Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
I'm curious, why are you not doing what he's recommending for training? Wasn't this the same guy who wanted you to do some insane volume like 6+ sets of incline bench or something?
I've done this style of training before and tried to stick to it way longer than I should have. Actually doing that is the fastest gains I ever made, but it also lead me to injury the fastest.
CHEST+rear and side delts(pump work)
-pec dec – work to heavy 10 rep then double dropset
-incline barbell press 1x8-6,1x12-10 – single dropset in last set
-flat bench in hammer 1x10-8, 1x15-12
-cable cross fly 3x20-15
-revers pec dec(rear delt) 4x15-12
-one arm cable side rise 4x15-20
-seated leg curl 3x12-10+single dropset in last set
-leg ex work to heavy 20 rep then double dropset
-leg press 2x8-10 - dropset in last set plate by plate
-hack SQ or Squat smith 1x8-10,1x15-12
-walking lunges 2x20 each leg
-adductor 4x25-20
-wide grip pull up 3x max reps
-wide grip lat pull down 2x8-10,1x12-14
-barbell underahand row 1x8-10,1x12-15
-t-bar chest suport 2x8-10
-one arm hamer row 2x8-10
-bent over side DB rice(heavy) 1x10-12,1x15-20 – double dropset in last set
-rear delt mashine 3x20-25
-side DB rise – work to heavy 15 rep then double dropset
-smith military press or hamer shoulder press 1x6-8,1x12-10 single dropset in last set
-one arm side cable rise 3x20-15-single dropset in last set
-DB press seated 3x10-12
-rope push down 4x25-20
- one arm machine preacher 4x15-10
- incline bench skull crushers with cable 3x12-10
-incline dumbbell hamer curl 3x10-8
-dips 3x max
-”21” curl x3 sets.
- lying leg curl 1x8-10,1x20 RP(rest pause)
-tanding leg curl 3x12-15
-SLDL dead lift 1x6-8,1x10-12/hip thrust(rotate ex. every week) 1x8-10,1x12-15
-abductor 3x30
- seated one leg curl 3x12-10
-leg ext.(fst-7) 7x30(45-60sec. Breaks )
-dumbell RDL dead lift 2x20