Originally Posted by JimmyBwohoho
I did some foam rolling again today my skill in this regard has improved a lot.
My lats seems to be the only body part getting very bad doms atm, where the legs are doing very well since Im good a rolling them.
I have looked into my diet again, I first wanted to carb cycle, but I mess it up, and Ive stayed at 90ish for like a month now, so cycling doesnt seem nececary, this it what I had to eat today.
4 litres of water
60g oatmeal
20g whey
5 quality capsules fishoil
1 standard supermaket multivitamin
30g almonds
1 orange
2 pieces bread 66g
1 chicken breast 125g
1 apple
40g whey
60g dextrose
6g creatine
125g pasta
125g chicken
82g aspargues
33g spinach
20g Super duper Extra Virgin Olive oil (paid $20 for 500 ml, silly me...)
250g cottage cheese.
It works out to:
2300 kcal 290g carb/175g prot/54g fat