Copy pasting log history from FB group w/ 2 friends starting from when I started The Outlaw Way
Dates should be mostly within 1 day of being accurate
December 19, 2012
Going to start following The Outlaw Way ( starting Monday. It's a 5-day/week program and is targeted at those wanting to compete in CF events. It generally does some olympic lifting practice then a shortish WOD. Will need to go to gym at less crowded time and/or hopefully soon get my own bar/bumpers, otherwise it will be rough.
1) Semi-following the main site, but often just doing random WODs doesn't seem like a good programming methodology
2) I have good amount of free time right now so can do more than just the WODs (ie strength as well)
3) I want to improve the olympic lifts (snatch, clean/jerk), esp after seeing some live events
4) Only drawback is that I do enjoy doing the named workouts cause that's one of the most fun things about CF -- comparing times from the past/with others, but Outlaw incorporates a fair number of popular WODs, though almost never the longer ones
5) Program gets good reviews and is popular with successful CF people
6) The coach guy is pretty crazy and says things like "*Rest as needed (but don’t be a pussy)" in WODs!
December 25, 2012
1st day of the outlaw way got delayed till today due to a technical difficulty yesterday (falling asleep early)
Snatch -- used 60kg as 100% (true 100% is higher, but form needs a LOT of work)
5x1 @ 80% = 50kg
5x1 @ 90% = 55kg
8x1 @ 70% = 40kg
Clean & Jerk -- used 80kg as 100% (true 100% again higher, but want to work on form for now)
5x1 @ 80% = 65kg
5x1 @ 90% = 70kg
8x1 @ 70% = 55kg
5 rds of:
Row 250m
10 burpees
30 double-unders
Rest after each round for the amount of time the round just took
5:54, 5:55, 5:30, 6:08, 5:21 (28:48 total working time)
Those times are pretty terrible, but over half was the double-unders each time. I can get them consistently, but only 1 at a time, so it's incredibly slow relative to people who can do them normally. My roommate can do them well so hopefully can get some pointers from him.
December 26, 2012
150 burpees for time 15:49
Had about 20 at 1:20, 74 at 7:00 (same as what I got in max burpees in 7m), 100 at 10:00, 140 at 15:00
Legs were getting crushed entire time so was mostly doing 5 slowish then small break etc and pushed it for last 10 straight
As usual now thinking maybe could've pushed through leg pain a little harder earlier, would've liked to have beaten 15m
December 27, 2012
Been researching some poss food changes/additions. Looked at top foods in world list on whfoods. Ideas:
-put pepper on steaks
-put sesame seeds on chicken
-try brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts
-grapes are the only good fruit
-thought about Israeli salad (chopped tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers) but its mediocre and too much work
-gonna do mixed frozen veggies for dinner instead of just broccoli
-debating whether to double frozen veggies to 5 lbs a day or to add 0.5lbs grapes to make up for carbs needed
-not taking any vitamins/supplements
Unlikely to match my genius ideas from last year like adding hard boiled eggs to salads, but welcome any other changes/thoughts
Also have completely done away with egg cups. I just mix them in the pan now. Sorry I didn't realize this option 3 yrs ago.
December 27, 2012
Heavy snatch, c&j, back squat
Snatch: 55kg
C&j: 90 kg
Squat: 145 kg
Failed all at 5kg over the above
Row 500m x4 with rest time equal to 2x work time after each
1:41, 1:43, 1:46, 1:44
December 28, 2012
Notes on foods attempted:
Pepper on steak: makes it a bit better/more interesting
Walnuts: suck
Sesame seeds: barely can taste, meh
Brazil nuts: massive and weird
Pumpkin seeds: remembered them being good but must've been roasted or salted, raw sucks
December 29, 2012
DL: Supposed to be 2 reps every 30 secs for 5 mins (including 2 reps at 0:00 so 22 total), supposed to do 1/2 PR and use bands attached to something in front and behind you (2 bands on each side of bar) to increase tension, but since that wasn't possible I tried doing 3/4 PR and it was def too heavy, but kept the weight and just did the 22 reps slower. Weight was 150kg (330lbs)
Bench: Got up to 1RM of 110kg (242lbs), failed 120kg
Weighted pullup: Got up to 1RM of 45kg (99lbs), failed 50kg
15 thrusters
25 C2B pullups
10 thrusters
20 C2B pullups
5 thrusters
15 C2B pullups
RX was 155lb thrusters
I did 60kg (132lbs) and non C2B pullups
3 rds of 20 GHD situps, 15 reverse hypers (not timed)
I did regular situps and 20kg (bar) good mornings where it's behind your neck and you lean over forward for the lower back
January 1, 2013
BB Gymnastics
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
--60kg (so apparently when I said my snatch 1RM was higher than 60kg that wasn't so true..the squat snatch is actually harder than the power snatch for newbs like us!. failed this one x3 before making, 1 of which hit me on the top of the head!)
