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Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

07-05-2013 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
Dear loco,

I take two months off and you're stronger than me and half my size. DAFUQ?
You take too much my time off bro. The deload has been debunked. Not needed.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-05-2013 , 11:44 AM
Yeah I've been converted. Even for almost 40 year old bros. Life will give you whatever deload you might need. If not, your life is really, really sad.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-05-2013 , 12:08 PM
The stomach virus deloaded me real good.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-05-2013 , 12:23 PM
I wasn't deloading I was being effing lazy!
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-05-2013 , 12:46 PM
Reason I quit following your log loooooong ago.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 05:41 PM
1k satellite into the main event.

I got KK on K63 rainbow board. Fire. Donk calls. Turn 4. Fire. Donk ships. I snap. 45 gets there. Gross.

Going to try one more for Aidan. Facking tournaments. I hope I go out in one hour so I can go to the gym. It's squat day but tournaments even worse than getting waterboarded.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 05:44 PM
May the IEL gods be with you bro. Ship it.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Reason I quit following your log loooooong ago.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 08:16 PM
IS THAT A THREAT. Btw I know I dicked around in the past but I am in the PARAMOUNT OF COMPLIANCE.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 08:18 PM
It's the new and cool "wut". And I wish you the best of luck obv
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 10:44 PM
Booted out of the satellite. Oh well.

Hbbs 230 2x5 190x10
Leg press 520 3x10
1-arm DB swings 60s 2x12
Leg curl 3x8
Seated calf 3x10
Standing calf 2x8

Squats not bad, not great. Like always could use improvement. Need deeper. More solid. Chest up. Should probably just get shoes.

This gym had WOAT lighting. Fack man I look like shiet. I even saw some cottage cheese on my lower abs. This just a disappointment. Fack 5'10" 165 14-15% bf is just pathetic. Fack bodpod. So depressed. I am now in that lost in hell category that Monte, Soulman, Aidan, Saw, Yugo, etc etc all belong. We are too fat to bulk but to skinny to cut. I mean what the fack am I supposed to cut to 158 and start all over again. I was hoping not to have to cut below 160 anymore. So pathetic. Three more pounds and I cut. Faaaaaaaaack!!!!!
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by loco
1k satellite into the main event.

I got KK on K63 rainbow board. Fire. Donk calls. Turn 4. Fire. Donk ships. I snap. 45 gets there. Gross.

Going to try one more for Aidan. Facking tournaments. I hope I go out in one hour so I can go to the gym. It's squat day but tournaments even worse than getting waterboarded.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-06-2013 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by loco
This gym had WOAT lighting. Fack man I look like shiet. I even saw some cottage cheese on my lower abs. This just a disappointment. Fack 5'10" 165 14-15% bf is just pathetic. Fack bodpod. So depressed. I am now in that lost in hell category that Monte, Soulman, Aidan, Saw, Yugo, etc etc all belong. We are too fat to bulk but to skinny to cut. I mean what the fack am I supposed to cut to 158 and start all over again. I was hoping not to have to cut below 160 anymore. So pathetic. Three more pounds and I cut. Faaaaaaaaack!!!!!
Time to come to the dark side and start powerlifting imo. Your bench would be competitive right away for your bw.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 01:15 AM
Why are you against recomping?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Time to come to the dark side and start powerlifting imo. Your bench would be competitive right away for your bw.

If I can fix a few squat + deadlift issues in the next 6months, for sure. But I have been working on these issues for a while. Next step might be inperson coaching. My lower body is ******ed.

Originally Posted by Evoken
Why are you against recomping?

I am not. Just experimenting to see if 4000 calories is magic.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 02:14 AM
Loco switching to powerlifting... lol. He's all about ascending IEL mountain and gettin tha gunz 4 tha bitches down to the core.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 02:55 AM
Need a backup plan bro. May fall on my climb to IEL Mountain.

I stink at powerlifting also. But I have never gone on a full strength training program so there is hope I have some potential.

I will out bench snitch right now. And I won't divebomb my bench either. Nice slow controlled negative. 255 pounds. The calculator says so. It's probably right.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 03:12 AM
Things must be really bad in hnf if I'm being used as a bench standard.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I am not. Just experimenting to see if 4000 calories is magic.
Sadly, it seems physics and biology > your coach. Time to get on the 5-10% surplus train bro.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by loco
1k satellite into the main event.

I got KK on K63 rainbow board. Fire. Donk calls. Turn 4. Fire. Donk ships. I snap. 45 gets there. Gross.

Going to try one more for Aidan. Facking tournaments. I hope I go out in one hour so I can go to the gym. It's squat day but tournaments even worse than getting waterboarded.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 01:48 PM
The last 1k satellite is today. I am going to the gym instead. I play a couple of tournaments a year. Mostly the donk infested 2-5k tourneys in Latin America. I clearly have 100% edge on those. Main event I would probably only have 50% edge but my girlfriend is here and qualifying would be a nightmare for her and my gym time. I went deep in 2006 and it was 4days of 14 hour days. I will let you know the next tourney I play to see if you want your 25 in action.

In other news, there is a bodpod here in Vegas. 3 tests for $100. You save the other ones for later to measure progress.

The time has arrived boys. Very anxious. Very stressed. If I pull a 17%, I may seriously kill myself. I have been talking so much shiet the last year. And to be 5'10 165 17% would just be the end of me. Please IEL Gods I ask for my one time. <14 please.

<14 - talk a lot more shiet
14-16 - switch to powerlifting training
Greater than 17 - closure of log and suicide
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 02:08 PM
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 09:48 PM
Weighted Chins +55 3x5
Hammer pulldown 140 3x12
Pendlay Row 135 3x8
Hammer Iso Low row 115 2x15
Bench press 225x1 235x1 240x1
Slight incline DB press (hammer grip)
70s 3x8
CGBP 165

Really happy with the bench. As I was saying last week I think I made a breakthrough. I found this perfect place were muscle synergy and leverages meet to cause weights to fly and for all your body to feel good. And that place is bring hands closer in, elbows tucked a bit and bring the weight to my lower pecs. Everything flew. I had 10-20 pounds in the tank. I have video also but can't upload at the moment.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
07-07-2013 , 09:51 PM
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but when you write:

Bench press 225x1 235x1 240x1

Is that really all the benching you did that day, or do you just not write up lower weight reps/warmup?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
