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FakeBusto's quest for real strength FakeBusto's quest for real strength

01-20-2014 , 11:39 AM
So jelly. I wish anyone ever came to D.C. so they could lift with me and nuggetz. Sounds like so much fun.

1RMs with squats are so mental too. BR is going to get three plates on there and get scared. Don't do it buddy. Failing is nbd. Once you know that you won't be scared
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I think a true 5rm should be like 85%ish for a guy maybe slightly higher. Probably 90% for the ladies.
I don't 1rm but I've always assumed my 5rm is more like 90%. Must be a lady.

Fwiw I suspect the more advanced you are, the larger the difference is between your 1rm and multiple rep sets as you become better at recruiting everything for optimal strength. This is for someone who essentially trains to powerlift though.

E.g. Cha's 1rm is always quite a bit more than his maximal rep sets compared to me. My wife's 1rm seems to be barely higher than her maximal rep sets and I'm somewhere in the middle.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:41 AM
I think he's offering you a free lunch.

loco's a nice guy afaict.

Make sure you figure out the rules for the meet beforehand. It'd be nice if you told the rest of us what they are, too (even if there are only a couple vague rules).

Good luck to both of you!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:57 AM

Shame. I was in DC early last year, but that was before I even H&Fd.

Will be in Chicago in a couple of months. Any H&Frs there?

I'm cool with the heavy weight. No mental problem here. I've failed reps and 1RM attempts often enough that it's ndb. Just go for it until I can't get it up anymore, aka the BtM Banging Philosophy.

loco probably is offering lunch. But if he's slowrolling me it'll be worth it because then he'd have been slowrolling the entire forum.

What sort of rules would we have? I mean we're letting loco use straps for deadlifts. At that point anything goes.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:03 PM
downtown lives in / near Chicago, I think.

Just basic rules: touch chest and lock out on bench, parallel for squats, and lock out on DL.

Not sure what else to consider. I'm assuming you'll both be strapping up.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:09 PM
that sounds so dirty
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Shame. I was in DC early last year, but that was before I even H&Fd.

Will be in Chicago in a couple of months. Any H&Frs there?

I'm cool with the heavy weight. No mental problem here. I've failed reps and 1RM attempts often enough that it's ndb. Just go for it until I can't get it up anymore, aka the BtM Banging Philosophy.

loco probably is offering lunch. But if he's slowrolling me it'll be worth it because then he'd have been slowrolling the entire forum.

What sort of rules would we have? I mean we're letting loco use straps for deadlifts. At that point anything goes.
I really started posting in Feb last year so I'll give you a pass.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:18 PM
Doesn't DT do crossfit tho? Donotwant.jpg

Would/would try to lift with BtM. Might make a journey to DC just to do so.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:21 PM
I think allowing straps is dumb, but it ain't my competition.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I think allowing straps is dumb, but it ain't my competition.

They still have time to ban them, though.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:26 PM
Lol. I said loser of OHP buys lunch. We are exactly even on that lift. Fb scared so probably will not accept.

There are not many rules in this new 4total tinybro federation.

1) straps allowed

I may not use them. But I personally don't want to lift bigboy weights with mixed grip. Seen too many youtubes.

2) Bench press is TNG.

3) Squats to parallel

5) belt allowed

6) no wraps or whatever all that squat crap is

7) Strict OHP

Redlights in play from the forum. I am probably going to get the opening weight real solid on all 4 lifts (powerlifting meet style and pause my bench). And then after that its going to be a redlight show. Don't care. I don't powerlift. Pretty sure my 290 squat I am going to get stuck at the bottom in panic mode and go up a few inches and then go back down, panic some more, and then muscle it back up. That shiet counts.

If I am missing any rules please advise. This no big deal I am only doing this so fakeb gets his fake1000. Pretty sure the difference between his paused and TNG bench is huge. But who the fack cares. 1000 pounds is 1000 pounds for the big3. Squatparallelpolice please be ready. And deadliftlockout police please be ready also. This new tinybro federation has standards.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:30 PM
Looks good to me (except straps).

I hope you both get over 1,000.

Gonna root for the underdog here.

loco gonna win this!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:35 PM
It's not even going to be competitive. I am going to lose by 70-100 pounds. Lol I haven't even deadlifted over 315 in 6months!!! And I have been ignoring bench. That last cut really set me back. I now regret it and should have just eaten maintenance for a while. 5'10 167 isn't that fat? Facking fakeb said to cut. He sabotaged me. And I am like 163 now. It's like big lol at the difference between 167 and 163. Yeah one is healthier for sure? 3 facking pounds? Big facking lol. What an idiot that loco is. Facking moron.
Someone show him the greekstatueindespair.jpeg.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:41 PM
Not sure if you're trolling. I would wager a fair amount of money that my 167 is healthier than your 163. Bloodwork after gym?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:46 PM
Of course you are healthier. I was comparing my previous 167 to my current 163. It's the facking same. So why did I waste 2 months cutting? Lol.

I should have cut to 155 and superslowbulked or stay at 167 at maintenance. Instead I cut to 158, my lifts went to shiet and in despair I ate ten pumpkin pies during the holidays to go back to 163. Big fail.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Pretty sure my 290 squat I am going to get stuck at the bottom in panic mode and go up a few inches and then go back down, panic some more, and then muscle it back up.
Eh, I'm guessing you lose incredible tension trying something like this because of the reversal going on. Your fighting to move it up, which means you're fighting to keep it from falling - if you stall and drop back a few inches I can't see muscling it back up.

In My Limited Opinion.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:47 PM
Yeah man, you're basically a train wreck, but your Hindenburg to my Titanic. At least some of my folks got out alive.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by loco
7) Strict OHP
Military style? Feet together?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:50 PM

iirc I hit 5RM +15% the first time I tried on squats. Weirdly enough I've never tried 1RMing the bench or DL.

Will be popcorning this one for sure. Not because it's exciting who will win though obv.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:51 PM
I guarantee instant death if I attempt an OHP with feet together.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 12:56 PM

I agree with you. If you're that close to your goal weight, you should eat at maintenance or a VERY slight defecit, at most 100-200 under. This is not optimal for everyone, but someone like you is weak enough that a recomp is still possible.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I guarantee instant death if I attempt an OHP with feet together.
don't sell yourself short. You already have a strong core Mr. Mermaid Wheel. Feet together just stresses the core to keep yourself more stable. Yes you will lift less but so would loco.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

I agree with you. If you're that close to your goal weight, you should eat at maintenance or a VERY slight defecit, at most 100-200 under. This is not optimal for everyone, but someone like you is weak enough that a recomp is still possible.
Damn, **** is getting ice cold in here.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by aura
Can you handle 100 lbs on your back? Make sure you wear your belt.

Originally Posted by ExpectedV
1rm for bench is a good formula to enter snap city. I would know.
then you're doing it wrong

Originally Posted by loco
1) straps allowed

FB award names/undertitle suggestions:
The Golden Elf
H & F's strongest elf
H & F's strongest tinybro
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
01-20-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Doesn't DT do crossfit tho? Donotwant.jpg

Would/would try to lift with BtM. Might make a journey to DC just to do so.
u trollin bruh.

I hate having to duck so low for all my warmup weights anyway.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
