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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

12-18-2023 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I was just talking about American curriculum high schools in Asia. They all have Spanish teachers. Many more than Econ teachers. The reason is because most of the students are American expats who will go back to the US for college and beyond, and for such an individual Spanish is by far the most useful second language.

If you were interested in it (and it sounds like you aren't and that Shenzen is the best fit for you) I think your best bet if you're going for an American high school is to go for PE teacher. The Econ thing really pigeonholes you for American curriculum schools. Even decent sized high schools in the US don't have multiple Econ teachers who teach that and nothing else.

On an unrelated note, one other thing I found that was quite odd about American schools in Asia is that there were a massive number of teachers who were married to another teacher at the school (i.e. they were both hired together as a married couple). I'd say in my experience it was about 1/3 of them. Is this something that you have noticed too?
No I'll prob just stay with econ at british curriculum schools and just stay in mainland China. Still way more demand for foreign economics teachers than anything else. Probably the ranking goes physics=chemistry>econ>math>others.

Only the local Chinese under age 30 or so are married to one another. Only ever met 1 foreign teaching couples and they were old AF and totally out of touch with Chinese reality.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-18-2023 , 04:02 AM
One thing I didn't specify is that many/most domestically owned Chinese/Thai international schools still use UK curriculum. It's only the UK owned ones with commonwealth only hiring. I think the number of Thai owned british curriculum schools that pay adequately is very small, unfortunately. Chinese owned ones can still pay super well and British owned schools in HK/Mainland can't be as discerning because they are way more desperate for teachers.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-18-2023 , 09:17 AM
CArdio 30 minutes AM + 15 minutes post workout finished work late no options
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
NG chins: bwx19, 15, 13
Rows: 80kgx18, 14
Row machine: 47.5kgx26, 2 more sets to failure
EZ curls: 20kgx25, 4 more sets
leaning db curls: 5kgx3 sets failure


NG pullups: bwx 20, 16, 13
Barbell rows: 80kgx19, 15 last 2 reps of each set had sum cheat but it's w/e
Row machine: 62.5kgx22, 13, 12
EZ curls: 20kgx26, 4 more sets
DB concentration curls: 3 sets with 5kg db

You can eat sugar and get jacked/stay lean, but I don't think you can eat lots of sugar and processed foods and be truly healthy.

AM BW 97.1 and gym weight right at 100. I'm shocked I've been able to progress on pullups like 4 workouts in a row without dramatic weight loss. I'm starting to also realize how much carrier oils matter for steroids... I was doing 100% Ethyl Oleate for my carrier and after switching to 50/50 Castor oil+Ethyl Oleate I swear to go I'm absorbing the hormones better. Maybe just placebo. There's way less lumps, post injection pain, and I have yet to get a cough from an injection. I brewed my Mast at 70/30 castor/EO.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-19-2023 , 06:49 AM
CArdio 30 minutes AM fasted stairs, 36 minutes PM stairs. Feeling really easy.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-19-2023 , 09:42 AM
Do we really need more Lustig woo?

I find it amazing that he is probably the preeminent child endocrinologist but also spends his free time making woo videos.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-19-2023 , 08:20 PM
I'm definitely never going to zero sugars/processed foods. That's unreasonable in the modern era. But maybe avoid 200g/day sugar when bulking like I was doing with the mass orange juice consumption.

Pretty wiped out today. Gonna take it easy at the gym and skip cardio. I'm at 40mcg clenbuterol, 30mg yohimbine, and 400mg caffeine in the morning and it's not hitting like it used to. I have this product from Condemned Labs called "Arsyn" that has a ton of sketchy basically meth stims but last time I used it, I had weird prostate pains. The "synephrine" I bought is actually just some herbal bullshiet and not real synephrine HCL, but the condemned labz one has real synephrine in it. When I get to Thailand I'll buy the proper standalone synephrine and use it during prep I guess. 6x/wk cardio is reasonable, maybe take one of the leg days off from it.