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.
--95kg (PR!, didn't attempt higher)
Front Squats:
--Did based on 100kg 1RM
1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 80%
-rest 1 minute
2) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 85%
-rest 1 minute
3) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 90%
Run 800m
3 rounds of:
25 HR Push-Ups
25 Jumping Squats 45# (had no bar so did just regular jumping squats)
25 KBS 24/16kg
Run 800m
23:55, did this one with roommate and he did it in about 18:00. He did lunges with a 16kg kettlebell instead of jumping squats and did like half the KBs with 16kg and half with 24kg. Everything was fairly hard but nothing stood out as much worse. My lower back was KILLING, especially on the final run. That 800m took me over 5m alone cause I was literally stopped/walking in pain for a large part of it.
January 1, 2013
1) Snatch: 5X1 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
5x1 45 (failed 4th)
3x1 50
2x1 55 (failed at least 1 between here and the prior but can't remember)
8x1 40
2) Clean & Jerk: 5X1 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
5x1 75
3x1 arm muscles not functioning enough to do
2x1 same
8x1 65
3 rounds for time of:
12 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 30/26″ (did burpee over the bar)
9 Muscle-Ups (did progression from floor on ring-like things, approx 10-20x easier than a real muscle-up, didn't want to do the pullup/dip thing cause muscles not working)
7 Deadlifts 315/225# (did 130kg = 286.6lb)
9:36, heavy
This program may be a bit much for me to be doing. I was resting far more than the prescribed amounts on the lifts. I'm considering either just scaling more or possibly doing the same guy's other site which is more for regular CFers. This one is made for people who want to compete and even revolves the lifting patterns around various CF competitions.
I originally was going to do the regular one, but he had been inconsistent in posting so sometimes would only post 2 WODs a week which would suck. Both follow similar patterns and the default weights/stuff on the regular one look more up my alley, but it is good to practice these olympic lifts. For example the other site's WOD for today would've been:
15 minutes Hang Snatch technique work.
3 rounds for time of:
15 C2B Pull-ups
12 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″
9 Deadlifts 275/185#
Maybe I'll just do some kind of hybrid between the 2, but will def at least scale the hard one so I can meet the time constraints.
January 3, 2013
20 minutes to complete the following…
For time:
21-15-9 of:
Thrusters 95/65#
-then (no rest)-
Run 1 Mile.
With the remaining time:
Establish a 20RM Back Squat.
FRAN: 6:45
Beat time from last month by about 10 seconds. Had probably the WORST case of stone interference ever. During 2nd round I do the first 6 thrusters then put the bar down. Then a guy literally takes a bar and does hanging bent over rows OVER my bar (making a cross-shape) while I'm taking a small rest. He does this for approx 30 seconds. I guess I was just in shock cause I didn't say anything to him at all. I don't consider all 30 secs lost cause I was going to rest and taking more rest gave me some more energy, but that was def very sick and prob took 10-20 sec off -- at least the pullup bar was free each time (though had to walk a shortish distance to it). Also did it with 42.5kg which is about 93.5 lb.
Mile: Did on treadmill and finished at 18:30 (11:45 for the mile), though took a while to start cause I was of course pretty dead from Fran, so true mile time was prob around 10:00.
Squats: Had 1:30 left for back squat so did a 40kg (88 lb) test with 5 reps and just decided to do 60kg (132 lb), which seemed like a solid one. Maybe could've done a bit more, but was happy with that.
January 5, 2013
BB Gymnastics
1) 12 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Snatch.
2) 12 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Clean & Push Jerk.
1a) 5X3 Snatch First Pulls – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 5X3 Pendlay Rows – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1c) 5X3 Split Press – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
Choose one…
Row: 4X500m – rest 2:1 – 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
Run: 4X400m – rest 2:1 – 25 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
Did runs outdoor since it's about 4x400m from gym to my apt. I started timing the 1st with this Nike Running app and got about 2:07 (hey, I was carrying a heavy backpack!) and then it started to rain pretty bad, so couldn't really keep the phone out, but did 3 more runs of approx 400m at approx the same time
Swim: 6X100m – rest 2:1 – 20 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
January 6, 2013
1) Every 30 seconds for 5:00 (22 total reps): 2 Banded Deadlift @ 55% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 55% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 25% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
**Just did 55% (110kg) without the band stuff. Last time I tried doing heavier weight without the band and ended up not even being close to doing 2 per 30 secs. This time it felt like a good weight.
2a) Bench Press: 1X8 @ 70%, 2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85% – rest 60 sec.
**75kg, 90kg, 95kg
Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.
2b) Strict Weighted Pull-ups: 1X8 @ 60%, 2X5 @ 70%, 2X3 @ 75% – rest 60 sec.
