Just finished day 2 of jump training. I will post my numbers tomorrow. I am waiting for my new digital scale since wife got mad at old one and threw it away a month ago
Wait, what about your actual routine? You're just going to track measurements of yourself? If sexy is the goal you don't even need to track that stuff, just keep getting sexier until you've reached the appropriate threshold.
Ok I finished P90x and I think it toned me some and gave me good cardio endurance. I got stronger but didn't pack on the muscle or anything like that. I am now going to start SS on Saturday. I am joining a gym with a good assortment of free weights and a squat rack. I also ordered SS 3rd edition and it should be here Friday.
I am looking forward to it. I think P90x gave me a lot of athletic confidence and I am in better over all shape right now than I have ever been in my life. I guess that isn't saying much since I haven't been in very good shape ever.
Started SS at Cha's house yesterday. I learned a lot and think I am off to an ok start. I didn't log my warm up weights just the max weight I did my reps at
Bench Press
Dead Lift
Overhead Press
Also did some other moves just to be shown form and stuff. Great day thanks Cha
Work hard, always try to improve your form (read SS, watch & post form check vids, etc.) and you'll see great results. A couple big things you have going for you are that you seem to be in very good cardiovascular shape now, and you also dont have much hindering you as far as muscle adhesions or joint problems.
Yugo is way more detailed about warming up than I am, but one thing I will say is you want to do a lot more very light sets benching before moving up weight than anything else. Dave Tate recommends doing at least 30 bench press reps with something less than your 1 RM before doing anything over that.
On all your lifts, when you get closer to your work set weight, drop the reps down to 2 or 3 so you dont expend too much energy prior to your work sets.