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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog

06-16-2015 , 01:15 AM
Just saw the GoT. I agree, very solid final show. Also, the actress who plays Cersei has a great natural body for a 40+ year old woman (or really any age) IMO.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 04:14 AM
GoT spoiler:
I'm going with OOT and calling body double. lol natural body, nobody has an ass like that at 40+ without working hard for it. Anyways the episode as a whole was waaaayyy too packed with a ton of stuff imo. OMG we have to finish all the storylines nowwwww, let's gogogogo. Thought it was pretty bad.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Not going to knock fakeb at all bc his deadlift is great
TY. Stopped here.

Okay I kept reading. Pretty sure fakeb could bust out 315x15+. But he'd prob also fail 445+x1, so as usual everyone is mostly correct.

Originally Posted by Soulman
GoT spoiler:
I'm going with OOT and calling body double. lol natural body, nobody has an ass like that at 40+ without working hard for it. Anyways the episode as a whole was waaaayyy too packed with a ton of stuff imo. OMG we have to finish all the storylines nowwwww, let's gogogogo. Thought it was pretty bad.
99% sure it was a body double unless she had some serious work done. She's been nood before. Her bewbs are not that big. Not even the nips were the same. But maybe she had a baby and that ermmmm changed things up? I believe that she trains hard tho for what she has. We could call foul on other nood scenes she's done, but she's been spotted in bikinis and the like, and she is in great shape.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:12 AM
I don't think I have ever seen that actress in anything else, much less a nude scene. I just assumed she was just some obscure British actress like most of the cast. I just wiki'd her and I see she has done quite a bit of Hollywood stuff, but nothing I have ever seen except 300, and she was probably made up all cartoony in that movie like everyone else. Anyways, whoever it was, great body IMO.

As far as actual content, when they had Drogo pick up Dany and carry her off last episode I figured they were going to jump all the storylines to the point where the book Dance of Dragons ended, and that is basically what they did. I thought they actually did a pretty good job.

As I said earlier I also think it is important and not an accident that Melisandre ended up back at Castle Black before Jon died, and she is going to be involved in his resurrection somehow. Oh, I should add that I didn't like the Dorne storyline at all, and it really makes no sense, in either the show or book universes. I assumed Myrcella (and Tommen) are gonna die at some point because of what the fortune teller told Cersei when she was a kid, but I don't really like how they executed it. I think the way they killed off Stannis's daughter makes more sense in the world they built.

Last edited by ano12345; 06-16-2015 at 11:28 AM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:45 AM
Glad GOT talk can all be in my log!! Lena Heady has god tier body even without considering age. But yeah I think it's probably just a body double.

I definitely like the Doth'Raki becoming relevant again. I literally forgot they even existed or that the vast majority of them did not follow Dany and went off to do their own thing. This is a really great and interesting way of finally making Dany's story interesting, as it's been pretty bad since book 1 really.

Will post more thoughts later today. Overall I'm really impressed and happy with season 5. Except that ridiculously terrible fight scene between Jamie+Bronn and those two girls early in the season. That was ****ing stupid and horribly choreographed. The music was really dumb and taken out of context it could easily have passed as a GoT parody.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 01:21 PM
It is a double with CGI for some of the frontal walking

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Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
It is a double with CGI for some of the frontal walking

Sent from my SCH-R970 using 2+2 Forums
Rofl. I actually wouldn't mind a jezebel article explaining about how wrong this is and I think I would agree that represents some unfair body expectations. CGIing ideal bodies is some next level ****, that is pretty stupid.

That said, i found the scene easy to fap to until she started getting covered in various waste+blood.


Okay. So we have to remember GRRM started the ideas for this series in the late 80s or early 90s before the internet had exploded. His R+L=J thing probably would seem revolutionary back then before it was so easy to share fan theories and we had an HBO show. He never could have predicted that. So the R+L=J thing seems "too obvious" to us to be real, but it was probably put in place so long ago that it wouldn't have been "too obvious" back then.

I was disappointed by the stabbing, but also not. If they were going to permanently kill him off, they probably would have done it with some White Walkers battle off in the middle of the forest or something at a different time. Benjen thing got me for about 2.5 seconds but then I said lol no way. The little boy was ****ing stupid and shouldn't have been in the show at all. His stabbing was probably justified by the rest of the watch, not for letting the wildlings through, that was okay, but for getting too involved in the affairs of everyone south of the wall. They're supposed to be impartial and all that yet he's clearly supporting Stannis. The fact that it went down like this + the timing of Melisandre's return makes it REALLY obvious he's about to be resurrected and he's Azor Ahai reborn or whatever and him + Dany are going to push back the white walkers and co-rule the 7 kingdoms at the end of the series or fight it out or something like that.