**25kg, 30kg, 35kg
Notes: 2a & 2b should be performed in alternating sets.
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Split Jumps (alternating)
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
7 Bar Muscle-Ups
40 Split Jumps
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Split Jumps
10 Wall Balls 20/14#
**Did 15/12/9 C2B pullups instead of muscleups (this was the prescribed on the CF gym site that the guy who makes this program also runs).
Carried 20 lb wallball 1mi uphill in pouring rain. Started carrying it in cardboard box which deteriorated about 2/3 of way there. Felt like WOD should've been over by time I arrived! Ended up leaving the ball there for future usage..will die if the next WOD involves no bar/pullups and could be done at home just with the ball.
WOD felt pretty average, legs seem to be a general weak link, but everything seemed pretty OK
Time 10:05
For time.
1a) 3XME L-Sit Holds – rest 45 sec.
**Did these
1b) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.
**No hyper machine, fk it
January 7, 2013
BB Gymnastics
3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.
###Did 60kg but it was power (despite attempting to do full), failed 65x3, think I'm not keeping bar close enough (PR 60 full, 65 power -- a sign that I suck)
3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.
###85, 90 clean only, 90 clean/jerk (PR 95, so not really so close)
*Rest as needed between all attempts.
Front Squats: 1X8 @ 70%, 2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85% – rest 75 sec.
###75, 90, 95
8 min AMRAP of:
Run 200m
20 Pistols (alternating)
10 Push Jerks 145/100#
-then (no rest)-
3 min ME Lateral Burpees (over bar)
###Did row 250m (had to go to the gym at night instead of during day so was v crowded -- literally EVERY treadmill in use!) and pistols (1 legged squats) onto a bench (so not all the way down) and 60kg (132 lb) push jerks. 2 rounds in a bit over 8 mins. Then had to move bar down and put plates on it in order to do the burpees over bar. So did 3 min burpees after it was all arranged -- 30 burpees.
January 8, 2013
BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 5X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 3X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
###Based on 1RM of 55kg, so did 45kg, 50kg, 52.5kg, 40kg
Arms then no longer were functioning, literally a bit of shaking in muscles and had to leave the gym. I think this is cause I'm not used to the movement, but probably also some major inefficiencies, hopefully nothing too dangerous.
2) Clean & Jerk: 5X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 3X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 70%, reps @ 70% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
###To be continued tom
Was about to do the C&J stuff but a very knowledgeable guy was there who was helping me with form a lot, so ended up just doing lots of 50kg (110lb) cleans to improve form
4 rounds for total working time of:
8 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
12 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″
16 KBS 24/16kg
Rest 1:1
###To be continued tom
WOD: 3:00/3:14/3:27.2:53
Did 50kg (110lb), box jumps over bar, and 24kg dumbbell swing instead of KB
I think those times were a little weak. Burpees were quite slow especially and should've gone more all out given the rest time after each round (Rest 1:1 means if round takes 3min you rest for 3min after)
January 10, 2013
BB Gymnastics
1) 7X2 Snatch from Blocks (just above knee)– heavy but perfect, rest 60 seconds DEMO VIDEO
2) 7X2 Clean from Blocks (just above knee) + 1 Push Jerk – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
3a) 3X3 5-Step Duck Walk – heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
3b) 3X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
Notes: One rep of Duck Walks would include 5 steps forward and 5 steps back. After each set the athlete should stand, drop the weight, and Snatch it again before beginning the next rep. Use a weight that is manageable, especially if this is your first time performing a weighted Duck Walk. Spencer DOES NOT walk back in the demo video (@100kg)—it is a no-rep.
###just did snatch/c&j work. Decided that basically going to at minimum do the programming for the regular cf box and max do this and not feel too bad if I'm more towards the regular cf gym side for now. This day at reg gym had none of the above, same strength as below, and similar but slightly shorter wod.
HBBS: 1X8 @ 70%, 2X5 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80% – rest 60 sec.
###100, 110, 115 kg
7 rounds for time and calories of:
30 Seconds ME Row for Calories
5 Muscle-Ups
5 Power Snatches 135/95#
Rest 1:1
Notes: Round times should include 30 second row.
###Did muscle up work from floor (way easier). Was also SUPER close to hitting muscle up in practice! Next time IMO. Did snatches at 40kg instead of 60, pretty big scale. Also did this at cf gym where ppl were doing wod of like 40 walking lunges with weight overhead and I had to cross the gym to get to rings so was very minimal delays by kind of crazy dodging everyone.
1:58, 16
2:15, 15
2:34, 13
1:53, 13
2:13, 12
1:54, 15
1:53, 15
Should've gone more all out on row with the rest time. Snatches wasn't really maxing speed as also trying to work on form but guy said I was muscling them up a lot instead of using whole body.
In addition to muscle ups also made progress on kipping. Worked on hspu too but those still suck.
