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cookie's powerlifting and golf log cookie's powerlifting and golf log

01-16-2009 , 04:31 PM

I know I remember you asking about foam rolling stuff in the **** thread, now you're doing it I guess. Did you find anything of value on the web, and could you share the link? I'm sure it's in here somewhere but I'm lazy.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-18-2009 , 11:06 AM
Sunday week 3

DE bench
9x3x50 + double light band *1* circle on the weak band

JM press
6x40 55 55 55 55

One Arm Standing DB Press


cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-19-2009 , 03:09 PM
Monday week 4

Sumo DL
5x60 60 60 60
3x80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Not too heavy, meet saturday

Safety bar seated squats
5x20 50 60 60 60 a bit lazy here

GHR in toughest setting
5xme me 5 5 5

Dimel deads


Wahlgren abs high
6 10 10 8 8 x 5 kg
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-19-2009 , 05:33 PM
Nice log, and nice results, keep em coming!! If you get bored, take a look at sherdog:

A lot of info for lifters...........
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-19-2009 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by JimmyBwohoho
Nice log, and nice results, keep em coming!! If you get bored, take a look at sherdog:

A lot of info for lifters...........


I did some foam rolling again today my skill in this regard has improved a lot.

My lats seems to be the only body part getting very bad doms atm, where the legs are doing very well since Im good a rolling them.


I have looked into my diet again, I first wanted to carb cycle, but I mess it up, and Ive stayed at 90ish for like a month now, so cycling doesnt seem nececary, this it what I had to eat today.

4 litres of water
60g oatmeal
20g whey
5 quality capsules fishoil
1 standard supermaket multivitamin

30g almonds
1 orange

2 pieces bread 66g
1 chicken breast 125g
1 apple

40g whey
60g dextrose
6g creatine

125g pasta
125g chicken
82g aspargues
33g spinach
20g Super duper Extra Virgin Olive oil (paid $20 for 500 ml, silly me...)

250g cottage cheese.

It works out to:
2300 kcal 290g carb/175g prot/54g fat
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-19-2009 , 10:29 PM
Looks really good to me except I eat more fruit. My macros on a no-lift maintenance day are about the same - 50g carbs or so and we weigh about the same.

Do I eat pasta or sushi for my 3rd refeed/carb up meal?

so far today

cup yogurt w/fruit
3 eggs

pear, spinach and chilean sea bass

milk and more fruit

workout/gatorade periworkout

50g carb/25g protein PWO

1 hr later 3 bowls captain crunch 4 cups milk

1 high carb meal and 1 normal meal left before sleep =)
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-20-2009 , 01:38 PM
Diet have been good so far today, skipped PWO shake to get a piece of chicken and bread later since I eat a bit much early.

I had to join a gym to be able to do cardio the way I want to do it, its like $70 a month for a crappy place, but it is very close, 2 mins walking.

I did a little very light lat and tri work for blood flow.

CG seated Rows


Cardio, stationary bike
5 min warm up working up to 8
1 min x 14 full power, to high resistance
2 min at 8
1 min x 12 full power
2 min at 8
1 min x 12 full power
5 min cooldown.

It was like 5 kms and 160 kcal, not that it matters...

That made a sweaty cookie.

I expect to do cardio 3 x week the next 4 weeks.

There is stationary bike, row machine, stairmaster, running thing, eliptical trainer.

Ill try to mix up cardio machine as much as posible, after the meet on saturday Ill add a little lifting in with the cardio (westside style extra WO or light high rep superset mayhem, havent totally decided yet), obv before cardio.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-21-2009 , 03:01 PM
Wednesday week 4. Bench meet week

DE box squat 2 circle 1
2x80 80 90 90 100 100 + tension

Sumo DL had to try a suit, so some suited some half suited
7x2x100 some triples thrown in there.


cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-22-2009 , 12:16 PM
Cardio day 2 week 1, stationary bike

5 min warm up lvl 2-6
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
5 m cooldown lvl 6-2

6.66 kms, 184 kcal, heartrate peak 183 (probably was higher, but I have to do intervals manually, and I use the machines heartrate measure, which needs both hands to work).

My weight is a bit high for saturday meet, I was at 90,5 kg this morning, need to weigh in at 90, Ill drop most carbs tomorrow, so I have a buffer, since we have to drive 3 hours to the meet, and if Im getting up 4 hours before weigh in I want to eat something before weighin.

I drop water 12-18 hours out.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-24-2009 , 02:17 PM

Weigh in 89,4 kg

3x70 90
Fury 40
2x140 airboard
1x170 negative only

1: 170 (374.78) good 3 - 0 (108.9 Wilks Points) PR in 90 kg class and PR on points

2: 177,5 (391,32) no lift 0 - 3

Lost my air, felt like I could pass out.

3: 177,5 no lift 0 - 3

A little better, but again the pressure was pretty bad.