I looovvvveeddd the Arya scene this episode and I'm glad they changed it from the books. It felt so much more compelling and AFAIK Trant was the one always beating the **** out of Sansa so it was kinda interesting for them to callback to that and have this be some weird fetish thing. Sucks she goes blind and all but I think it was handled better than in the books, where, to me anyway, her blindness felt kind of purposeless. Here it made more sense.

I'm thinking Jorah+Dario on a trek to find Dany is going to be the new boring segment I'm not looking forward to.

I thought they moved the Stannis arc along forward at just the right pace. In the books it just ****ing CRAWLS and it's all through Asha's POV and it's like "durr marching through the snow and hungry" for hundreds of pages with nothing happening. I'm sure the Shireen sacrifice will go down almost exactly that way in book 6 as well. I liked that they didn't beat around the bush and got right to it. I liked Brienne finally having her resolution even though she killed a character I liked. I'm sure that's not happening in the books at all, but Brienne is one of the best characters in the books and I'm happy the show gives her more attention and has her doing more badass stuff instead of frothing at the loins for Jamie.

More as I think of it. Will rewatch later.

Also my peptides+insulin pins+bacteriostatic water arrived. I went with ~15 weeks worth at 100mcgs of Mod GRF and GHRP-2 both taken twice a day. I don't know what the dosing schedule will be just yet, as some people get more of the sleepiness after injecting and some people get more of the hunger. If it doesn't make me too tired I'll do morning+post workout, if it does I'll probably do before bed+middle of the night as I pretty consistently get up ~3 hours before my day is supposed to start and have difficulty going back to sleep. I'll try the first one when I get home from squat sesh today and report back Full details b/c they're legal.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 03:59 PM
Spoiler pertaining to R+L =J. If you only watch show and don't know what this is in reference to them don't click.

i think R+L=J is super obvious in the books and it would be a bigger surprise if it wasn't. but I also think you would never guess it from the shows. I would be shocked if a show only watcher could come to that conclusion based on the show so far and assume they were lying and they had read some stuff on Internet or talked to a book reader. The show just doesn't give all the hints (yet) the books do. For me the giveaway is they just made Ned's character too uptight and noble to believe he would have an affair with his pregnant wife at home, especially when we find out he married Cat in his brothers place. Then when we find about how R + L ran away together and the affair was consensual everything clicks into place.

Also, at the end of Dance with Dragons doesn't Theon tell Asha that Stannis is dead? Also, I don't remember Shireen being On the March. I don't remember her even leaving the island. I am pretty sure Stannis is dead, Melisandre is at the wall, and I don't think Shireen being burned alive happens at all in the books.

Last edited by ano12345; 06-16-2015 at 04:06 PM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
i think R+L=J is super obvious in the books and it would be a bigger surprise if it wasn't. but I also think you would never guess it from the shows. I would be shocked if a show only watcher could come to that conclusion based on the show so far and assume they were lying and they had read some stuff on Internet or talked to a book reader. The show just doesn't give all the hints the books do.

Also, at the end of Dance with Dragons doesn't Theon tell Asha that Stannis is dead? Also, I don't remember Shireen being On the March. I don't remember her even leaving the island. I am pretty sure Stannis is dead, Melisandre is at the wall, and I don't think Shireen being burned alive happens at all in the books.

Shireen+Stannis's wife who's name I can't remember+Melisandre are all at the wall. I'm almost certain they will still end up burning her
somehow in book 6. Maybe it will be to resurrect JSnow instead.

Also, was there a single Bran scene this whole season? I remember those being my absolute favorite parts of book 5. Those and Theon's chapters were pretty damn good.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 04:15 PM
I am assuming to save $$ they decided to cram the Bran arc into season 4 and keep it out of season 5. I don't recall much happening in the books that couldn't be crammed into 10 min of the first episode of season 6 anyways, so ok with me.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 05:04 PM

Definitely in for peptide thoughts
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
The way the supplement industry in the U.S. operates today I would be more scared of getting fake/useless/potentially dangerous stuff if it is legal.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic

Definitely in for peptide thoughts
That would be a great name for Evo's youtube series.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
That would be a great name for Evo's youtube series.
hahha agreed.

What are peptides tho? what do they do?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
hahha agreed.

What are peptides tho? what do they do?
GH for cheap bastards. Stimulates pituitary gland to produce more gh. Legal, effective, can gauge efficacy easily through bloodtests if you take the blood tests within 2-3 hours after injection + effects are too pronounced to completely fake. Regular GH is almost undetecable without a blood test that costs 8k$ to administer (which is what got Pat Mendes). Peptides are 100% undetectable so far unless you happen to shoot them 2-3 hours before a test.


