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FakeBusto's quest for real strength FakeBusto's quest for real strength

11-12-2013 , 03:30 PM

Def. I know it's not optimal, but then it's far less optimal to have a meltdown every set so lol I will take the lesser of two evils
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 03:33 PM
I am actually thrilled to have brother loco back on the tinybro gainz train. I expect the locomotive to make unprecedented progress. He has a couple of new things going for him.

1) He understands 4k calories is not magic.
2) He has discovered SS!

All aboard. CHoo choo!!!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

So 2014 is going to bring anal seduction? Interested to see which one of you is the biggest power bottom!
Uh, you forgot about me, brah.

FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:16 PM
Here we go boys. Say whatever needs to be said. I would rather hear my form is shiet and I need to start over than waste my time or injure myself.

FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:21 PM
Why do you wear all black? That makes you look tiny. Get a red tank top.
Automatic gains!!!!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:23 PM
All I see is a plate.

Seriously though, I don't know how we're supposed to give feedback when we can't really see the lift at all. Fwiw it seems fine from what I can see.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:28 PM
Sorry Yugo. What would be the best angle? I thought all was good for you to see my leg angle as I descend/ascend while also allowing you to see me from the knee up at different points of ascent/descent. I can get another form check video from a different angle and/or put the camera further away from me.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:30 PM
I see you're sporting a nice pair of black gloves to match the rest of the outfit. Some might say you need a little contrast, but f the haters. You look like a bad ass ninja.

Oh, form check? Yeh, I couldn't see ****.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:30 PM
Not shining a klieg light directly into the camera aperture would probably also help, but I'm no expert.

ETA: Oh, I didn't even notice fakebusto wears tiny gloves, how cute!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Why do you wear all black? That makes you look tiny. Get a red tank top.
Automatic gains!!!!
I usually wear those pants + this shirt.


Usually gets a few stares and muttered comments. One guy murmured, "****, that's a great shirt" as I walked by
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:35 PM
Green is not bad. But black top cannot be worn except by IELs and fatties. Makes you look way too small.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:42 PM
That's a shame. #1 priority at the gym is to impress others with how I look. Will be purchasing a red tank top post-haste.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:47 PM
Make sure it's split up the sides so people can see your obliques; also spray paint your skin a bright orange hue for the appropriate level of contrast.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 04:57 PM
I'd just shoot video from further distance away from yourself from the side.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Green is not bad. But black top cannot be worn except by IELs and fatties. Makes you look way too small.
This is true. I can only wear black or else i look morbidly obese
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:09 PM
Thank you for the serious advice Yugo. I will do another video next time I'm at the gym. If I remember. Okay, I'll probably wait until next Tuesday. But I'll upload a new video at some point. Probably. Thanks.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:09 PM
And then ask Cha to look at them - he knows what good RDLs should look like.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:22 PM

Will do. I'll make sure to wear a red tank top when I take the new video. Have to be careful about how much low hanging fruit I leave for the trolls.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:27 PM
do the gloves match your purse?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:32 PM
Funny. My brother used to wear a murse. When he first got into this PUA crap, he would put on eyeliner, a cowboy hat, and clutch his murse by his side all night at the club. Only time he took his hands off it was to do palm readings or magic tricks. So lol.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Will do. I'll make sure to wear a red vest or Assani cape when I take the new video. Have to be careful about how much low hanging fruit I leave for the trolls.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:46 PM
I actually have a red vest. Would be loltastic to wear it during the next workout. Pretty sure my arms would look swole as fack. Tighten the vest up and get that supreme v-taper going on.

Can't do it though. Can't. The fly honeys would be hanging all over me. Mrs. Rhymes would not be happy. Be strong FakeB. Be strong.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:53 PM
fakebusto, if you're as proud of the vest as you claim to be, you need to get a picture of yourself in one up ASAP or stop talking about them forever. BTM has the courage to post pictures of himself in shirts that his nanny made for him out of old tablecloths, for christ's sake, the least you can do is let the forum objectively weigh the merits of a case about which you claim to be so passionate.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 05:55 PM
I thought he did post a pic once of himself in a vest, didn't he?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
11-12-2013 , 06:02 PM

You really need to find someone else's pics to fap to.


Can't recall if I did. I am pretty sure I once posted a pic of me and my twin standing next to each other, both in vests.

Anyway, the collective hate of the forum against vests prima facie makes the idea of sharing a vest pic pretty lolworthy. Plus it's creepy. What if the Wifeacore caught Monte looking at my pics? Do I really want that kind of drama? Better to just make jokes every now and then and hope Monte's lust for the fakeB dies down one day.

But srs. I posted a pic of a vested mannequin with the supreme look. If you didn't like that then there's really no point in me posting other pics.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
