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DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight

11-01-2018 , 04:58 PM
My invite must have gotten lost in the mail. Sad!

Last edited by Soulman; 11-01-2018 at 04:59 PM. Reason: looks pretty k i guess
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-05-2018 , 03:40 PM

bw 257

My right hip flexor was on fire all weekend when I tried to lift my right leg / just move in daily life, not lifting weights - it's my back injury radiating thru hip I guess. I continue to Mcgill/warmup extra/etc, I walk a lot, I try to play with my kids on the ground a lot and just move around in general, but I am not sure what else I can do here other than go back to PT to get new ideas/Dx/add additional PT exercises (I already do several PT exercises that I don't log and I should probably add 2-3x other days of just my warmup... there's an idea I guess.) The pain isn't bad enough to investigate surgery, but it is annoying all the time, so idk. I'll probably just push/pull, add some just movement/PT/core days and go back to avoiding squatting other than normal warmups. And maybe losing another 20lbs would help. /old

2 presses / 2 push presses / 2 push jerks

2 push presses / 2 jerks

a) rack pull (all double overhand)
315 x6
365 x4
415 x3

b) kb swing
32 x10x3

11 minutes 11.11 seconds
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:23 PM
Foie gras candy bar for dessert, gross. Strong Pass.

Foie gras. Pork butt. Oysters. Duck. Not a fan of the French but partner has been raving about it for years. Maybe when I am 60.

I told my sister if she signed up for Chicago marathon I would put in the reservation for Alinea. She just signed up today. Lol. Lottery gives her about 43% shot. That would be funny if she gets in and I drop a dime on dinner.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:29 PM
Alinea's worth it once or twice, I think. I tend to prefer 1* places and bib gourmand, but it's apples and foie, so to speak. Alinea's been re-done/re-concepted from when I last went, I should go again with Mrs DT.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-06-2018 , 03:48 PM
have you ever done voodoo band stuff for your hip?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-08-2018 , 03:32 PM
Not really - it's always been described to me as a problem with pain referred from my back, or some sort of glute med issue. So My PT stuff tends to focus on that. That said, it loosened up, so maybe just some sort of tendon inflammation or other olds idk.


Just really tired so I took it easy.

205 x8
195 x8
185 x8

5 min


17min 77 seconds

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-12-2018 , 03:56 PM
^oops, above was actually incline bench not flat



bw 262 not bloated just fat

I was motivated to do wl bc of worlds, then I felt 1000 today so I just did this. K.

225 x5
235 x5
245 x5
255 x4
265 x3
I forgot how to do this lift.

chin-ups (neutral gril)

Cable Rows
160 x8
200 x8
220 x8
260 x8

Seated DB press
50x x8
65s x8

11min 11.11 seconds

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-13-2018 , 03:24 PM

bw 260.8

225 x10
tough but doable

some strong & unusual thoracic discomfort, maybe from cable rows?, anyway I stopped midway through next/2nd set of 205 just to be safe

225 x8
295 x8
345 x6x2

a. lunges
3 sets x 8reps ea leg

b. GHR
3 sets x 8 reps

15 mins, 15 seconds

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-13-2018 , 04:35 PM
have you ever tried actual voodoo?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-30-2018 , 03:27 PM

Not really doing much. I've had just terrible shoulder pain recently (slept on a bed in Indiana, I blame that). Also my back feels bad. Feels bad man.

bw 260

135 x8
125 x10
115 x10

front squat
to 225x3

back hurt, went to sauna

17 min 17 seconds

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-30-2018 , 03:43 PM
Can I interest you in some barbell medicine videos that will tell you that your pain probably isn't that bad and to train anyway? K
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-30-2018 , 05:03 PM
Havent you seen a PT for ART before? Assuming that person was good at it, I would see that person about your shoulder if I were you.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
11-30-2018 , 09:32 PM
I hope I didn't fat shame you in Monte's thread. Fwiw you don't look remotely fat in your videos! For some reason I thought you were cutting to 215, which seemed really low considering your giant genes.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 03:28 PM
@cha that is a good idea

@Rexx, I have not posted videos in some years! However, the management would like to thank you for only stalking me at my peak and we respectfully request no further discussion of anything, ever.


bw unknown and unknowable. Prob 260 tho. May force a diet just so I don't go full desserts and egg nog in the next few weeks. Please do not post your opinion on egg nog rather include it in the above restriction on discussions of things.

