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Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside)

03-01-2010 , 06:50 AM
Weight gain:

1-25: 78kg, 12% BF (68.6 LBM)
1-31: 79.6kg, 13.3% BF (69.8 LBM)
2-14: 80.7kg, 14% BF (69.4 LBM)
2-25: 83.9kg (new scale)
3-1: 84.2kg (new scale)

That's a 10 lbs gain in february. Hopefully that's not entirely due to the new scale.

March goals:

[] not miss a workout until I move end of march
[] find a good gym for SS in my new city
[] gain 10 lbs
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-01-2010 , 11:35 AM
March 1th

Clean and press and pullup/row ladders:

5*3-rung ladders with 24kg KB (+band on the first two rungs; doing rows instead of pull-ups on 3rd rung)

KB Snatches:


Decided to stop being a pussy and try the snatches with the 24kg. Took me more than 15 minutes to do 100, with breaks after each set of 10.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-03-2010 , 11:41 AM
March 3rd

Clean and press and pullup/row ladders:

5*4-rung ladders with 24kg KB (+band on the first two rungs; doing rows instead of pull-ups on 3rd/4th rung)



Ripped a few calluses today. That sucked.

Swungs are starting to be boring. I need to make them harder so I don't have to do as many. Maybe next time I'll do oven mitt or soaped up swings.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-06-2010 , 08:23 AM
1-25: 78kg, 12% BF (68.6 LBM)
1-31: 79.6kg, 13.3% BF (69.8 LBM)
2-14: 80.7kg, 14% BF (69.4 LBM)
2-25: 83.9kg (new scale)
3-1: 84.2kg (new scale)
3-6: 84.7kg
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-06-2010 , 12:21 PM
March 6th

Clean and press and pullup/row ladders:

5*5-rung ladders with 24kg KB (+band on the first two rungs; doing rows instead of pull-ups on 3rd/4th/5th rungs)

This took about 65 minutes.

Oven mitt or soapy swings:

10*10*24kg (alternating arms)

Even with the soap it was boring.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-08-2010 , 12:22 PM
March 8rd

5 Ladders:

- KB clean&press (L+R) 1*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 2*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 3*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 2 (not 3)

Two pullups were questionable (chin didn't go above the bar), otherwise great success.

15 minute rest.
warmup again

Kettlebell 10mn snatch test


Wasn't too sure what to expect. I took some longish breaks. I guess I had a little more in me. Score sucks, but this is the second time I do snatches with this KB.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-10-2010 , 01:16 PM
March 10th

5*4-rung ladders.

Using band+24kg for first 3 rungs; 24kg for 4th
Pullups go 1-2-1-2 except for the first two ladders: 1-2-2 + 4rows

- 1 or 2 pullups hadn't good ROM. + Last pullup=fail

Swongs (24kg)

40R- 40L - 40 2handed - 40 2handed - 20L/20R

I'm wondering how to progress on swings. I don't wanna do more than 200 and I can't get a heavier KB. Maybe I could aim to do more 1 handed swings.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-10-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ending Weakness
I'm wondering how to progress on swings. I don't wanna do more than 200 and I can't get a heavier KB. Maybe I could aim to do more 1 handed swings.
Why can't you get a heavier KB?
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-10-2010 , 02:59 PM
Mainly because I'm moving in two weeks without my KB's (planning to do SS thereafter).
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-10-2010 , 03:55 PM
Can you do KB Swing Tabatas?
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-10-2010 , 04:16 PM
Thanks, that seems like a good idea. Should motivate me (with the scoring) and force me to take shorter breaks. The one issue I see with it is that the rate of swinging can't really be increased much. Still, better than doing random sets of swings.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-11-2010 , 01:58 AM
I don't really think tabata training w/ swings would really work, you'll see no decline in intervals and it'll just be a 160 second workout. If you get heavier bells this will be a different story.

Originally Posted by Ending Weakness

I'm wondering how to progress on swings. I don't wanna do more than 200 and I can't get a heavier KB. Maybe I could aim to do more 1 handed swings.
Overhead swings. Or go kpc balla and swing two at once.

Enjoying the log. I'm going to give my KBs more of a swing in the coming months when i start adding more volume to my training.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-11-2010 , 08:28 AM
Thanks Jay. I think I agree with you on Tabata.

I'll give your ideas a try. To add to KPC's awesomeness, I think alot of people don't realize that holding two kettlebells in one hand is ****ing hard. I think KPC can do heavy DL's double overhand as well, so he must have pretty big hands/ a strong grip.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-11-2010 , 11:35 AM
I disagree a bit on the Tabata thing since i think you can get in more reps if you really want to by pushing harder on the downswing although I'm not sure you can really get your HR up into effective Tabata range.

I think at the very least it would be worthwhile to try it a few times just to see if you can make progress.

