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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog

09-08-2014 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
That's generous. I'd say they're absolutely terrible. I was having a lot more success jerking with an extremely wide grip and internally rotating my shoulders all the way at lockout (think of how kendrick does it). I could also drop a lot lower in the catch jerking this way, but I would wobble around on recovery a bit too. That style was hurting my shoulders but I think it's the only way I can ever jerk without pressout. I think based on last videos I'll have to go back to this way.
Hopefully I can get my technique back to looking like this (it was taken in April before another round of knee problems, I just uploaded it 6/28):
Looking at this video and your most recent: 1) Snatch looks great 2) Finish the 2nd pull of the clean. I know your arms are longer, but your launch point seems a bit low for cleans. Can you squat jerk that? Your mobility seems very capable given your snatch bottom position.

Originally Posted by Evoken
This hy00ge black dude rants about race, oppression, economic disparity, interracial dating, and attractiveness. Puts any of my rants to shame. This is some Carolla level ****, just ultra-rage and mostly incoherence.

Waaayyyyy more entertaining (and thought provoking) than snarklord white leftist douche****s on upworthy/huffpo/jizzabel.
As a white man with short arms and weightlifting privilege, I closed this quickly.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-09-2014 , 11:14 PM
Last workout before the deload went great, so good I don't even want to deload! (I will)

C+J: Worked up to a bunch of triples at 195, 250x1+1, 225x2+2 see story time below
Snatch: 190x3x4 missed 2 reps, going for this again.
Deadlift: 405x6 ugly, but I can't really do non back dominant dls anymore b/c of knee pain.

So I warmed up with the wide grip, jerking from fingertips, and full internal rotation. As I got to my planned working weight of 195 I was getting searing pain in my forearms and missing a lot. After 3 sets of not successfully completing 3+3 I said **** it and returned to jerking from my palms with a medium width grip with no grip adjustment between the clean and the jerk. I jerked 250 this way and didn't pressout. I did pressout on the first jerk at 225x2+2 but not the second. I got videos of everything+videos of last lower session I will eventually upload so you can get a side by side comparison of jerking styles.

I also extended a lot more on the cleans and eliminated that silly bunny stomp and it felt smoother. I think I could clean 285-295 on any given day now. I am going to be training cleans and jerks separately next 4 week mesocycle and I'm hoping to hit a 3 playte clean (and maybe however much I need to beat fredd-bird at his worst lift). I definitely have the pulling and squatting strength to do that and I think I've finally reached a level of technical consistency and conditioning to where I can train the cleans hard/near failure without any breakdown.

Also I lifted alongside my new bromance. He weighs about 110kg and cjed 152 and snatched 111 with a few close tries at 125. His technique is much better than mine and he's capable of more. He's the only person who's more of a spergelord about technique than me except he can sperge out between sets and not lose focus but I need to go home and write it out.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-13-2014 , 09:24 PM
Going to do 3 deload workouts, 1 chest+back, 1 lower, 1 arms


OHP: 162.5x5x2
Pullups: bwx11x5 untimed, 'bout 3 mins between sets
DB incline: 45sx20x5 buuuurrrrnn
Pulldowns: 130x10x5
Precor Chest Press: 85x12x5
Cable rows: 120x10x5
db curl ss with db skullcrusher: 25sx10x3

I'm going to begin my bulk in earnest as soon as I finish this deload. I'm hoping to hit 205x5 ohp @ 205-210ish bw by the end of february/beginning of march, max at 26 pullups and stay there with bw gains, deadlift 455x5, and squat 365x8.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-13-2014 , 09:57 PM

Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-18-2014 , 08:32 PM

Press: 162x5x2, 162x9 Bleh feels like I did 165x9 at a lower bw in like April. Press progress comes in waves though I think, it's much less linear than other lifts

Pullups: bwx23,15,10,10,11 = 69 fack, couldn't beat last time
Incline DB: 50sx15x4 hard
DB rows: 100x10x4
Precor Chest Press: 130x10, 145x10x4
Cable Rows: 140x10x4 nice, going up next week

