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DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight

04-13-2014 , 02:50 PM
Sweet high bars are back!! The ROM of those high bars are taller than Freddbird's whole body. Sick.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:37 PM
Sweet C&Js my man.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-14-2014 , 09:28 AM
week 00 - 11/04/2013 - 291.3 lbs (start)
week 01 - 11/11/2013 - 290.2 lbs (-1.1 lb)
week 02 - 11/18/2013 - 281.4 lbs (-8.8 lbs for week, -9.9 lbs overall)
week 03 - 11/25/2013 - 279.5 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -11.8 lbs overall)
week 04 - 12/02/2013 - 276.8 lbs (-2.7 lbs for week, -14.5 lbs overall)
week 05 - 12/09/2013 - 274.0 lbs (-2.8 lbs for week, -17.3 lbs overall)
week 06 - 12/16/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 07 - 12/23/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-0 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 08 - 12/30/2013 - 271.4 lbs (+0.9 lbs for week, -19.9 lbs overall)
week 09 - 1/06/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-5.0 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 10 - 1/13/2014 - 268.9 lbs (+2.5 lbs for week, -22.4 lbs overall)
week 11 - 1/20/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 12 - 1/27/2014 - 262.9 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -28.4lbs overall)
week 13 - 2/03/2014 - 263.5 lbs (+0.6 lbs for week, -27.8 lbs overall)
Week 14 - 2/10/2014 - 259.8 lbs (-3.7 lbs for week, -31.5 lbs overall)
Week 15 - 2/17/2014 - 257.9 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -33.4 lbs overall)
Week 16 - 2/24/2014 - 259.3 lbs (+1.4 lbs for week, -32.0 lbs overall)
Week 17 - 3/03/2014 - 257.8 lbs (-1.5 lbs for week, -33.5 lbs overall)
Week 18 - 3/10/2014 - 254.6 lbs (-3.2 lbs for week, -36.7 lbs overall)
Week 19 - 3/17/2014 - 255.6 lbs (+1.0 lbs for week, -35.7 lbs overall)
Week 20 - 3/24/2014 - 254.8 lbs (-0.8 lbs for week, -36.5 lbs overall)
Week 21 - 3/31/2014 - 251.2 lbs (-3.6 lbs for week, -40.1 lbs overall)
Week 22 - 4/07/2014 - 250.2 lbs (-1.0 lbs for week, -41.1 lbs overall)
Week 23 - 4/14/2014 - 254.0 lbs (+3.8 lbs for week, -37.3lbs overall)

I ate a ton this past weekend. Mostly meat. That is all.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-14-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by BPA234
Looking good man. Squats looked encouraging.
ty, I am encouraged. I have also been working on mobility/soft tissue stuff on my hip as much as possible, which has helped as much as anything. I am guardedly encouraged. It's gonna be tough (or impossible) to progress in anything without pushing squats.

Originally Posted by LuckyLloyd
You must be pretty happy with how it's all shaking out generally? Some injury issues sure, but overall you're reclaiming a lot of strength fairly quickly.

Rename log 'Return of the King' imo.
I am generally happy. I am just shooting for one PR this year. I am more like the 50th in line prince than the king though, honestly.

Originally Posted by loco
Sweet high bars are back!! The ROM of those high bars are taller than Freddbird's whole body. Sick.
I knew you would appreciate light squat vids. Very exciting for everyone, no doubt.

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Sweet C&Js my man.
ty, I need to work on not crashing in the bottom of heavier attempts though. And jerks. A lot. Anyway, I am having fun so for right now I am just taking it in two week blocks at a time and going from there.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:24 AM
4.15.2014 training

530am fasted w/bcaas, 200mg caffeine I think... having a hard time remembering, everything's on autopilot in the morning. Which is good, I guess.
bodyweight 252.1 lbs

warmups, felt slow and stiff today
195xF behind
Generally slow and way way onto my left toes today. Gonna have to watch this and see what I can potentially do with mobility stuff to address it.

clean pull + hang clean (knee) (2+1)

push press

315x2x6 (hip feels tight, but can do work)
60s between sets

a1) ring fallouts 3x12
a2) pronated supine ring rows 3x12
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-17-2014 , 09:37 AM

Everything feels slow, bad, tired. No injuries though. Not sore per se, just feel beat up. Sleep is fine. Weight the same. Idk. May take a lighter week and/or more hang and tech work next week if Sat. feels like this.