Obviously, Jay's ideas are good things to try as well.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-13-2010 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Ending Weakness
1-25: 78kg, 12% BF (68.6 LBM)
1-31: 79.6kg, 13.3% BF (69.8 LBM)
2-14: 80.7kg, 14% BF (69.4 LBM)
2-25: 83.9kg (new scale)
3-1: 84.2kg (new scale)
3-6: 84.7kg
3-13: 85.7kg
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-13-2010 , 12:25 PM
March 13th

5* 5-rung ladders:

Each ladder consists of:

- KB clean&press (L+R) 1*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 2*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 3*(24kg+band)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 4*(24kg)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 5*(24kg)
- pullup: 1

I think the pullup ladder within a ladder (1-2-1-2-1) was a good idea. Managed to do them all with a decent ROM. ROM did decrease throughout, but I got my chin above every time.



Swonging with two KBs in one hand (24+16kg). It was a bit awkward, but at least I feel one step closer to KPC's awesomeness.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Ending Weakness
I'm wondering how to progress on swings. I don't wanna do more than 200 and I can't get a heavier KB. Maybe I could aim to do more 1 handed swings.
While looking for resources to combine KBs with bands, I found this: Band Swing
Might be useful for you.

Re: 2 KBs 1 Hand: AFAIK there are KBs that have different handles. E.g. my 32kg bell has a pretty huge handle and I can hardly fit my hand around that one plus one of the 24s even though I have pretty big hands. I think KPC said once that his KBs have all the same sized handles. This is a big deal, imo. You might need competition KBs or something similar to have this.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-14-2010 , 01:03 PM
Thanks Genz; this could be exactly what I was looking for. I'll try the band swings on Wednesday.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-15-2010 , 12:21 PM
March 15th

A bit about my elastic band: it has multiple notches which can be used to reduce the length of the band (ie make things harder) From now on I'll use "notch 1" for the notch I've been using up to now, and notch 2 etc for the harder ones.


5* 3-rung ladders:

Each ladder consists of:

- KB clean&press (L+R) 1*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 2*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 3*(24kg+band notch 1)
- pullup: 1

All the pull-ups were good.

Band snatches! (24kg+band notch 1)


Those were kinda hard. I had to give alot of impulsion to get up there. Had a bit of a hard time stabilizing my body once the KB was up there. I took plenty of rest between each set, even between L and R hands.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-17-2010 , 01:06 PM
I have about a week left of doing cattleballs. Then I need to move, find a gym, and hopefully be able to get on SS again ASAP.

I have been slowing down my weight gain, drinking two quarts of milk instead of 3 a day. I'll reassess once I get on SS.

March 17th


5* 4-rung ladders:

Each ladder consists of:

- KB clean&press (L+R) 1*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 2*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 3*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 4*(24kg+band notch 1)
- pullup: 2

Swings (24kg)

50*2 handed band swings
50*L (no band)
50*R (no band)
20*2 handed (no band)

I kinda pussied out on that last set, I was planning to do 50.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-17-2010 , 01:08 PM
Everything real big.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-19-2010 , 06:33 AM
March 19th

Lack of sleep, lack of time to eat, made for a tough workout


5* 5-rung ladders:

Each ladder consists of:

- KB clean&press (L+R) 1*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 2*(24kg+band notch 2)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 3*(24kg+band notch 1)
- pullup: 1
- KB clean&press (L+R) 4*(24kg+band notch 1)
- pullup: 2
- KB clean&press (L+R) 5*(24kg+band notch 1)
- pullup: 1

I missed one press rep due to poor concentration/form. Added it at the end.
Pullups= ok


3*5*(L+R)*40kg (30 one hande reps total)

Decent height (parallel)
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-19-2010 , 03:40 PM
what is your normal 2 handed swing height?

i learned doing them overhead (silly cf i know) and ever since i always feel like i short changing even the heaviest of swings if i don't get them about eye level at least.

i have enjoyed following all of this, ty.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:21 PM
Thanks J.Brown

In terms of swing height, I am normally satisfied with the height at which the arm is parallel to the floor. Although, recently (march 17th), I have been doing one handed 24kg swings at eye level.
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
03-23-2010 , 12:16 PM
March 23rd

Probably my last KB workout (unless I do one on Thursday), and my last workout for at least a week. I am moving across the Atlantic this week-end.


5* 3-rung ladders * 24kg+band (notch 3)

- pullups followed the following pattern: 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3. I managed to do them all, which is a nice achievement
- I failed a couple press rep on the left side; did them again whenever that happened

swoings: 3*5*(L+R)*40kg (30 one handed reps total)

I was supposed to do a bunch of lighter snatches, but **** cardiotarding imo
Ending Weakness log (kettlebells inside) Quote