Weeellllll I didn't do the deload week as planned and just took time off and did no lower work. The reason is because there's something wrong with my right hip : (. Its been improving slowly but if it's not like 90% within the next few days I'm gonna be panicking and going to a DR. Pray it's not another catastrophe. I thought my right knee would heal in a few days too but it took 1.5 years. I think squatting feels okay, but pulling definitely does not. I'll probably do jerk+fs only on leg days this month and no pulling motions for a while. I'm gonna go lift RIGHT NOW and see how the hip reacts to squatting, I did some light squats with my press weights and it felt okay yesterday.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-18-2014 , 11:41 PM
Jerk from rack: 185x5x5 lots of slippage of the bar in rack pos from sweat. Might need to do 3x8 instead.
hbbs: warmed up to 225x2 and quit just to stay safe

Hip felt fine on jerks, but a little wonky on squats. I quit just to be safe. It hurt more on the walkout than the actual lift.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-18-2014 , 11:53 PM
250 C&J and 190x3 snatch both looked vv solid. Whatever weird pressout thing you had going on in last jerk vid wasn't present in the 250 jerk as far as I could tell.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-20-2014 , 10:37 PM
Tri-set 1-
BB curl: 75x26,12,8,7,8
Rope Pushdown: 100x5 sets failure
cable side raise: 30x10x5

Tri-set 2-
DB skullcrusher: 30sx10x5
DB incline curl: 30sx10x5
DB side raise: 15sx5 sets failure

Tri set 3-
Cable straight pushdown: 90x5 sets failure
Cable curl: 70x5 sets failujre
Cable side raise: 20x12x5

Decided to cut upright rows in favor of 2 rounds of cable side raises b/c I think it's just the best lift for delt development.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-20-2014 , 11:13 PM
I'm stealing your tri sets.. Just gonna cut out the tricep stuff because strain
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-24-2014 , 12:50 AM
Motivation in the toilet. Sucked away by Real Analysis. ****ing Rudin. and it's facking baby-Rudin which is humbling. I pray to god whatever econ/finance phd I end up at doesn't require me to take another pure real analysis course with some measure theory and topology shoehorned in disguised as "mathematics for economists". Hopefully what I know after this is enough to get through phd micro-econ.

Arms were sore as **** yesterday so I delayed my workout to today. They were still sore as ****.

DB incline: 80s for the ladiesx8x2, 12 regressed
Pullups: bwx8x10 didn't try very hard, still ended up at 22 minutes like the last 3 times in a row. Just goes to show you there's no point in trying in bodybuilding because the results are the same whether you give genuine effort or just try to get through it. Just like most things in life other than career/academia/real sports/hard lifts. Just stop trying and let **** happen to you. Most things are out of your control.
Plate loaded bench: 185x10x5
Pulldowns: 140x10x5 hard
Precor Bench: 145x10x5 also hard
Cable rows: 140x10x5 not hard?

Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-24-2014 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Just goes to show you there's no point in trying in bodybuilding because the results are the same whether you give genuine effort or just try to get through it. Just like most things in life other than career/academia/real sports/hard lifts. Just stop trying and let **** happen to you. Most things are out of your control.

LOL me when I'm drunk
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-24-2014 , 09:01 AM
What topic are you on and/or struggling with right now in RA? I never took real analysis, but I'm curious if I'm familiar with anything you're doing.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:07 AM
Saw it's just the fact that he's making the class way harder than it needs to be by demanding a **** ton of rote memorization (because he's Chinese, imo). He basically insisted we memorize 10 or so theorems from one of the chapters and then has questions like "Use theorem 9.3 to prove blah blah blah" and this was worth 2/5ths of the test and he needs it proved that way and not manually/constructively. The rest was basic epsilon delta proofs, Cauchy Sequences, convergence, and limits of sequences. I'm trying to supplement with a book called "Real Analysis with Economic Applications" and I'm noticing he's actively skipping a lot of **** that's relevant in microecon which is adding to my frustration because that's the whole reason I'm in the class.

Had a disaster of a workout post exam.