NPC worldwide schedule just got released and it looks like June 23 will have a show. Location is still TBD but last 2 years it was Chongqing which is a quick 230km ride away. So the plan is to keep dieting until Jan 27 and maybe even do a mini peak with <100g carbs the last few days. then I'm on vacation in Thailand Jan 27 until Feb 24-25ish and I'll basically have a diet break but don't go too nuts. The place I'm staying across the street from Muscle Factory Pattaya (Jomtien) has several meal prep services and restaurants with healthy high protein bodybuilding food and I'll have a kitchen if I want to meal prep for myself. It'll be easy to keep getting up for 45 minutes of fasted cardios but do it stim free. Steps will be around 14-16k and I'll keep my bodyweight under 97ish. Then I'll start a 16 week prep at the beginning of march. If my starting point is around this bodyweight but leaner I can drop maybe as little as 10-12kg

Last edited by GuyThatGoesToDaGym; 12-19-2023 at 08:30 PM.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
No I'll prob just stay with econ at british curriculum schools and just stay in mainland China. Still way more demand for foreign economics teachers than anything else. Probably the ranking goes physics=chemistry>econ>math>others.
I'd have guessed English was #1.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I'd have guessed English was #1.
hahaha, no. Chinese kids learn way better from Chinese English teachers and they are 1/4th the cost of a foreigner with far higher reliability. Meanwhile the number of local Chinese teachers who can teach anything beyond grade 10 of any social science subject in English is alarmingly low. Even ones who can teach Cambridge a-Levels Further math is just tiny; I've met one non-foreigner who was able to teach that class in my whole career. I've met 2 econ teacher who could adequately teach grade 12 economics. They seem to do sorta okay with Physics/Chemistry but these two are required subjects so we just need tons of teachers for it.

People outside China often vastly overestimate the level of human capital in this country; even a lot of "educated" people are ******ed or just extremely unproductive and totally unable to handle the workloads. B/c brain drain basically. Chinese productivity strategy is basically to "zerg through labour hours" outside of the education industry.

Another thing I realized about this place is that social status>>>>>$$$ on the marriage and dating market, shockingly. A dude making a paltry 7k rambos/mo at age 25 but working for a prestigious international high school teaching kids barely younger than him English mogs the **** out of a construction worker making 13k/mo on the dating market, even holding looks/height/family of origin constant. Same thing for women... they want to be as insulated as possible from low career status males and are willing to work for far less money just to not be in their social circle. And most life decisions people make are motivated by status and reproduction in one form or another. But it seems to be more extreme here.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
hahaha, no. Chinese kids learn way better from Chinese English teachers and they are 1/4th the cost of a foreigner with far higher reliability.
It is possible what I was referring to was slightly different. I meant like the kind of English that a high school student takes. Like reading Dickens, writing papers about it and shiet. It does make sense that a fully bilingual Chinese teacher would be better at teaching the language to someone who doesn't speak it well. But if you are saying that a Chinese English teacher is better at teaching high school English, that is indeed surprising.

Meanwhile the number of local Chinese teachers who can teach anything beyond grade 10 of any social science subject in English is alarmingly low. Even ones who can teach Cambridge a-Levels Further math is just tiny; I've met one non-foreigner who was able to teach that class in my whole career. I've met 2 econ teacher who could adequately teach grade 12 economics. They seem to do sorta okay with Physics/Chemistry but these two are required subjects so we just need tons of teachers for it.

People outside China often vastly overestimate the level of human capital in this country; even a lot of "educated" people are ******ed or just extremely unproductive and totally unable to handle the workloads. B/c brain drain basically. Chinese productivity strategy is basically to "zerg through labour hours" outside of the education industry.
That's also crazy to me. The stereotype is that China is overflowing with math nerds.

Another thing I realized about this place is that social status>>>>>$$$ on the marriage and dating market, shockingly. A dude making a paltry 7k rambos/mo at age 25 but working for a prestigious international high school teaching kids barely younger than him English mogs the **** out of a construction worker making 13k/mo on the dating market, even holding looks/height/family of origin constant. Same thing for women... they want to be as insulated as possible from low career status males and are willing to work for far less money just to not be in their social circle. And most life decisions people make are motivated by status and reproduction in one form or another. But it seems to be more extreme here.
Standard, imo. Even here. Some plumbers make a ton of $$$, but college professor is gonna have way better dating prospects even if he makes less.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
It is possible what I was referring to was slightly different. I meant like the kind of English that a high school student takes. Like reading Dickens, writing papers about it and shiet. It does make sense that a fully bilingual Chinese teacher would be better at teaching the language to someone who doesn't speak it well. But if you are saying that a Chinese English teacher is better at teaching high school English, that is indeed surprising.