530am fasted w/bcaas, 200mg caffeine

snatch pull + hang snatch (knee) (2+1)
Felt slow and like **** and my right wrist hurt.

clean and jerk
255 (R wrist starts hurting a bunch)
275 (F jerk, just slow and not getting torso through, drove plenty high enough)
295xfx2 (f cl)

front squat
felt weak/unstable in hole

a1) back ext. on ghd: 3x12
a2) front plank (max effort): 3x15-20s, 3rd round w/ 45lb plate

b1) low (abdomen) ring rows: 3x12
b2) (high) face pulls: 3x12

c) pushups 2x10 (stopped because wrist was tired)
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-17-2014 , 04:02 PM
I forgot to mention, my left ankle feels pretty painful, approximately like it's about to snap off my body. Not in a sprain way, just that the joint hurts. Idk. I stretched it a lot this morning and it was fine. It's the ankle that has no attached tendons and about 400 old injuries, so... yeah. Hopefully it goes away. I will probably voodoo band/roll/stretch it and/or take a walk and ignore it tonight.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 11:58 AM
pm walk 3.5 miles
checking out the hardcore history podcast on mongols, seems cool

cf gym, 730am, fasted w/bcaas + 200mg caffeine
bodyweight 248.8

I still feel a little beat up. Probably standard until I start eating at maintenance again (which feels like approximately never).

195xf 1st behind + f 2nd forward
left ankle doesn't want to move correctly and is still painful, idk
185x2 (power snatched)

clean pull + hang clean (hip) (1+1)
pretty good actually

btn jerk
just out of gas, I think

last three sets were out-of-gas grinders. I am basically never going to fail this light for triples, but I was really tired and my session was ending at about 2.5 hours... too long. I was just dragging the whole morning.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:04 PM
is it okay to buy a hookgrip shirt if I don't do any oly lifting? plesae advise
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:07 PM
Nice work with your lifts!

Originally Posted by downtown
I ate a ton this past weekend. Mostly meat. That is all.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I was just dragging the whole morning.
This happens to me far too often. I am just yawning throughout the whole workout, never feel awake, and cannot hit decent numbers. I wish I could lift in the evening, but it just doesn't work for my schedule atm.

Nice job on the weight loss. You're going to weigh less than me soon.

Following any particular program for squats right now or just the Pendlay beginner thing?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:13 PM
Eh, is there an argument for eating at a small surplus and pressing on with the important business of being strong? You're looking good, weight is workable. Why continue feeling beat up?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
is it okay to buy a hookgrip shirt if I don't do any oly lifting? plesae advise
Only if you like hookgrip on facebook. But once you do that, you'll be a weightlifter. Thus the requirement satisfied.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Nice work with your lifts!

Thanks. It's kinda this grindy non-exciting period of weeks/months, so I am just happy putting in the work.

Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
This happens to me far too often. I am just yawning throughout the whole workout, never feel awake, and cannot hit decent numbers. I wish I could lift in the evening, but it just doesn't work for my schedule atm.

Nice job on the weight loss. You're going to weigh less than me soon.

Following any particular program for squats right now or just the Pendlay beginner thing?
Yeah, I wasn't tired per se, just... there. idk. It was fine. I can't expect anything else while I lose weight.

For the squats, I am taking the 6-week Russian program, being very conservative with my 1rm selection (I think I used 395 or 405), and changing it to 9-weeks 2x/week squatting and adding light front squats on the middle day. So mondays will be doubles, wed light triples, saturdays (when I have more time) will be the tougher sets. The thing is, I could have grinded 4s today, so it should be doable and more importantly a way to reramp up volume as my hip is feeling better (it is).
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyLloyd
Eh, is there an argument for eating at a small surplus and pressing on with the important business of being strong? You're looking good, weight is workable. Why continue feeling beat up?
My bodyfat is ok, but still higher than I guess I am ok with long term. (Maybe 16-19% right now, the actual number is not important to me, more how I feel). I am actually ok being at 250 (i.e. right now) and it will probably live on as my upper boundary. I just want to see if I feel better at ~235.

I may also want to do a weightlifting comp as a 105, but that's not my primary concern.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
My bodyfat is ok, but still higher than I guess I am ok with long term. (Maybe 16-19% right now, the actual number is not important to me, more how I feel). I am actually ok being at 250 (i.e. right now) and it will probably live on as my upper boundary. I just want to see if I feel better at ~235.