Jerk: 190x3x5 fack why does my knee hurt? I just took 2 weeks off from lower body lifting wtf.
Snatch: 165x3x2 knee still kinda tender **** it I'm going home, I don't want another travesty and have to take off 3 months
single leg extensions and gtfo

I guess I should just be resigned to the fact that I will never make any meaningful lower body progress. It's like I'm going steady for a few months and finally enter pr territory, then life happens or something starts hurting and I take 1-2 weeks off and lose 2 months of progress in that span and have to build back up and then life happens or something starts hurting and we repeat. Who ****ing cares. 405x6 dl and 325x8 hbbs means you'll never ever ever look disproportionate/chicken leg no matter how much upper body gains you achieve if you stay around 185-215. I probably outsquat like 99% of the wbff and almost all of the local 198lb NPC dickheads. I'm still just disgusted with myself. At least the upper body gainz are consistent. My hbbs worksets are a god damn stochastic process.

I filmed jerks, I'll upload when i get around to it. They're looking pretty gr8.

Last edited by Evoken; 09-26-2014 at 01:15 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-26-2014 , 08:22 AM
Wow that sounds really ****ty. What a terrible professor. Sorry bro! At least it's good that you're hating something that's not the material...? Lol.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-26-2014 , 11:30 AM
It sucks, RA will basically be useless research-wise if you do empirical work, but it's the best signaling device beyond letters for if you can think or not. What stuff is he skipping? Continuity and functional analysis?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
09-29-2014 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by RUDIKULOUS
It sucks, RA will basically be useless research-wise if you do empirical work, but it's the best signaling device beyond letters for if you can think or not. What stuff is he skipping? Continuity and functional analysis?
My motivation was more to take it so that I can successfully get through a 3 course micro theory series and comprehensive exam, since facking 40% of students fail these and idk if I'm even in the top half of work ethic and intelligence among people accepted into econ/finance phd programs.

Prof who taught master's micro gave no guidance in proving things so I can't reasonably expect this from phd micro teachers. On that note, the guy at my school now who teaches micro (Edward Schlee) has been teaching the course for 20 years and has given one "A". His philosophy is that if you deserve an A in his course, you shouldn't be at ASU. The guy who did get the A transferred to Stanford. C'mon.... It's a top 50 econ school and top 25 finance school wtf is wrong with this *******.

I kinda adjusted my expectations for what schools I can get into and a non trivial amount of the lower ranked schools don't even make you do a 2-3 course sequence+comprehensive micro hurdle for finance. Some just do 1 micro+1 macro and no comp or 1 micro+game theory and no comp. University of North Texas realizes that no future competent theorist is going to apply to their school so they just skip micro entirely and include only the relevant parts in some of the finance courses and have you do an econometrics comp instead. So yes, RA might be 100% useless depending on where I go. My #1 choice is Arkansas because they have a hy00ge stipend and a lot of real estate/mortgage guys, several of whom I cited in my thesis. They do a micro comp.

Continuity yes, also compactness, boundedness, and closure. In asset pricing theory, which includes a loootttt of preference relations stuff, choice under uncertainty, and expected utility, we were asked, "Can lexiographic preferences be represented by a utility function? Prove or disprove.". Transitivity and completeness were easy to prove, but I didn't know how to prove continuity and I got mad and googled the answer. Can't do that on a comp...Fack if I get in anywhere that requires a micro comp then the day I get my letter I'm gonna quit whatever job I have and hole up in a library 10 hours a day with MWG and Varian for a few months before I actually go.

All the a-holes on econphd seem to suggest unless you've had grad level measure theory and 1.5 years of RA+functional+complex+abstract+stochastic+pde you are ****ed and you will surely fail at any econ program.

Oh yeah enough nerding I worked out at student gym twice.

Bike: 20 mins, hr 138, 143 cals burned.

Press: 167.5x5x2, 8 great, 12lbs of bw gain in the last 2.5 months and no extra pressing strength to show for it.
Pullups: bwx23,15,12,13,10 = 73 but a lot of pulling strength to show for it! Bw up and pullup strength up, sick life.
Machine bench: 130x10x5
Lat pulldown: 130x10x5
Incline machine: 130x10x5

ran out of time

My knee is just a little sore and I want to stay off it. Prob 1x lower day/wk and no cleans/jerks, snatches, light squats, and leg extensions only. I'm thinking that me ceasing bike cardio and knee problems coming back are definitely related.

