6x135 Last Cycle:4 Reps, Difference: +2
Great, great session. I brought my grip in a little bit and it helped alot. I focused on being as explosive as possible from the bottom. Gotta love these results.
yeah your back is def more rounded in reps 3 & 4. also, you gotta fix your head position. You want a neutral spine/double chin, dont look in the mirror.
2x375 Last Cycle: 2 reps, Difference: 0
These were my worst deadlifts ever. I'm pretty pissed at myself. I tried packing my neck in like HalfSlant suggested but had trouble keeping my lower back extended. My back was very much bent on my final rep. I took videos but I'm too ashamed to post them. Just a sad performance.
That's two cycles in a row where I've set a new PR. Last 2 reps were a grind. I'm bumping my squats up next cycle -- this cut ain't got **** on me! Vids below
5x10 per leg
Barbell rollouts
Vid of my 4x360 set
Two notes:
1. I tend to crane my neck up as I begin to descend. I should probably fix that.
2. My depth is questionable. I often go too deep but I think this time I may have cut a few reps slightly short. Not sure if those would get red-lighted in a meet. Thoughts?
Did some climbing with a friend on Saturday (9/14). This was my 2nd time doing this. Since I didn't get certified for top rope climbing I had to stick to bouldering, but I actually prefer bouldering so it's all good.
For those unfamiliar with bouldering, climbs are graded on the "V" scale from V0 --> V16. V0 is slightly more difficult than climbing a ladder - but the difficulty ramps up very quickly.
Started out on some easy V0's and was able to complete those with ease. For the next hour or so I hopped around to a bunch of different V1's. Some were easy, some were hard, some I couldn't complete. I definitely felt myself getting better as the day went on. I probably was able to complete 90% of the V1's.
Then there was a V2 which I attempted and it was difficult because half way up I needed to spring up and almost launch myself to the next hold. I'm thinking with better technique the launch would not be necessary. I attempted this climb 5 times, each time getting a little bit further than the last. On my last attempt, I made it to the top. This was a huge success for me, and now my goal will be to complete more V2's.
Ironically, on my last attempt at the aforementioned V2, I ripped open a huge blister on my pinkie finger. I taped it up and continued to climb but took it pretty easy. It's still quite painful today (there's a gash right where the skin bends), so I'm hoping to be 100% by next Saturday so I can try climbing again. I've been able to deadlift and do pullups with it so long as I'm wearing a bandaid.
My technique definitely sucks, but I suppose the only way to improve is practice. One major flaw is that I tend to press my body square to the wall, whereas I've noticed that the experienced climbers press their hips to the wall and are oriented more sideways.
On the strength side, I'm doing quite fine. My grip strength was fairly elite for a complete beginner like myself, and my friend's grip completely unravelled whereas mine didn't really get tired (Thank you, DL's!). The pullups I've been doing over the past few months definitely carried over as well and helped me get out of some tough jams.
After climbing for a few hours, I demolished a double cheeseburger with bacon. Gotta earn the delicious foods.
8x120 Last Cycle: 7 Reps, Difference: +1
Felt solid. Bringing my grip in slightly has helped.
50 reps across 8 sets.
This looks like a regression but it's not. I realized that I've been getting too obsessed with setting chinup and pullup PRs that I've been sacrificing on my form. I focused on going to a dead hang for each rep, taking a breath, and pulling myself up again. No more shortcuts.
My last set was supposed to be 335. I'm not sure how I ****ed that up. I got in a good workout regardless. My form felt great. Shouldn't be a big deal.
7x186 Last Cycle: 7 reps, Difference: 0
Felt good. I need to work on tucking my elbows without bending my wrists.
52 reps total. Same deal here with chins - I thought I may have bee cheating myself for a bit so I went to dead hang, did a brief pause, and pulled myself back up for each rep.
Did the first 3 sets of lunges/rollouts without a second of rest in between. I almost died. Took my sweet ol' time on the last 2 sets. My cardio needs work.
Had a rough weekend. According to the scale I gained 10 pounds (obviously this isn't truly factual). Ate pizza, alot of wings, alot of chinese food, and consumed tons of booze as usual.
I definitely was feeling sluggish today.
Press Day - C9W2. 09-30-2013
7x130 Last Cycle: 5 Reps, Difference: +2
I also hit 7 reps 2 cycles ago (last cycle I was coming off a rough vacation weekend).
HalfSlant - My goal right now is 185lbs at 6'0. I'll then look in the mirror and reevaluate if I want to shoot for 180 or not. Progress from 195 --> 190 has been difficult, so I'm not sure how long I'll truly pursue 185. I want to be able to see some abs. I'm probably ~15% BF now.
When I hit my cutting goal, I'm going to transition to a BBB template and try to slow bulk ~10 lbs over 6 months.
Deadlift Day - C9W2. 10-01-2013
3x355 Last Cycle: 4 reps, Difference: -1
These just didn't feel that great today. I don't know what else to say
Hanging Leg raises
Diamond pushups
My left shoulder has been bothering me some so I only did one set of pushups.
I did a fasted morning workout today since I have plans after work. I cut my assistance very short. I also had some drinks last night which may have affected my performance.
Bench Day - C9W2. 10-03-2013
3x196 Last Cycle: 4 Reps, Difference: -1
Not my best performance. My left shoulder has been sore - from the front delt to the top of my pec. I also was lifting under different conditions than normal. I'm planning on bouncing back next week.
I did some bouldering with a friend yesterday. I was able to complete 3 different V2's, 2 of which were new from last time. It was pretty nice to see improvement and I'm really digging this sport. My hands need to toughen up though, I ripped open a ton of blisters.
I made a short video of some of my climbs from yesterday. I'm the one in the red shirt.
I have plans after work today so I did a morning workout. I tend to get mixed results when lifting first thing in the morning, and today I got the bad side. Also going against me was the fact that I had Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" stuck in my head for whatever reason. Not a good lifting song
Squat Day - C9W3. 10-11-2013
I'm happy I didn't fail, but I wish I was able to get more than 1 rep. I should have fought harder on my 2nd rep (video below). On the plus side, this is the heaviest weight I have ever squatted
No assistance today. I'm planning on doing some climbing tomorrow so that can count as my assistance.