I may also want to do a weightlifting comp as a 105, but that's not my primary concern.
Sounds reasonable. These things are personal to everyone, but you don't look like a man in need of a cut fwiw and moving worthwhile weight.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 06:30 PM
Hardcore History

Though, like me, you'll probably feel sad when you get through the back catalog and new episodes are 3-4 months apart.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-19-2014 , 10:21 PM
PM walk 3.5 miles.

Originally Posted by Aidan
Hardcore History

Though, like me, you'll probably feel sad when you get through the back catalog and new episodes are 3-4 months apart.
Maybe. I'm generally not a a big podcast dude but I do like this so far. (Almost through about 4 hours / 2 eps.) Great for walks.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-20-2014 , 03:10 PM
Afternoon walk 3.2 miles
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-20-2014 , 03:53 PM
Dad walks?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-21-2014 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Dad walks?
Nah, unless you mean technically. Just by myself while Frau DT lifts in the garage and the kids nap, most recently.

I should generally mention that I probably walk an extra mile a day to the park, usually. I also do housedad stuff like stand around outside and look at things that need to be fixed and say things like, "Hmm."
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-21-2014 , 09:10 AM
week 00 - 11/04/2013 - 291.3 lbs (start)
week 01 - 11/11/2013 - 290.2 lbs (-1.1 lb)
week 02 - 11/18/2013 - 281.4 lbs (-8.8 lbs for week, -9.9 lbs overall)
week 03 - 11/25/2013 - 279.5 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -11.8 lbs overall)
week 04 - 12/02/2013 - 276.8 lbs (-2.7 lbs for week, -14.5 lbs overall)
week 05 - 12/09/2013 - 274.0 lbs (-2.8 lbs for week, -17.3 lbs overall)
week 06 - 12/16/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 07 - 12/23/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-0 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 08 - 12/30/2013 - 271.4 lbs (+0.9 lbs for week, -19.9 lbs overall)
week 09 - 1/06/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-5.0 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 10 - 1/13/2014 - 268.9 lbs (+2.5 lbs for week, -22.4 lbs overall)
week 11 - 1/20/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 12 - 1/27/2014 - 262.9 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -28.4lbs overall)
week 13 - 2/03/2014 - 263.5 lbs (+0.6 lbs for week, -27.8 lbs overall)
Week 14 - 2/10/2014 - 259.8 lbs (-3.7 lbs for week, -31.5 lbs overall)
Week 15 - 2/17/2014 - 257.9 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -33.4 lbs overall)
Week 16 - 2/24/2014 - 259.3 lbs (+1.4 lbs for week, -32.0 lbs overall)
Week 17 - 3/03/2014 - 257.8 lbs (-1.5 lbs for week, -33.5 lbs overall)
Week 18 - 3/10/2014 - 254.6 lbs (-3.2 lbs for week, -36.7 lbs overall)
Week 19 - 3/17/2014 - 255.6 lbs (+1.0 lbs for week, -35.7 lbs overall)
Week 20 - 3/24/2014 - 254.8 lbs (-0.8 lbs for week, -36.5 lbs overall)
Week 21 - 3/31/2014 - 251.2 lbs (-3.6 lbs for week, -40.1 lbs overall)
Week 22 - 4/07/2014 - 250.2 lbs (-1.0 lbs for week, -41.1 lbs overall)
Week 23 - 4/14/2014 - 254.0 lbs (+3.8 lbs for week, -37.3lbs overall)
Week 24 - 4/21/2014 - 248.2 lbs (-5.8 lbs for week, -43.1lbs overall)

I ate less and did exercises and lost weight.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-21-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I ate less and did exercises and lost weight.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-21-2014 , 07:02 PM
I imagine dt's dad walks to be like this:

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
04-22-2014 , 09:17 AM
530am cf gym, fasted, 200mg caffeine + bcaas

snatch pull + hang snatch (hip) (2+1)
Right shoulder felt tight so I kept things light, not that much heavier than this from the hip is easy/doable for me right now anyway

clean and jerk
205x2x2 - felt like I pulled something in my neck? I just ignored it and it's fine now. Just noting in case it comes back later.

form felt weird like my knees were tracking too far forward today

a1) db external rotations elbow support at 90deg, 10 lb DB, 3x12 ea arm
a2) one-arm prone lower trap raises, 10lb DB, 3x12 ea arm
so left shoulder is definitely tender, but by the time I was done with this everything felt fine. Just weightlifting wear and tear from ramping up imo, I will be sure to add more shoulder stretches, prehab, exercises like this, etc.

b) kb suitcase carry walk: 70lb x ~60s/100m ea side
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