That's also crazy to me. The stereotype is that China is overflowing with math nerds.

Standard, imo. Even here. Some plumbers make a ton of $$$, but college professor is gonna have way better dating prospects even if he makes less.
fiecking literature? are you fiecking crazy? No, they don't even offer this in Chinese international schools for domestic students. English is literally just teaching to the IELTs test and IGCSE exams. I've never heard of anywhere that even requires students to take grade 11 or 12 ESL. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of Chinese educational culture; we are not here to prepare students for university success; we are here to maximize objective exam scores and match each student with the highest ranking university possible irrespective of their capacity to do well there. Most of them just cheat and pay somebody to do projects and stuff anyway.

We're just responding to what parents want. They want credentials and social status, not education.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson

That's also crazy to me. The stereotype is that China is overflowing with math nerds.

A very common misconception. You might think this from looking at standardized exam scores, majors, and curriculums. But remember in America we put close to 100% of our students through a real 9-12th grade. In China it's more like 30%. And then they only examine turbo elite big city exam scores when doing any sort of international comparison. I'm pretty sure if they had nationally representative samples and had less talented/motivated kids forced to continue after 9th grade, China would look far less favorable internationally. But even their turbo-elites are barely better than the developed world's averages when the developed world has to include the not-so-great students in their averages.

They do seem to be better at plug-n-chug computations and throwing more labour/study hours into a problem than their counterparts elsewhere, however. We can give them credit there.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 01:30 PM

The US does a weirdly good job of getting people to finish HS. (Passing laws helps!)

lol Nordic countries tho

China all about that 996 tho.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

The US does a weirdly good job of getting people to finish HS. (Passing laws helps!)

lol Nordic countries tho

China all about that 996 tho.
I was a little unclear in my post. Most people are not even allowed to start high school; they need to take the zhongkao exam to even get into a real 10-12th grade school.

Felt exhausted and burnted out yesterday, but I went in and got it done and had a great session surprisingly

Hamstring curls: 47.5kgx22, 13, 11
Paused SLDL: 100kgx14, 11
Leg extensions: 27.5kgx22, 14, 11
Front foot elevated split squat: 12.5kgx20x1, 12.5kgx10
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-20-2023 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
fiecking literature? are you fiecking crazy? No, they don't even offer this in Chinese international schools for domestic students.
I guess I'm just confused. I thought that the kids in these schools are trying to go to university abroad (US or UK). I know for sure US Universities expect several years of high-school English. Don't know anything about the UK system.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-21-2023 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I guess I'm just confused. I thought that the kids in these schools are trying to go to university abroad (US or UK). I know for sure US Universities expect several years of high-school English. Don't know anything about the UK system.
No. They need an IELTS score, a pulse, and a wallet. There's no expectation of actual English fluency.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-21-2023 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
No. They need an IELTS score, a pulse, and a wallet. There's no expectation of actual English fluency.
Can you give me an example of some of the better US universities these kids are getting into?

Maybe the rules are different for international students. But US students having 3-4 years of high school English is super standard. This is just one source, but I'm sure we could find others:

English / Language Arts
Given the substantial reading and writing requirements of higher education, virtually all colleges expect you to take 4 years of English.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-21-2023 , 04:29 AM
Melk, this is some cutely innocent naivety.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-21-2023 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Lock 3
Prone delt raises: 5 sets
Machine press: 72.5kgx15, 8, 6 ?!
Incline db press: 30kgx17, 12, 10 with lots of RIR
Machine fly: 3 sets of bitch
pushdowns: 5 sets
dual rope pushdowns: 4 sets
prone delt raises: 5 sets
Machine press: 67.5kgx20, 11, 11 uh oh, first real strength loss in a long while
Incline db: 30kgx15, 11, 10 but no losses here? wtf?
machine fly: 3 sets of not bitch used heavier weight
pushdowns: 5 sets
dual handle pushdowns: 3 sets

