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Concept II Feb. Challenge Concept II Feb. Challenge

02-12-2009 , 01:51 AM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito, 24:40.1 Lozen
10000M 40:49.1 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 66500 Meters Lozen

getting brutalized at work. went to rangers game and had to go back to office right after .

after decided to do 500m as warm up before lifting and broke last time. last 150 was slow but i'll take it. very happy with the lift though.
02-12-2009 , 03:02 AM
What are ppls strokes per minute like? I was rowing today and the guy on the other rower next to me was doing about 20-21 strokes per minute whereas im normally up around the 30-32 mark. anyone know what it should be roughly, or what difference it makes the higher it is?
02-12-2009 , 03:17 AM

it really depends on what you are doing and your body composition. its like asking - what is the right speed for running (it depends on distance and purpose).

in a nut shell the higher it is the faster you go assuming you are pulling with same or greater intensity. higher stroke rating equates into faster time mainly because the wheel (thingy that makes the noise when you row) has less time to deaccelerate and you spend less time on recovery part of the stroke (when you come back to starting position) in relation to the drive (when you pull).

its relative - someone who is not taking full strokes and is half assing his/her way on the slide may be doing like 30 s/m but sucking terrible while you can be taking long powerful strokes at 20 s/m and easily beating his 500m split.
02-12-2009 , 11:18 AM
I generally run at 28-29 spm on my 5000 and 10,000meter rows. If I want to best my times though I lower it for a few minutes and my push and pull are harder. It is very demanding though

Higher Energy do you not think you would get more out of your workouts doing more 2000 Meters
02-12-2009 , 11:45 AM
lozen - hahaha absolutely yes. 500m does nothing to make me faster. its just that I can't lift after if I pull hard/long piece so I opt not to row. In part because I am more focused on lifting now, but also because its just so so tough mentally, at least for me, to finish a serious piece with max effort when i am doing it alone. No cox/no teammate.

If i quit/pull a mediocre split - i'll be pissed at myself.

i do 5ks at 24 s/m. 10ks around 20/22.
02-12-2009 , 07:51 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito, 24:13 Lozen
10000M 40:49.1 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 72500 Meters Lozen

took 27 seconds off my 6000 m time
02-13-2009 , 12:58 AM
Im finding that less strokes per minute makes rowing alot harder because the wheel has more time to slow down thus making it harder to get going again, whereas the more strokes per minute you already have the momentum of the wheel. so i guess if you wanted quicker times the more strokes per minute the better. But if your actually interested on improving your performance and your fitness then the less strokes per minute the better
02-13-2009 , 02:11 AM
nice lozen - way to destroy your old time.

1.get faster by 30 sec every month
2.try out for club team
4. 10% body fat

jimmy - not trying to be a pain but its not entirely like that. higher cadence/stroke rating will surely make your times faster BUT you can't sustain that for very long. rowing is about drive/power/length. yes the wheel has less time to slow down if you get to the catch a lot faster, thereby increasing your strokes per minute, but in a way your are resetting yourself without taking advantage of your previous pull.

i think ill make more sense if we discuss rowing on the water. every time the crew goes back to the catch and places their blades in the water - the boat moves slightly forward since you have 1.5k lbs rushing to the catch and as the blades enter the water the boat looses some momentum. of course, that is continuous and it is made up by the power of the drive, but in a vacuum faster stroke rating does not generate any "run".

its easy to tell the difference between good and bad crew by the amount of run their boat gets. run is basically the distance the boat travels when you are not pulling - when you are recovering from the pull. so taking a **** load of strokes decreases your run.

sprints - sure. faster cadence all the way. on the water you'd typically start a race somewhere around 40 strokes per minute.

longer pieces - no. try rowing at 22 s/m and maintaining the same split that you would at 28. really focusing on length, reach and the power of the drive.
02-13-2009 , 02:58 AM
Not a pain at all appreciate the advice, thx heaps
02-13-2009 , 11:11 AM
nice lozen - way to destroy your old time.

1.get faster by 30 sec every month
2.try out for club team
4. 10% body fat
Are these goals for me ? or you?

