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cha59's log cha59's log

07-14-2015 , 12:10 AM
Just saw some discussion over the last couple of pages in this thread over on Lax judging of depth and pauses, rumours of gamed weigh ins. Enough to get responses like this and this. Apparently a new division is being created: equipped, raw, and raw with father... The IPA was apparently unhappy with how the meet went down. Not sure how much this has to do with the Lillibridges themselves, though.
cha59's log Quote
07-14-2015 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Just saw some discussion over the last couple of pages in this thread over on Lax judging of depth and pauses, rumours of gamed weigh ins. Enough to get responses like this and this. Apparently a new division is being created: equipped, raw, and raw with father... The IPA was apparently unhappy with how the meet went down. Not sure how much this has to do with the Lillibridges themselves, though.
wow, good stuff - thanks
cha59's log Quote
07-15-2015 , 12:38 AM





Also, I got to see this 1,010 lb squat @220 BW:

and our 181 lb guy squatted a PR 760 as well, but nobody video'ed it.
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:16 AM
I have a left shoulder injury. Three of my rotator cuff muscles, the subscapularis, teres major and supraspinatus, are either strained badly or possibly torn. Its far more likely that they are only strained because they did show improvement to ART treatment yesterday.

I need to do Buchberger exercises to whatever range of motion I can without pain. When I can do all of them without pain, I will be ready to lift again. Until then, about all I can do is rehab stuff and GHRs.

I have two more appointments with my chiro next week. He will know by Monday or Thursday, after this has calmed down, whether or not I need to get an MRI.

I thought this was just a facet joint issue at first. I do also have a strained facet joint. Its the same one that has been strained many times before. That has still not calmed down yet either.

I started feeling something after benching Sunday. My last attempt at 545, I sort of shrugged my left shoulder up during the descent. That lit up the facet joint, but it didnt seem bad at the time. I felt a little tightness when I DLed Tuesday, but it didnt really bother me til Wed.

Anyways, I went to the chiro Wed., skipped lifting Wed., rested Thurs., and went back to the chiro yesterday.

several Buchbergers
GHR - bw x 15 x 5

The stuff where I rotate my shoulder externally, I think when I activate the teres major, really bothers that muscle. It gets very tight and sore. The other stuff feels fine.

I have no idea if I will be lifting in the meet in two weeks or not yet.
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Just saw some discussion over the last couple of pages in this thread over on Lax judging of depth and pauses, rumours of gamed weigh ins. Enough to get responses like this and this. Apparently a new division is being created: equipped, raw, and raw with father... The IPA was apparently unhappy with how the meet went down. Not sure how much this has to do with the Lillibridges themselves, though.
His recent meet, there's a lot of lax spotting. Side spotters touching weights and stuff.

I think some of it is innocent in that the spotters aren't told to help, but this is what you get in small fed backyard meets. Even RPS, which I think is a pretty fair fed... Spotters are just volunteers from the local gym. They've never spotted 600 lb benches and 800 lb squats. They're basically operating on fear.
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 12:38 PM
Damn! Get well soon!
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 02:32 PM
Why must this forum be plagued with injures
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 04:18 PM
That sucks Cha. Get well soon.

Do you mind sharing what the symptoms of your facet strain and the shoulder muscle strains are? Is it like a spasmodic pain or very mechanical type of deep pain or something entirely different?
cha59's log Quote
07-18-2015 , 05:43 PM
The facet joint that I keep having trouble with is on the left side of my neck/upper back. When I jamb it, the nerves shoot sharp pains and tightness into the surrounding muscles in the area. It usually affects the levator scapulae and other muscles in that area. Depending how bad it is, it usually goes away with adjustments and ART and anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks of time. The pain is deep and sharp. When its acting up, it usually makes it difficult for me to turn my head to the left. It might be shooting pin into the subscapularis and supraspinatus right now. The more I think about this, and the way the teres major has bothered me, the more concerned about the teres major I am.
cha59's log Quote
07-22-2015 , 05:51 PM
I've been doing soft tissue work and rehab exercises every day. The shoulder is getting better, but its far from 100% well, so I probably wont lift in the meet a week from Sunday. I'm still not completely ruling out doing DL only, but I dont know if they'd let me, and I dont know if it would be a good idea anyway.

My chiro has worked on it three times now, the most recent being Monday. It was a lot better after that last visit, and still gets a little better every day. I'm going back again tomorrow and twice next week. I also got an upper body massage today. That helped loosen some stuff up.

The subscapularis now appears to be the worst, but it improved last night putting my left hand behind my back trying to touch my right shoulder blade. I was even able to add very light resistance to that movement for the first time.


After soft tissue & rehab stuff, I did:

trap bar DL

conventional DL

That all felt fine, but things in the left side of the upper back felt a bit tight and sore before the massage today, so I will not push anything more at this point.

Last edited by cha59; 07-22-2015 at 06:05 PM.
cha59's log Quote
07-23-2015 , 10:00 AM
Hope it's something minor. gl dude.
cha59's log Quote
07-23-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Hope it's something minor. gl dude.
Thanks. Its not minor. It feels significantly worse than when I tore the pec last year. The good thing is that nothing is torn (at least all the way torn) with this injury, so its not major. It is bad enough to keep me from doing stuff for a while though.
cha59's log Quote
07-25-2015 , 11:03 AM

After some rolling and shoulder rehab stuff, I did safety bar squats




Shoulder is getting a little better every day, but it still feels worse than when I tore the pec.
cha59's log Quote
07-25-2015 , 11:58 AM
GL Cha. I hope you recover quickly.