Finished wod with 435g of Ben and Jerry's choc chip cookie dough! #notpaleo
January 12, 2013
BB Gymnastics
EMOM for 7 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Hang Squat Clean – heaviest possible.
Notes: You may work up, but there should be at least 3 reps performed at a true maximal load.
###Was planning on doing 60, 65, 70, 75, 80. Realized at 65 that that was more than enough so did 60/65/65/65/60/60/60. I was told to put weight on heels and I think I've been putting too much weight back there and not getting enough leverage on the bar, also not quite keeping it close enough, though prob better than before.
1a) 5X3 Snatch First Pulls – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 5X3 Pendlay Rows – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1c) 5X3 Split Press – heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
##80kg, 80kg, 60kg
Choose one and perform each set EMOM…
Run: 10 X 150m – active rest the remainder of each minute.
Swim: 10 X 25m – active rest the remainder of each minute.
Notes: All work should be at 100%.
###Did the run on way home, suddenly not so bad to live pretty much exactly 1mi away from the gym with so many WODs like this!
January 13, 2013
1) Every 30 seconds for 5:00 (22 total reps): 2 Banded Deadlift @ 60% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 60% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 25% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
###As per last time, ignored the band tension stuff and just did 60%: 120kg = 265lbs
2a) Bench Press: 1X5 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 2X3 @ 90% – rest 60 sec.
Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.
###80, 90, 95, 100kg
2b) Strict Weighted Pull-ups: 1X5 @ 65%, 2X3 @ 70%, 2X3 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80%. – rest 60 sec.
###30, 30, 35, 35 kg
Notes: 2a & 2b should be performed in alternating sets.
100 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
75 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
50 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
For time.
*Rest 1 minute.
2 minutes ME Row/Airdyne for Calories (Airdyne is the preference).
###31:27 and 39 cals on rower
Pretty terrible as I was doing literally 2 singles/1 DU each time. The 1st 10 alone took 1 minute, so extrapolating from that, this time was about to be expected. Hoping my roommate can teach me normal double unders soon. People on the site were doing this whole thing in under 10 mins..pretty sure some people can do 100 DU straight
January 14, 2013
1RM max front squat: 125kg (275 lbs)
15 mins C&J work mostly with 50-60kg
15 mins snatch work mixed between just the bar and 40-50kg
Feel like form is drastically improving in both. Major fixes have been keeping bar touching legs on whole way up. It's very normal/common to keep it close-ish to the lower leg, then keep going straight up instead of coming inside along the upper leg. Also throwing the elbows out on the C&J is huge for catching the bar well -- not in the hands, but in the rack position on the shoulders.
Wanted to do the WOD with roommate, but he was busy with homework, couldn't think of anything around to be a reasonable sub for the barbell carry, so postponing this WOD for a later date.
January 15, 2013
BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 3X1 @ 85%, 4X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 75% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 95%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 75%, reps @ 75% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1 @ 85%, 4X1 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95%, 8X1 @ 75% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 95%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 75%, reps @ 75% should be alternating between Power and full Squat
###Snatch at 45, 50, 52.5, 40kg
Did 4-5 at 40kg then dropped one and was subsequently banned from snatching or cleaning in this gym!!! Was mostly embarrassing cause they made a big deal out of it even though it was relatively light and the drop was extremely controlled and literally felt nothing, but made a loud noise and then got scolded. Admittedly it was a little crowded to be doing them, but the poker player in me hates the results orientedness of caring after I dropped it but not saying a word when I was doing heavier and more dangerous weight earlier. Gonna have to seriously research alternatives including trying to set up a lifting area in a diff part of the gym, going to new CF gym in the area, or buying my own bar/equipment.
50 Walking Lunges (steps)
20 OHS 95/65#
20 T2B
50 Walking Lunges (steps)
15 OHS 95/65#
15 T2B
50 Walking Lunges (steps)
10 OHS 95/65#
10 T2B
###15:54 (93.5 lb OHS)
January 16/17, 2013
WOD 130115:
HBBS: 2X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90% – rest 60 sec.
###115, 122.5, 130 kg
The 2nd 115 and 122.5 were prob the hardest, 3rd 130 also fairly hard, but squats feel nice when you finish!
4 rounds for total working time of:
7 C2B Pull-ups
7 Ring Dips
15 KBS 32/24kg
50 Double-Unders
Rest 1:1
*20 minute cap.
###Got banned from swinging things in the gym, so will be doing this tomorrow assuming I can transport my 32kg KB massively uphill to a place where they have outdoor pullup bar/dip bar
###Finished 2 rounds and 21 DUs before hitting the 20 min cap (assumed it meant 20 mins of work, not 20 mins total). The first 3 things were taking me only just over 1m, but the DUs as usual were super slow..took over 6m the first 2 to do all 50.