Last edited by Evoken; 09-29-2014 at 12:56 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-07-2014 , 11:25 PM
I'm back. Forced time off, unrelated to knee.

Press: 170x4 lol, 150x5, 150x11 okay
Pullups: bwx23,13,10,11,9 = 66
DB incline: 45sx20x2, 55sx12x2
Pulldowns: 130x10x5
Precor Chest press: 145x10x2, 130x10x3
HS low row: 2ppsx15x3 unilateral
Cable rows: 120x10x3

Cardio: 30 minutes on bike, 143 hr, 190~ cals burned, level 10. Cardio gainz from time off doe!

that is a ****ton of strength loss for a relatively low amount of time off. I really think that compared to any other two plus two regular logger I lose more strength from time off. Whatever, I really want to just make it through a full 4 weeks without missing or delaying a training session, even if I have to make it shorter or less intense. No exams or anything coming up so it should be doable imo.

Knee's feeling bad in the morning, good during the day. I will be only doing 1 lower workout per week for a while until I know it's safe.

Last edited by Evoken; 10-07-2014 at 11:37 PM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-09-2014 , 09:40 PM
Still very sore biceps from last workout, so numbers were all down

Tri set one:
BB curl: 75x20,7,6,5,6
Rope Pushdown: 90x5 sets to failure
Cable side raise: 30x10x2, 20x10x3

Tri set 2:
Seated DB side raises: 15x20,15,15,12,10
Seated db curls: 25sx10x5
DB Skullcrushers: 25sx12x5

Tri set 3:
Cable Curl: 5 sets failure
Straight bar pushdown: 5 sets failure
Cable side raise: 20x10x5

Cardio: 20 mins bike 151 hr ~150 calories I think.

Food consumption has been outrageous lately, probably close to 4-4.5k a day for like the last 6 days straight. I'm bulking and all but it would definitely be a good idea to slow down a bit.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-09-2014 , 10:25 PM

Do you ever have weird spasm issues after certain workouts? This happens with my forearms and biceps every week. I get a ridiculous pump in my forearm after doing pulling stuff, and then when I go home to shower, muscles just start locking up. I'm washing my hair and all of the sudden my bicep is involuntarily flexing at full force and it takes effort to straighten my arm out. Once it's straight it's manageable but the second I bend my arm my wrist comes straight to my shoulder again.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-10-2014 , 12:57 AM
Yes, all the time. This is your body telling you to hydrate. EC can make this difficult even if you're drinking a lot of water b/c they're both diuretics.

I've found 3 things that help in varying degrees: 1) Tums, 2) high salt+high fluid consumption, 3) taurine. High salt+high fluids seems to be the most important. I get these kinds of spasms in my abs and calves mostly, had em in hamstrings and forearms a few times.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-10-2014 , 05:42 PM
150x11 press 'okay' -__-
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-12-2014 , 01:59 AM
had a truly awful workout today, I think I was just fatigued from arm day and my bis/tris were still very sore.

DB incline: 75sx8x2, 75sx11
Pullups: bwx6x10 21 mins so weak lol
HS chest press: 155x10x5
Pulldowns: 120x10x5
Precor Chest presS: 130x10x5
Cable rows: 120x10x5
Cable Curl SS with Pushdowns: 3 sets failure

Didn't even get a decent pump. Work capacity in teh toilet.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-14-2014 , 09:42 PM
Another pretty bad one

Press: 155x5x2, 155x7 wtf
Pullups: bwx20,11,10,11,10 = 62 ouch
Db incline: 50sx15x5
Pulldowns: 130x10x5
Precor Chest press: 130x10x5
Cable row: 130x10x5
Cable curl SS with pushdowns: 3 sets failure

I'm thinking about eliminating ohp and just doing heavy db incline twice a week. I just facking hate the peaks and valleys that are inevitable with the lift. Like I go in today and I'm weaker than what I was doing 6 months ago despite being fairly consistent with it.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-15-2014 , 12:30 AM
I have noticed same thing with press. Some days it Is just not there and there doesn't seem to be a way to anticipate when it will happen.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
10-15-2014 , 07:24 AM
**** OHP
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