Probably just better at the movement pattern for incline db press but technically producing less force. Today was a really bad day where I just had no appetite and didn't eat. Skipped cardio yesterday and today and felt sick. Still hit my 12k steps but very mentally unfocused throughout the day. My right shoulder and both elbows are feeling pretty beat up. I'm gonna take some days off for realsies next week. Or at least legitimately deload.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-21-2023 , 08:14 PM
Sick today. It's like a 2/10 but I have 0 appetite. Another mystery China respiratory infection but when I get sick like this I can't eat. I don't think I can get in any productive training without sum calories. Might be my body's way of telling me to take a break for a few days.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 01:52 AM
One of my friends houses a few Chinese exchange students and I can confirm lol knowledge of English after meeting some of them

most of them are here to ski, party and enjoy Western way of life

schools are trying their hardest not to fail them cause they will just take their $100K and transfer to a place that plays ball

There was one kid - son of a top Chinese neurosurgeon, who studied 24/7 and crushed everything.

But these are rare
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Melk, this is some cutely innocent naivety.
Nah, it's just that my Asian international school experience was very different from what you're describing. I mean I actually experienced it first hand, so I can tell you it was real. And if all the alumni fund-raising propaganda they send out is any indication, things haven't changed all that much.

Seriously, though, what are some of the types of schools these kids aspire to.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Nah, it's just that my Asian international school experience was very different from what you're describing. I mean I actually experienced it first hand, so I can tell you it was real. And if all the alumni fund-raising propaganda they send out is any indication, things haven't changed all that much.

Seriously, though, what are some of the types of schools these kids aspire to.
China is another planet from the rest of Asia. I assume you were in Singapore, which is a more sane country. Things are far more corrupt here than anywhere else and ideas about what constitutes education are totally different. It's far more based on exams in their domestic system and they very much carry that over to the international curriculum. When I say "international school" I should probably be saying "foreign language school", because the actual international schools with non-Chinese passport holders function as you describe. In China, our international schools typically pay about 10-15% less than those for Chinese passport holders. Here, it is a competitive industry including private and public schools which strive to attract the most students possible and do so through marketing matriculations and their rankings. In particular, the number of "Oxbridge" (Oxford or Cambridge) offers every year is the most important metric of school quality according to parents. We had 3 Oxbridge offers, all of them mathematics, last year. This resulted in a near 40% increase in the size of our incoming class. The median student goes to somewhere like Warwick university, with the dummies going to places like Liverpool. Additionally, we have plenty of students going to great schools in HK/Canada/Aus/NZL. In my career, although I only have a handful of Oxford/Cambridge students who studied econ or related majors, I have dozens that ended up in HKU or HKUST which probably honestly have a higher level of undergraduate education than Ivy League or G5 universities anyway.

At my current school, kids going to American universities is rare and typically restricted to those going into the arts. We have no art/music/performing arts/sports at this program. It is only ~130-160 students at any given time, so getting 3 Oxbridge offers is actually kind of a huge deal for a program of our small size.

So how does it work? We teach content for way too many periods per week for our first semester, then our second semester is literally just spamming past exam papers and students practicing questions over and over again. From March to June I'm pretty much just solving questions in front of the classroom then allocating practicing work and grading it/giving feedback. The CIE A-levels, IGCSE, and American AP exams are very predictable and gameable, and if you just keep practicing previous years papers and figure out how to answer the questions, you can get by with surprisingly little actual subject knowledge because you understand the format of the question, the grading, and how to optimally answer the question. I don't know about other exam boards, but for CIE (which has been what I have done most of my years) questions can even repeat on the MCQ section. So even if the conceptual knowledge, understanding, or English reading is weak, they can often get the correct answer simply because they've done the question before. We take teaching to the exam to new extremes, and very little outside-of-curriculum topics are discussed. In fact, when a teacher ventures outside of topics immediately relevant to what will be presented on the official exam, students get really pissed. You should generally only do this if students are authentically curious about it and ask you to do so and its within censorship guidelines. But its a fairly small minority, maybe around 10%, who would ever be curious about these things. Most students just want to maximize their exam scores while learning as little as possible about the subject.