In other news, I worked on my shoulders A LOT (PT stuff, bands and chainz, etc.) and this workout was focused on moving them. My shoulders rarely or never bothered me during wl. Not sure if just olds or what, but I am def lost a bit of ROM. Today felt k.

Muscle Snatch
95 x3x2
135 x3x2
155 x2x2

185 x5
225 x5
275 x5
325 x5

Face pulls

11min 11seconds

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 03:42 PM
Muscle snatch 185? Good grief. What's your snatch PR?
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 03:47 PM
125@116 in 2014

now prob 105(???)@~118, but that's a pretty rough estimate. Cliffs: my back hurts and I am a baby and so I don't really train as hard as I could bc no good reasons the end.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
I legit frequently forget that this log is in kg.


Tom & Jerry > Eggnog.
Mostly lifting in inferior lbs now. Sad. I always just assume that people know which is which, out of the like eight readers of my log. Now nine hi arjun please note that baldness is a way of life not a look to be cultivated (this is called bald denial and is quite bad) and you will do fine here.

That drink looks fancy as ****. Tom and Jerry! Even the name says it's only for people who have considered a Suburu. Warm milk! This is definitely the peak of what people will talk about when/after the proletariat rises. "Hey Dimitri remember how rich ****s paid $20 for warm milk at Anker before it was the people's coffee place #455?" "No."

Anyway, I am def not making that bc v lazy, but I'll def order some at some local place for fancies if I see it. See you there, I guess! Maybe Stacey can make them for us! (Pls no extra creamy joke.)
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 09:47 PM

I thought the rule was unless someone turns up on your doorstep you're meant to ignore 2p2 posters stalking! Pretty sure there's a note in some sticky on here which says public shaming regarding stalking is a bannable offense. Fyi the reason I went looking is because I associated you with your avatar so got curious. I think I have checked out most regs to see what they look like lol.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:55 PM
No better way to tell cold weather to stay plugged than with a piping hot Tom and Jerry!
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-04-2018 , 06:01 AM
Cit yes I do know who is in his avatar.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-04-2018 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Mostly lifting in inferior lbs now. Sad.
Mostly lifts in deeply k, sometimes lifts in deeply kg.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
12-04-2018 , 03:54 PM

bw 261 - I have not decided if I'm dieting or not, just mostly consciously avoiding desserts during the holidays and all the bs that idiots set out at work, I guess. And consciously moving a bit more.

Good bit of stretching/mcgill/movement/etc

air/wall squats just to test back - seems k
some pullup shoulder movement
fat man pullups
lucky cat/rotator cuff (wow left shoulder feels like ****! Gotta call ART, no time this week... might have to make some.)
airdyne - 5 min
sauna 14 min 14 seconds
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-10-2019 , 03:15 PM
Not dead yet.

bw 261.7
body comp: could be better, maybe 25% bf? Not great. Drinking ever so slightly more, moving ever so slightly less.

135 x5
145 x5
155 x5

130 x5
220 x6
270 x6
320 x6

Face Pulls
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-15-2019 , 03:17 PM

Got to gym, nothing really worth writing about - push/squat no pull today. Walk/sauna.

My anxiety is pretty high for various reasons. Nothing crazy. Family is good. Life is k. k.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-15-2019 , 10:43 PM
That 2014 snatch video was epic. Do you ever still do the full wl lifts? (Why not?)
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
