outta three (or something similar) would be good in terms of mixing it up and getting away from typical hypertrophy workouts?
02-09-2009 , 01:17 PM
Thanks for your replies guys. Might throw in a few wod to my usual routine to get a taste.
Must say the posting of the scores on the main page would be an excellent motivation, i always find it hard to know whether my w/o on treadmill or pullups or whatever is good in the grand scheme of things. Scores would give you an instant barometer.
02-14-2009 , 03:24 PM
Lynne today. 5 rounds of:

1. Max reps bench (bodyweight is Rx)
2. Immediately followed by max pullups
*rest between sets as needed, 2-5 minutes is usual

Last time: 81 total (ugly) with 185# BP (not quite bw).
Today: 114 total, but only 175# BP (was sharing bench and shoulder was a bit off). Did 41 BP and 73 pullups.

Grip REALLY a factor starting in round 3. Forearms just cashed in this workout. Tore a scab on left hand round 2 and that had some effect on grip.

Want to try main site WOD from today: 7 rounds of 10 SDHP (95#) and 10 ring dips. Would like sub 10 minute for sure. Maybe Mon or Tues.
02-14-2009 , 05:30 PM
Josh today for me. I've only been doing Crossfit for a few months, and this was a killer. I just don't have the pullups yet.

21 Overhead Squats (95 lbs)
42 pull-ups
15 OHS
30 PU
18 PU

18:10. Ugh so slow. Some dude in my gym did it 5:54. That is sick.
02-14-2009 , 11:10 PM
any of you guys train at CF las vegas?

my little sister joined there yesterday and was saying how sick it is.
02-15-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Rootabager
any of you guys train at CF las vegas?

my little sister joined there yesterday and was saying how sick it is.
this summer!
02-15-2009 , 12:19 AM
Recently did this one from the CF Philly site. It's one of their monthy 'challenge' workouts and it pretty much kicked my ass.

Done with a 45lb kb... 21 left arm swings, then 21 right arm swings etc....

21 KB Swings
21 KB High Pulls
21 KB Snatches
21 KB OH Forward Lunge
9 Burpees
15 KB Swings
15 KB High Pulls
15 KB Snatches
15 KB OH Forward Lunge
15 Burpees
9 KB Swings
9 KB High Pulls
9 KB Snatches
9 KB OH Forward Lunge
21 Burpees
02-15-2009 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Maybe
Recently did this one from the CF Philly site. It's one of their monthy 'challenge' workouts and it pretty much kicked my ass.

Done with a 45lb kb... 21 left arm swings, then 21 right arm swings etc....

21 KB Swings
21 KB High Pulls
21 KB Snatches
21 KB OH Forward Lunge
9 Burpees
15 KB Swings
15 KB High Pulls
15 KB Snatches
15 KB OH Forward Lunge
15 Burpees
9 KB Swings
9 KB High Pulls
9 KB Snatches
9 KB OH Forward Lunge
21 Burpees
so everything is one handed, and done with RXed reps PER HAND?what about the lunges, is that a total of 21, or 21 per leg, etc?
02-15-2009 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
so everything is one handed, and done with RXed reps PER HAND?what about the lunges, is that a total of 21, or 21 per leg, etc?
Yeah, it was 21 swings with the left, 21 swings with the right..... etc. 21 lunges with the KB overhead with the left hand then 21 with the KB overhead with the right hand.
So 42 total of each exercise the first way though, then 30, then 18. That's how I interpreted it at least.
02-16-2009 , 08:41 PM
got the 100 pound kettlebell yesterday. I havent played around with it too much. I can snatch it with both hands and clean and press it on both sides, but i dont know how many times. I would say not more than 3 times.

Swings are pretty cool though because it's so heavy and you dont have to do that many reps.
02-16-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rootabager
got the 100 pound kettlebell yesterday. I havent played around with it too much. I can snatch it with both hands and clean and press it on both sides, but i dont know how many times. I would say not more than 3 times.

Swings are pretty cool though because it's so heavy and you dont have to do that many reps.
nice work! i can snatch my 88 for a few reps with each hand now. i can strict press it with my right hand, but not my left(shoulder injuries). not sure id be ready for the beast yet. i've double snatched my 53's for 20 reps and my 70's for 3, which is light years ahead of where i was a year ago. snatching the beast is sick, you ll probably be able to get some good reps with it in the near future
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