Won the 90 kg junior class, 4 lifters total, dont know how I placed overall in the open 90 kg class, was around 20 lifters.

My club won the meet on points, 6 best lifters points added together, and thus got one of these:

And I shipped some gold:

cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-25-2009 , 12:28 PM
Sunday week 4

Warmup (OMG wtf yes)
10 reps of each
Hip Crossover
Reverse Lunges
Lateral Lunges
Free Squats
Reach and Roll
Band Walks

DE bench chains 26 kg total
CG 3x3x50
Med G + Pinky G 6x3x60
Comp Grip 3x60

Dmitri 3x3x80

JM press
6x50 60 60 60
9x60+5x50 dropset to failure

One Arm Standing DB Press


I wanted to go for 35 total reps, but was reminded that I wanted to max sumo DL tomorrow, thus we stopped here.


Came with a long list of stuff to go through, but was told to only focus on problem areas but do more work in those.

For me the most important issue is the hip. I got some advice on what to do.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-25-2009 , 12:51 PM
Congrats on the meet! Awesome prize for your club. That looks like a great piece of equipment.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 07:38 AM
Thanks, it is the highest quality rack out there so its awesome to get one more.

Me getting the gold

1: 170 3 - 0

2: 177,5miss,5%20miss.flv
Nothing to do here...

3: 177,5miss
This one pisses me of slightly, I shouldnt miss this high like ever, and Ive done it the last couple of meets.

I need to let the bar travel over my head and lock it out, but instead I lift my ass, which never can lead to anything good.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 07:40 AM
And the 3. best lift on points for the meet:

215 kg at 78ish kg
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 02:48 PM
Monday week 5

Warmup 10 reps each
Hip Crossover
Reverse Lunges
Lateral Lunges
Free Squats
Reach and Roll

Sumo DL suited
5x60 60
3x100 100
2x130 140 150
1x160 170 180 190 200 (440.9) PR!

Safety bar seated squats
10x60 60 60 not so lazy this time

GHR in toughest setting
5xme 5 5 5 10
Supposed to do lunges, but they got dropped.

8x50 55 55

Cable + belt abs
15x55 60 65 70 75

Allan hips flexor 3x10+10 sec
these for 20 sec each
seated glutes
Lunge reach
IT band
Lower Back
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 03:49 PM
Foam roller 5 passes:
Upper back 10 passes
IT band
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 06:29 PM
Are the gains from the foam roller really noticable??? Will it help with hip flexibility? I have some "water noodles" in the basement will those work or are the real foam rollers more stiff?
I really enjoyed skimming through your log keep up the good work and consistency!
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 06:32 PM
I have only been rolling a couple of weeks so I cant say.

I *think* it help a bit in overall well being, maybe less DOMS.

Rollers are pretty cheap so you should try it out
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-26-2009 , 07:10 PM
Diet was very good today, Im going for something close to this 6 days a week and a high carb day once a week.

80g oats + 60g whey + vitamin + fish oil
150 g yams + 200g chicken + 5g olive oil
spinach + 200g chicken + 25g almonds
PWO shake 60 + 40 + 5g creatine
brocoli + 200g chicken + 5g flax oil + 5 peanutbutter
aspargues + 100g smoked salmon
100g smoked salmon

(2417.4 kcal)
P-47 F-24 C-29
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-27-2009 , 09:48 AM
Cookie, what are the raw numbers you'd be working with right now?
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-27-2009 , 11:38 AM
I think something around 140/120/185 SQ/BP/DL.

But raw isnt important for me, for instance I should really do a lot of bench with long pauses on the chest, 3-5 secs, but there isnt much room for that with all the speed and top end work I need to do in the bench to bring the shirted numbers up.

Tuesday week 5
5x60 80 100 100 100
2x15 in the following in a MSS (mega super set)
DB rotations 12kg 16kg

5 min warm up lvl 2-6
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
2 m lvl 7
1 m lvl 10
5 m cooldown lvl 6-2

10.10 kms, 176 kcal, highest measured heartrate 180

2x45 secs
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-27-2009 , 03:02 PM
The difference in the numbers raw v equipped is amazing.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-27-2009 , 06:31 PM
Diet today was ok'ish.

80g oats + 60g whey + vitamin + fish oil
150 g yams + 200g chicken + 5g olive oil
PWO: 150 g yams + 200g chicken + 5g flax oil
Like 50g smoked salmon and salad, chicken + pasta with a little veggie, 1 glass red wine
7 chocolate covered strawberries.
250g cottage, Im out of chicken :-(

Tomorrow is high carb day, should be interesting, 500g brown rice + 1000g chicken + maybe a PWO shake.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
01-27-2009 , 07:11 PM
chocolate covered strawberries? Early valentine's day gift to yourself?

moar golf plz
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