Every program will always identify "Oxbridge Candidates" in early grade 11 and then pick these students out to do extra classes where they'll learn more deeply about their chosen subject maybe once or twice a week in an additional lesson not attended by the other students. These have always been a blast because usually these are the motivated and curious students. They often ask what I can only call "Nobel-Prize" questions and interacting with them in these sessions is usually thought provoking. There's also an implied relaxation of censorship with these students, and not surprisingly these are often the ones most critical of Chinese government policy and most informed about history. In these sessions we usually cover fairly broad topics and try to get a feel for what economics is about in an elite undergraduate environment and make them comfortable talking about the subject in a more spontaneous way, which is important because Oxford and Cambridge require oral interviews via Zoom to make sure the kid isn't just an exam machine like most of our students basically are.

The kids are my current program are the highest ability level I've had in my career, but that's simply because it's a public school and thus requires a Zhongkao score. Even still we have a handful of tards, but they're a much smaller minority than what I'm used to. My previous school was very deliberately targetting "nu money ******s" who usually had tard kids... Sometimes literally they had special needs that prevented them from going to a regular high school but the parent insisted they finish an undergraduate diploma. It is very much possible for a kid like this to go to a private "international" school, barely understand english, have his GPA fabricated, earn mediocre/bad scores on official exams, be admitted to a Z-tier undergradaute university, graduate from said university, and have a high income job arranged for him through nepotism. But the social status of having a high school diploma/undergraduate degree is still of vital importance to Chinese parents. Face saving is still very extreme here relative to SG/TW/HK.

Did I have some bitterness about essentially being an exam prep instructor rather than a proper high school teacher? Initially, yes. But later on I realized the exams and education part are barely important... mostly they just need an adult in their life who cares for their well being, interacts with them, is interested in their lives, and can serve as a role model. You're really there largely to fill in the gaps and imperfections their own parents have, which are often very large. Some of my most rewarding experiences in my career were essentially being surrogate dads to unhappy kids who just needed someone to talk to and vent to. Up until now it's always been unpopular female students and I'd kinda hoped I would be similarly approached by male students, but it has literally never happened yet. Female students have always liked me a lot more than male students, which I really wasn't expecting given my sort of "scary" appearance. But anyone who's followed my logs over the years knows that I have a fairly "feminine" and sensitive dispostion that probably gets indirectly communicated in my classroom interactions.

I really do feel a great sense of pride when a student tells me about how they took up lifting or I observe a kid bringing healthy home made food to school instead of eating oily gross trash. And yeah, we shoehorn in some actual education for the students who are really interested. But ultimately its mostly just childcare. Another thing most people don't realize is that Chinese students are about 3-5 years less mature psychologically and emotionally than their western counterparts. I'm basically taking care of 10-15 year olds, not really 15-18 year olds. Overall, I'm super satisfied with the job and don't have major complaints. If I could go back to age 18 and pick another career would I? Yes, absolutely. I would have gone into cosmetic surgery for sure. I had no idea what this industry was really about until a few years ago and believed all the stigma and negativity that surrounds it in the west. My most recent ex-gf was in this career, but in the shadiest way possible. I'd rather not write too much about that...
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
One of my friends houses a few Chinese exchange students and I can confirm lol knowledge of English after meeting some of them

most of them are here to ski, party and enjoy Western way of life

schools are trying their hardest not to fail them cause they will just take their $100K and transfer to a place that plays ball

There was one kid - son of a top Chinese neurosurgeon, who studied 24/7 and crushed everything.

But these are rare
The ones who came to America from a normal Chinese school where they had to take the Gaokao are always good despite usually never having studied any subject with English as the primary medium of instruction or had any foreign teachers. The Zhongkao and Gaokao can be brutally competitive and anyone who makes it through that process will usually find western undergraduate university life ez-mode.

The ones who come out of "international" schools like mine where they never needed a zhongkao score to start high school and just had to do some shitty A-levels/AP exams are the ones who ski/party/shop/pay somebody to write their term paper/barely speak English. They often have had 4-8 years of taking classes in English and had lots of foreigners in China as teachers.

