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Drug Test Question Drug Test Question

11-05-2013 , 12:56 PM

for anyone who still cares. It's a common, common question I posed in this thread.

I just didn't realize that the H/F forums here were filled with a bunch of grown men who fantasize about becoming professional athletes. Grow up!
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11-05-2013 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
ok, ive pretty much had enough. time to lock and ban op, and the rest of us for engaging.

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11-05-2013 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nostalgia3182

for anyone who still cares. It's a common, common question I posed in this thread.

I just didn't realize that the H/F forums here were filled with a bunch of grown men who fantasize about becoming professional athletes. Grow up!
I still want to know why you aren't using crack and heroin. Half life's are way shorter because the agent they test for isn't fat soluble. Forgive my bros in this forum, most are so fat that they could test months later and still show all the THC. That's why they shake dicks. Smoking a glass dick is just a smarter choice.
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11-05-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Half life's are way shorter because the agent they test for isn't fat soluble.
At least you have some semblance of a clue as to what you're talking about.

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11-05-2013 , 01:12 PM
No reason to ban the OP but also no reason to keep feeding the troll either until he has a nice bowl to calm down first.
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11-05-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Lol this thread is amazing; I'm changing my position, you should light up a bowl in front of your PO and ask him if he wants a hit; make sure you have a cup of coffee nearby in case he says no. You have a good report, I'm sure he'll totally let it go.
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11-05-2013 , 01:57 PM
I am not a grown-up, but a grown-up woman. And I don't want be a professional athlete.
And I am in Europe, which has a lot more liberal drug laws. And I do not demonize use of anything.

But OP Don't be dumb! Don't smoke, use, swallow or do something prohibited now. I mean, I know probably every advice given here makes you want to smoke more. Just out of spite.
But I mean ...jail....I mean....It is just plain dumb.
Drug Test Question Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
ok, ive pretty much had enough. time to lock and ban op, and the rest of us for engaging.
no way
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11-05-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
I am not a grown-up, but a grown-up woman. And I don't want be a professional athlete.
And I am in Europe, which has a lot more liberal drug laws. And I do not demonize use of anything.

But OP Don't be dumb! Don't smoke, use, swallow or do something prohibited now. I mean, I know probably every advice given here makes you want to smoke more. Just out of spite.
But I mean ...jail....I mean....It is just plain dumb.
No, you're 100% correct. Obviously. It's just that I was a regular smoker, pretty much daily, for quite some time. This is the first legitimate t-break that I've taken in forever and I know if I smoked just a few hits I would get legitimately stoned again, you know?

But yeah - It's crazy and almost like Russian roulette. I mean, I know it would be out of my system in 21 days but ...I'm not going to chance it.


p.s. - I'm not a drug addict or anything, guys. It's marijuana. I don't use other drugs and I don't plan on using other drugs. I used to be a phenomenal athlete and loved playing sports but some point you need to move on, you know? I had no interest in playing sports professionally (much to the dismay of parents, coaches, teachers pushing me to take advantage of natural talent + years of hard work).
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11-05-2013 , 02:10 PM
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11-05-2013 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Don't even make me start in on you. Drinkin' Henny? Don't get even make me start...
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11-05-2013 , 02:22 PM
So that's it then? You are not going to smoke tonight?
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11-05-2013 , 02:44 PM
kid is clearly the one who has lacked the ability to grow up. He got addicted to drugs and stopped "exercising", it destroyed dem gainz and his so called "natural talent". He freaked out probably while high, did something stupid, hasn't learned anything and now wants to get away with doing something against the law.

It is ironic you tell guys who want to better themselves physically to "grow up" when you smoke weed, desparately want to even knowing it could land you in jail.

*slow clap*
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11-05-2013 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
no way
im sorry you missed the action
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11-05-2013 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
kid is clearly the one who has lacked the ability to grow up. He got addicted to drugs and stopped "exercising", it destroyed dem gainz and his so called "natural talent". He freaked out probably while high, did something stupid, hasn't learned anything and now wants to get away with doing something against the law.

It is ironic you tell guys who want to better themselves physically to "grow up" when you smoke weed, desparately want to even knowing it could land you in jail.

*slow clap*
Unless he started smoking cigarettes and weed when he was six (in another post he claimed to have a fifteen year habit of doing both), he's too old to be referred to as a "kid" (at least chronologically).

Plus there's a decent chance he still lives with his parents.

Also, this

needs to be Aidan's new undertitle, immediately.
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11-05-2013 , 03:00 PM
make it happen, number four
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11-05-2013 , 03:47 PM
ty all in the thread.
laughed a lot.
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11-05-2013 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Call me a pussy but I think I would stay clean for a year.
Federal Probation doesn't sound like a ****ing cake walk so I'll agree with that ****.
Drug Test Question Quote
11-05-2013 , 04:10 PM
5/5, would read again.
Drug Test Question Quote
11-05-2013 , 04:31 PM
Best thread of the year, so many brah basketball top lels were had. Actually legit lol'ed out loud several times.

ETA: then OP topped it all with blatant wascism, such top top.

Last edited by Soulman; 11-05-2013 at 04:42 PM.
Drug Test Question Quote
11-05-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Are you friends with Richie Incognito?

Originally Posted by Nostalgia3182
Basketball is the bigger waste of time. You must be one of those morons who uses terms like "magician" and "tactician" when negro Lebron jumps up and dunks dat ball for the twentieth time on Tuesday night.

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11-05-2013 , 04:46 PM
Aidan troll account IMO.
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11-05-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
Federal Probation doesn't sound like a ****ing cake walk so I'll agree with that ****.
Actually, dude - Federal Pretrial Services is worse than the probation. On probation I'm just basically having to touch base via phone now and then with the guy and take a piss test now and then.

Pretrial services wanted me to go to anger management, drug counseling, victim impact, etc. If my pretrial services officer wasn't a completely incompetent and lazy basketball fan I probably would have wound up in jail. As it was, I just kept blowing off everything he asked me to do and he just kept forgetting about it/giving up on it.

Again - I threw coffee on someone. To still be dealing with it 13 months later is kind of ridiculous when it was on my property and I had already asked this idiot to leave more than once.
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11-05-2013 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman

ETA: then OP topped it all with blatant wascism, such top top.
Oh, it wasn't that blatant. I just think it's ridiculous for someone who spends their time watching the least strategic and intellectually stimulating sport to be standing up on proverbial pedestal like they're better than someone else because they smoke marijuana.

Half of the NBA is blazed out of their minds during the game anyway.
Drug Test Question Quote
11-05-2013 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nostalgia3182
Actually, dude - Federal Pretrial Services is worse than the probation. On probation I'm just basically having to touch base via phone now and then with the guy and take a piss test now and then.

Pretrial services wanted me to go to anger management, drug counseling, victim impact, etc. If my pretrial services officer wasn't a completely incompetent and lazy basketball fan I probably would have wound up in jail. As it was, I just kept blowing off everything he asked me to do and he just kept forgetting about it/giving up on it.

Again - I threw coffee on someone. To still be dealing with it 13 months later is kind of ridiculous when it was on my property and I had already asked this idiot to leave more than once.
I don't side with IRS agents on most things anyway, no need to convince me what you did wasn't called for.
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