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Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

03-23-2013 , 04:21 PM
They agreed to pick me up in St Maarten. Back in the game. Flight to st Maarten was somehow cheaper than flight to MIA. Huge break. I run hot.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 05:06 PM
Damn. Good luck, bro. Try not to get too fat on the trip.

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by loco
They agreed to pick me up in St Maarten. Back in the game. Flight to st Maarten was somehow cheaper than flight to MIA. Huge break. I run hot.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 05:23 PM
Great news, loco! I love cruises. Take advantage of dem buffets. I love having all the time access to meat and veggies. Spend the days on the deck (sunglasses on, obv), nights in the lounge or at the on-board casino. Suddenly super jelly of your trip. Have a good time.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 05:44 PM
you should stay out of this imo

good to hear bro.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 07:01 PM
I thought soulman was taking about kilos
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-23-2013 , 07:26 PM
I was obv, come on now
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-27-2013 , 12:51 PM

Hello from the Virgin Islands. Getting fat. Weight has broken the 160 lb barrier. I counted calories just for kicks yesterday and I broke the 5k barrier. Pretty sick because I was still throwing bread away. I estimate my fellow fatties on the cruise are averaging 7000 a day. Gross.

Gym is decent but no squat rack. Doing smith squats today and going to play some basketball (yes court on board).
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-29-2013 , 02:43 PM
6300 calories yesterday. Modern day PR.

Machine and dumbell workouts the whole week.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-29-2013 , 02:48 PM
the people demand 1RM tests when you get done binging. your bench is probably stronger than mine now. fatty
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-29-2013 , 03:29 PM
Another one lost to the nomzies. I really thought he had potential. This one hurts.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-29-2013 , 03:33 PM
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 02:00 AM
I gained 11 lbs on a cruise once.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Another one lost to the nomzies. I really thought he had potential. This one hurts.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 01:03 PM
No access to gym in the Bahamas. Everything is really expensive. I have never seen so many megarich people in my life. These people will bust me with their infinite bankrolls.

Reeling back on the diet. Hopefully binging is over. In the past I would of definitely been lost to the Nomzies. After college I never could get any serious momentum and keep consistently training. The Nomzies would get to me everytime and I would stop training. We'll see when I can get access to a gym or I might be a goner. Everyday I don't go to the gym, makes me want to go less and less. In one week my gym motivation will be like Soulman's. In two weeks like Bixby. In one month, like JeffAwesome. Need access to a gym!!!!
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by dassem_ultor
I don't know what Aura looks like, but I think Aidan has DYEL title locked down.
lolol f you too buddy
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 01:11 PM
Bro, you can diss my nomziness all you want (see also: this week) but I'm super consistent in going to the gym. Prob top 5 in H&F.

Sounds like you're having quite the awful time, I sympathize.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-30-2013 , 08:19 PM
I think I found what Loco's been up to:
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
03-31-2013 , 01:04 AM
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 12:56 PM
Back from my trip. I lost my gym key and my bag of poker chips got stolen/lost. I was seriously shedding a tear this morning. My girlfriend glanced over and thought it was because of my poker chips (probably $1500). Then she got mad because she knew it was my lost gym key.

I won't be able to get another one til I go home to Texas. And then it won't be activated to the national chains for another 30 days. I am facked. Good game me.

How can I bulk without squats and deadlifts? I can do some smith machine stuff and dumbells at some nice hotel gyms I have access to. But it's not right. Can I even get bread pudding anymore after doing smith squats instead of real squats?? Depression setting in. Time to crawl back into bed.

Not going to log my smith machine work. Already depressed don't need to hear more ****.

FML. I can't even do a cut. Too small.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 01:19 PM
lol loco, just a human and not a god afterall
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 02:03 PM
This is all a ruse. If you want to squat, you will squat. You do not want to. You don't actually lift. You appear good with photoshop that's about it.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 02:07 PM
shots fired
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 02:52 PM
lol kc (loco no hate, I do not lift either.)
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-03-2013 , 02:56 PM

there has to be some way to be able to lift, wtf? Is the gym not manned? Can't you suck (up to) a fellow bro? Where there's a will, there's a way my tiny friend.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