Something profound about nature vs nurture can probably be drawn from this but whatever.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 10:38 AM
Well, although a lot of things about China suck, Xiaomi and companies that produce consumer electronics (except Huawei, lol) do not. Fantastic ****ing products. I just picked up a Xiaomi pressure cooker/rival to the instant pot. I'm blown away. It was only about $50 and works much better than some of the more expensive brands I tried in the past including Insta-Pot + has a remotely controllable mobile app. Been super satisfied with their rice cooker as well.

I made pressure cooked beef knuckle just now. Sam's sells USDA corn fed beef knuckle or Australian grain fed beef knuckle. I tried making ground beef out of this and it was just disgusting b/c too much connective tissue/so little fat. The macros are literally same fat content as chicken breast. Amazing taste and very easy prep. I was getting very sick of the ground chicken and prepping it is slightly annoying+doesn't stay fresh. But I can easily stick 2kg worth of beef knuckle with some chili powder, cumin, salt, beef broth, tomato paste, and garlic cloves in the pot for about 2 hours and it comes out very tender and delicious. Then I can just put it on warm and be able to eat fresh hot beef for 2 days without ever having to stick it in the fridge. A super balanced bodybuilding meal that gives me the Arizona home-town comfort is black beans, rice, pulled beef, and avocado (not guac since the beef is already very salty). Tastes delicious and gives me that psychological comfort factor+great macros and satiety. Can adjust the rice down and beans up to increase food volume.

I'm glad I am doing this offseason mini-cut not only so I can start my prep lean but also so I can figure out what habits work best as far as cardio/work/cooking/eating. Having the meal prep guy was okay but his cooking was kind of inconsistent and the food was very bland and fairly cost-inefficient. I am still gonna have him make me 4-6 meals per week to have in the fridge for emergencies if something comes up and I can't prep meals and for some variety.

Beef as a primary protein source should be feasible if it's literally only as calorically dense as chicken breast. In that 2020 mega-cut where I got my best look ever my main protein was chicken breast/tenders made in the pressure cooker with tomato paste, so I am basically going back to that. Can mix in some cod/tilapia/basa in the air fryer, ground chicken in a pan, chicken tenderloin in the pan can be added for variety so I don't get burnted out.

2024 is gonna be my year as far as bodybuilding goes. I've gained a **** ton of muscle since that very successful 2020 cut and I'm gonna look crazy this time doing my cut the right way without stupid low carb/keto nonsense. There are some ecto bros like myself where we need to keep carbs/cals much higher than other people or we just have muscle melt away and performance drops so badly. I wasn't logging during my last contest prep but this is exactly what happened... my physique looked pretty terrible and stringy and my lifts all collapsed hard. I remember at one point losing bodyweight but max pullups actually falling from being just so depleted and I was still like 5-6 weeks out, so it wasn't even just like a peak week depletion thing. It's like at some point you keep losing weight but getting softer. In my best cuts I never went below around 3000 calories and 200g carbs/day and that resulted in the best and hardest look.

Forgot if I posted it, but I already dropped that coach from before. Just way too restrictive and anal retentive about certain things... for instance sometimes I like to go out and do cardio for fun/recreation rather than to explicitly burn calories. He said that's not allowed and was super weird about dietary substitutions. I ain't about that life, sry.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-22-2023 , 09:58 PM
Sneak preview of how we're looking with 5 weeks left to cut+some of the pulled beef I made last night and ate this morning after 1 hour on the stairs. Front Double Bicep has gone from one of my worst poses to one of my best and my arms have come up probably more than any other bodypart in the past 2 years. I was so much fatter at 96-97kg 2 years ago when I did the covid-lockdown-era prep.

I won't be turboshredded or anything in 5 more weeks, but I'll be very lean and be able to start prep from a super comfortable spot where I won't be feeling like misery and death and can probably diet at around 3300-3500 calories most of the 16 weeks.

Body already healed from being sick yesterday and I did my cardio without issue and am going to train pull later in the afternoon. IN THE GYM HAVING MORE PURPOSE THAN YOU. LIKE TRYING TO TEACH A SECOND GRADER AP MATH, THEY CAN'T DO IT. C U
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