Originally Posted by n4rf
Why must this forum be plagued with injures
I would say it is a case of the olds. Not just age, but mileage. I know I have not been good to my body over the years (playing sports with fairly significant injuries) and that causes a bunch of issues for me. Guessing that is the case for a few of the others.
cha59's log Quote
07-25-2015 , 02:10 PM
Thanks skel.

Its partially the olds & mileage, and partially a case of poor form on one heavy bench press for me I think. I think I shrugged my left shoulder when attempting 545 in my two ply shirt a couple weeks ago. I'm pretty sure that's the main cause of what's going on in my shoulder now.
cha59's log Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:18 PM

shoulder rehab - usual stuff



615x1 - This is about what my opener will be. Yeah, I plan to DL at the meet. I will probably do very light squat and bench, then do whatever I can on the DL. I felt fresh - very good tonight.

After I lifted, one of my teammates who is a massage therapist did some work on my shoulder, neck and upper back. Right now, I feel better than I have since the injury happened. I am stoked right now!
cha59's log Quote
07-29-2015 , 01:56 AM
That speed... Where are you thinking for your third?
cha59's log Quote
07-29-2015 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
That speed... Where are you thinking for your third?

It depends on how 661 goes on the second attempt. 683 is my default goal, but I might go as low as 667 or as high as 705.
cha59's log Quote
07-31-2015 , 02:09 AM
Is it dangerous to keep training with an inflamed shoulder tendon? Actually I'm not even sure if it's really inflamed because it doesn't feel hot or anything. I just have pretty sharp pain in the front of my shoulder, for the middle part ROM if I move arm from neutral to overhead.

But if I warm up and train it actually feels great, then continues to feel better for half a day and then the pain comes back.

When I rub the tendon for a few minutes the pain also disappears for a moment.
cha59's log Quote
07-31-2015 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Is it dangerous to keep training with an inflamed shoulder tendon? Actually I'm not even sure if it's really inflamed because it doesn't feel hot or anything. I just have pretty sharp pain in the front of my shoulder, for the middle part ROM if I move arm from neutral to overhead.

But if I warm up and train it actually feels great, then continues to feel better for half a day and then the pain comes back.

When I rub the tendon for a few minutes the pain also disappears for a moment.
You probably have adhesions. My guess is, you have them in several places other than just where the pain is. Pecs, and all around the back side of the shoulder blade, and up under the armpit are places that can do that.

Make sure you warm up good and dont do anything that causes pain in the joint. Keep your thoracic spine loose. Try to roll out the adhesions. I also suggest doing this daily:
cha59's log Quote
08-03-2015 , 09:15 PM
8/1 & 2

UPA Battle on the Mississippi, Dubuque Iowa

Day 1
Priest Burdette squats 903, benches 744 (tore right pec during third attempt), DL 622. He lowered his opener to 551 due to the pec injury, then got two white lights on 2nd attempt at 622, but head judge over ruled other judges and called the lift no good due to hitch. I dont have video, but there was no hitch. He snap-locked the weight out so fast that the bar moved out in front of him a little. BS. On his 3rd DL, he locked it out slow so that he got all whites. He probably would have hit ~670 if the head judge didnt pull that over rule BS on attempt 2.

Regardless of all that, Priest won best equipped open lifter.

Eddie, our 181 guy, was awesome. He went 755/369 (I think)/633.

Our raw 308 guy and one raw SHW both set PRs.

One of our raw SHWs tore his forearm muscle and bombed the DL. Our 308 equipped guy tore his glute attempting a 745 opening squat and bombed.

Eric Lillebridge squatted 1030 raw with knee wraps and it looked easy. What a monster. Needless to say, he won best raw lifter.

Day 2 will be in next post.
cha59's log Quote
08-03-2015 , 09:48 PM
UPA Battle on the Mississippi, Dubuque Iowa

Day 2 - my lifts

I bulked up so I could weigh >242.5 and take down the 275 DL American record instead of beating my own record at 242. I weighed 249 with all my clothes and shoes on and a bunch of stuff in my pockets. My real weight was probably ~244. The UPA squat record at 275 for my age is 1000, and bench is 650. I missed those by just a little, lol. DL was only 650. I knew I could beat that.

Racking the bar hurt my left shoulder bad, so I squatted the bar with no weight. The loaders got confused and loaded my competition weight for me - 275, lol. I had to explain to them that was my body weight and they had to remove all the weight from the bar. I squatted about 3-4" below parallel and got one red light for depth. Two whites was good enough for me to continue anyways.

I benched 165 raw. It went up easy and painlessly. Three whites. Time to rest up for the DL.

DL - 617 - fast and ez

661 (UPA American record + 11 lbs) - fast. This was also a meet PR. It felt good. I knew if I did 317.5 KGs (699.9677 lbs), which is under 700 technically. I've heard PLers give people **** if they do that number because they didnt do over 700, so **** that, I decided to try 705.

705 (UPA American record + 55 lbs!) - **** yeah!!! #12 DL of all time for all federations on for 275ers over 40 years old. #2 DL of all time for 275ers over 50 years old. woooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

cha59's log Quote
08-03-2015 , 09:57 PM

Your team looked super stoked too, such a great feeling.
cha59's log Quote
08-03-2015 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan

Your team looked super stoked too, such a great feeling.

yeah, that was awesome. That equaled Priest's all time best DL from a few years ago, and is better than everyone else currently on our team. I love my team.
cha59's log Quote
08-04-2015 , 03:32 AM
Awesome Cha! Record + 55lb!! Damn!
Isn't the lift on your avatar like a 100lb less than 705? Time for a avatar change!
cha59's log Quote