I'll dig out long version later if I feel like it.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 09:52 PM
Juggernaut method legs
HBBS: 285x10x2, 285x18 honestly I lost count but I'll check vid
FS: 185x10x2
Selectorized leg press: 145x20x3
Leg curls: 100x15x5
Leg extensions: 100x12x7
KB swings: 24kgx20x3 1 min rest

Legs were good for way more on skwats. So were lungs, really. Just HR started going insane and the pump was uncomfortable. Bar really didn't slow practically at all though. Just unaccustomed to this high of reps. either way, huge step up from last week's abortion. That had me kinda scared that I'd suddenly and rapidly lost strength but given the lack of sleep for the 2 days prior to that workout I guess I shouldn't have been.

Oh yeah, made a lot of form changes on HBBS. Stance is much wider, toes are out more because **** kstarr. I'm also descending a lot more slowly on the first few reps and gradually letting the descent become faster. This is just dumb broscience but I feel like your body "learns" how to rebound and sorta gets warmed up on the first few reps and then once it's learned you can speed it up later within the set? Dumb, I know, but seems to work okay.

So 285x5x2, 285x16 with nothing left in the tank and laying down for 10+ minutes afterword->285x10x2, 285x18 with a lot more in the tank and just having to sit for 5 minutes in about ~4 months while losing 3.5lbs bw. Cool. Thanks AAS!

No peptides until pre-bed, too lazy to reconstitute and stuff.

Excited to go for max reps at 3 plates next week! Hoping at least 13 but after today I think it may be even more than that!

Last edited by Evoken; 06-16-2015 at 09:59 PM.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 10:23 PM
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 10:42 PM
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 10:57 PM
Evo: so if pepsi is legal and beneficial why don' more people take them?
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:06 PM
Obscure, difficult to use b/c you have to go through the effort of buying bacteriostatic water, reconstituting it, and injecting it. Most people, even vets of the iron game, don't really understand what GH actually does, much less what a GH secretagogue does. A shocking amount of people are "terrified of needles", which is funny because these are subcutaneous injections with 5/8ths of an inch super tiny needles. Also they're pretty new and nobody really has a clue about long term health effects lololol.

It's kind of "grey" right now like Prohormones/Designers were from 2004-2013 (RIP), except in this case the U.S. gov't has taken literally no action against it whereas they were starting to crack down on prohormones as early as 05 before they finally got a full ban in 2013.

Hopefully it stays obscure like this or they, too, will get banned like my lovely designers did once the supplement industry and government health police overlords realize that they actually work. Can't have that kind of competition or people will stop buying monohydrongenizeated beta alanine new formula vanilla chocolate velvet cheescake strawberry caseine and soy blended whey. Although PH/DS are still legal in the U.K. and easy as fack to import into the US from UK online retailers.

Lastly, i actually can't remember reading any anecdotes about how GH/peptides behave for somebody who doesn't have any AAS running in their system. Surely there's some kind of synergy but I'm sure it's not been explored yet. Hopefully abrahamovic can be a guinea pig and stay within the USAW rulebook.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
monohydrongenizeated beta alanine new formula vanilla chocolate velvet cheescake strawberry caseine and soy blended whey
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:15 PM
Evo, if you actually think BIG SUPPLEMENT is in bed with the FDA enough to facilitate banning peptides, or anything else for that matter, I will state with 100% metaphysical certainty that this is not the case. And also that they certainly do NOT want it to be the case, because that necessarily means they would be implicitly putting themselves on the hook for more scrutiny on their operations than they currently receive from FDA (i.e. almost none unless there is some media grabbing adverse event).

I pray every day that it changes, though.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:18 PM
Okay yeah that is kinda ridiculous now that I think about it. Those guys are too ****ing ******ed to even talk to the FDA most likely.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:35 PM
It's more that they know FDA is too underfunded to do anything but operate in a risk based manner (this is true even with pharma/device/biologics manufacturers), so supplement manufacturers know that if they're not brazenly ******ed/corrupt and just sell their customers stuff that is merely harmlessly misbranded as opposed to maliciously misbranded that it's unlikely they'll even be noticed.

At some point within my career that will change, and I will be fascinated to see the effects.
Emoken's Kai Greene homage blog Quote
06-16-2015 , 11:42 PM
Lol I would use gear too if I was gonna use peptides. I have never competed and am not a crazy athlete, usaw drug testing is unfortunately probably not in the cards.

That is why I'm interested though. If these guys at the otc/cal strength/mdusa are not on whatever peps they can get their hands on + strategically timed test susp injections then I am pretty disappointed. They should not be complaining about other countries using drugs if they aren't at least using what they can
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