Constant lower back pain, time to be concerned?
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 17
Hi all,
I've been an on again off again SS'er for 2-3 years now, and I'm starting to experience regular back pain that I think could be from lifting. I was hoping some of the great minds here might have some thoughts before I set an appointment up with the doc.
I haven't lifted since the beginning of July, but prior to that, I had probably pulled my back out 3 or 4 different times during my lifting career while doing deadlifts or powercleans. I'm talking immobilizing, shooting pain that would force me to take 2-4 weeks off from the gym in order to recover. Every single time, I would come back at 100%, and never felt any lingering affects of any of my back strains, and I was never concerned.
Fast forward to the past couple of weeks. As I said I haven't lifted since the beginning of July - but over the past 2 weeks I have pulled my back 3 or 4 times. The pain is EXTREMELY similar to what I was experience when pulling my back on a deadlift. Basically I experience a sharp, shooting pain, while my muscles get tight and breathing gets difficult. The only difference is recovery time is only 2 days or so instead of 2-4 weeks, but the pain is so immobilizing it can be difficult to walk down the street. Every now and then while still recovering, I'll feel my lower back "slip" and I'll lose stability/crumple up and pain will return. The scariest thing - and why I'm worried - is that I've been pulling my back from doing the simplest activities such as rotating my torso to look over my shoulder or by bending down to grab my sneakers. I'm ****ing 22 years old so I'm a little concerned.
Anyway, prob going to set up an appointment with a doc, but any ideas of what this might be? I swear my doc is clueless and an hour on google and H+F is way better, so would appreciate any thoughts. Pain is on the center of my lower back right around hip level.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,805
might be something that will go away with time, might be a herniated disc. go see your doctor. sounds more like the latter to me tbh but i don't know much about it. no more deadlifts you are doing them wrong and going to hurt yourself further.
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 3,003
Where does the pain shoot to? Ever have numbness in any area? Sharp or burning pain?
Is it painful to walk or is it an inability to walk because your muscles feel weak?
Any loss of bowel or bladder continence?
Any weight loss, fever, IV drug abuse, broken bones, joint pain or swellings?
Does anything make the pain better? Does anything make it worse (specifically, walking?)
Are your muscles or joints stiff in the morning? If so, how long does it last?
Do you smoke or drink? Are you overweight?
Do your carry your wallet in your back pocket?
What were you doing when you first injured your back 2 weeks ago?
More questions after I recharge my laptop and you answer the above
also, go to the doctor.
Last edited by tcc1; 09-06-2011 at 08:51 PM.