Lost another 1.6 lbs this week
02-13-2009 , 11:57 AM
at your pace - its you man

also this -

i cant stop laughin
02-13-2009 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by higher_energy
at your pace - its you man

also this -

i cant stop laughin

Yeah a few fuuny ones

Lets see Current BF 31.5% Goal set for me by Higher Energy 10%

Lets get it to 20% first. Heck in 20 months I will be done 5000 meters without ever starting

I would like to do a sub 40:00 10,000 meters
02-13-2009 , 01:07 PM
worst memory ever after doing 5x5s and 2ks is doing 1hr rows. almost as bad as 40 min because after 40m it doesn't even matter anymore. honestly no idea how you are doing it alone. i suppose rowpro helps but still insane.

one time we did that **** for charity where it was an X amount of $ for every meter rowed where a small % of money went to new oars and the rest to build homes for poor people. whatever.

we were told that whoever doesn't break 15k meters doesn't get on the water and has to erg...not sure what hurt more my butt or my legs.
02-13-2009 , 02:03 PM
worst memory ever after doing 5x5s and 2ks is doing 1hr rows. almost as bad as 40 min because after 40m it doesn't even matter anymore. honestly no idea how you are doing it alone. i suppose rowpro helps but still insane.
For me its all about loosing weight. And the more time the better my results. Also yes Row Pro helps a ton and having an Ipod and a TV on the wall is great. If there is sports on it helps. When I do my half marathong there better be Golf or Hockey on.
02-14-2009 , 04:41 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:38..8 LOZEN 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito
10000M 40:49.1 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 78500 Meters Lozen

took 34 seconds off my 6000 m time for a personal best and top time
02-15-2009 , 05:41 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:36.0 LOZEN 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito
10000M 40:49.1 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 84500 Meters Lozen

took 2.4 seconds off my 6000 m time for a personal best and top time

this week i hope to grab the 5000m
02-16-2009 , 01:45 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:36.0 LOZEN 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito
10000M 40:37.3 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 94500 Meters Lozen

personal best at 10,000 meters knocked .13 off

not much rowing going on
02-16-2009 , 03:28 PM
Jumped on a Concept 2 for the second time in my life and pulled a 7:40:xx on a 2000m. My second 1000m was faster once I started getting more comfortable with technique, so I'm curious to see how much I can improve with a couple more tries. Fun stuff.
02-16-2009 , 04:50 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,Maybe 7:41, 7:42 LOZEN Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:36.0 LOZEN 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito
10000M 40:37.3 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 94500 Meters Lozen
02-17-2009 , 10:34 PM
Was featured on Biggest Loser tonight in one of the challenges. It was basically who could row the longest maintaining a certain stroke rate. No idea what it was but if your light changed to red your team was out. I think the longest lasting was just under 20 minutes. I really did not think this was a good promotional piece for concept
02-18-2009 , 01:03 AM
nice times lozen - i am out for this week. got a bunch of bruises, swollen limbs etc. toe worries me the most and i need to rest for Thursday so can't pull.

as far as C2 appearance on biggest loser - i missed it, but i honestly dont know what else you could have them do. like what would you rather have them row - realistically speaking and keeping in mind their physical condition.

i think any time rowing gets some media exposure that is more than just a blurb in the paper is good for the sport.
02-18-2009 , 12:13 PM
I just thought they would have been better off having them show the rower in the gym and talk about the benefits. The host never even said concept II rowers. Though I give them credit for going 20 minutes the winner. The pace was slow though.

May try for a 1/2 marathon this week
02-18-2009 , 02:44 PM
Here is a link to what the contestants had to do winner lasted 24 minutes
02-19-2009 , 12:24 PM
Post your Best Times
500M 1:28:1 higher_energy,1:31.3 pseudo t-bone, 1:37.2 Lozen
2000M 7:19 ,jimmyhat1000 ,Lozen 7:237.3,Maybe 7:41, Cookie 7:52.9, 9:26 kyleb
5000M 19:20.8 higher_energy 19:32.7 Lozen
6000M 23:36.0 LOZEN 23:48.2 BreakfastBurrito
10000M 40:37.3 Lozen
1/2 Marathon
Total Monthly Distance 96500 Meters Lozen

Like many not feeling well though did pump out a 2000 meter time to move into second
02-20-2009 , 08:48 PM
I have a torn ACL right now (getting surgery for it next month), but I found I can still do this for the most part, although I do favor my healthy leg.

Warmed up for a bit on it, and did a 1000m in 3:44. The day before I had just messed around and did a 500m in 2:00, so I was happy with my improvement!
