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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

11-24-2023 , 09:14 AM
Ring pullups: bwx17, 13, 11
Barbell rows: 80kgx15, 10, 8
NG pulldowns: 45kgx20, 50kgx10, 8
Hammer curls: 4 sets failure 6 second eccentrics
cable curls: 4 sets

I intentionally went to 2-3 RIR on the last 2 sets of rows and ng pulldowns. Leave myself room to progress for several weeks. Ring pullups I think I can just go allout all the time, same with curls.

I guess that's one thing I need to stay mindful of... don't go balls out 0 RIR every exercise every workout. There is no reward for training the hardest, only for looking the best. Some things like machine chest press, hamstring curls, leg extensions, etc where you can, but you shouldn't do that on every exercise of the day. I'm taking tomorrow off. Next 2 push workouts I'll stop at 14 reps on the incline db press then move back up to 15 and do that for 2 workouts and then maybe I can comfortably hit 16 reps. The barbell rows I'm pretty much already beyond all time peak strength when you consider I'm pausing and not using straps and I feel like I still have a lot of room to progress even taking things closer to failure.

Upped the yohimbine to 10mg already. No real side effects. Monday I'll bump clen to 40mcg. I'm dreading the idea of adding caffeine... so I probably just won't. Yohimbine+synephrine+clen for stims and maybe try out 100mcg t4. I'd love to see if I can get away with not using caffeine during contest prep either... that'd be nice.

My gym weight is like 103.5 and I still did 17 pullups. That's wild when I think about it haha. I've done 20 at 100kg with looser form... still full rom but using a stretch reflex at the bottom. Morning weight was 101.4. My BW is up from glycogen and a bit of water retention from clen+gh, but I've definitely gotten leaner.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-26-2023 , 01:32 AM
Today I trained light both because my hamstrings were still sore and not recovered and because I'm riding bikes for about 50km later today.

Hamstring curls: 42.5kgx12, 10, 8
leg extensions: 22.5kgx20, 15, 12
SLDL: 60kgx10, 70kgx10x2
Static lunge: 12.5kgx10x3

My hamstring still hasn't fully recovered and I can't sldl heavy. Not a huge problem as I'm rowing fairly heavy along with hamstring curls. I could probably even consider removing SLDLs entirely and doing hip thrust only, but ofc I'm an ego-tard and I want to eventually DL heavy again. At one point I was able to paused SLDL 120kgx12 and that lead to me eventually Conv dl 205kgx8 within 3 weeks of coming back.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-27-2023 , 08:50 AM
Had a really bad workout. I was probably a bit too aggressive with yohimbine+cardio. My appetite has been annihilated and I dopped like 3kg since last push workout. I don't feel hungry at all, however. This isn't a contest prep where I need to pace myself on the weight loss; I am only cutting about 10 weeks total so being a bit more aggressive is okay because I won't "run out of fat loss tools" near the end and get stuck.

lock 3
prone delt raises: 4 sets
Machine press: 67.5kgx15, 11, 10
Incline db: 30kg10,9, 10
pushdowns: 5 sets only
cardio treadmill 30 minutes 145 hr
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-27-2023 , 11:02 PM
Got my protocol from coach. Diet is gonna be more carbs and less protein than i'm eating rn, almost 0 added fats. He's pulling out the clen and wants me to do 20mg yohimbine before fasted cardio and we'll add the clen later on. Maybe the clen has been wrecking my appetite lately, or just highish stims in general. Actually did have some trouble staying asleep last night so maybe taking out clen will be good for sleep+appetite.

The training program he gave me is a split routine with high intensity lots of exercises but only 2-3 sets each exercise progressive overload. I'm not doing it. Gonna stick with what I'm doing now for training but use his diet/otc/cardio/PED protocol. We're just cruising on test+mast right now and we'll start blasting after the cut is over. He uses more aggressive cruise doses but test+mast by itself is just so safe and low toxicity.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-28-2023 , 10:15 AM
I'm curious, why are you not doing what he's recommending for training? Wasn't this the same guy who wanted you to do some insane volume like 6+ sets of incline bench or something?
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-28-2023 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
I'm curious, why are you not doing what he's recommending for training? Wasn't this the same guy who wanted you to do some insane volume like 6+ sets of incline bench or something?
I've done this style of training before and tried to stick to it way longer than I should have. Actually doing that is the fastest gains I ever made, but it also lead me to injury the fastest.

CHEST+rear and side delts(pump work)
-pec dec – work to heavy 10 rep then double dropset
-incline barbell press 1x8-6,1x12-10 – single dropset in last set
-flat bench in hammer 1x10-8, 1x15-12
-cable cross fly 3x20-15
-revers pec dec(rear delt) 4x15-12
-one arm cable side rise 4x15-20

-seated leg curl 3x12-10+single dropset in last set
-leg ex work to heavy 20 rep then double dropset
-leg press 2x8-10 - dropset in last set plate by plate
-hack SQ or Squat smith 1x8-10,1x15-12
-walking lunges 2x20 each leg
-adductor 4x25-20

-wide grip pull up 3x max reps
-wide grip lat pull down 2x8-10,1x12-14
-barbell underahand row 1x8-10,1x12-15
-t-bar chest suport 2x8-10
-one arm hamer row 2x8-10
-bent over side DB rice(heavy) 1x10-12,1x15-20 – double dropset in last set
-rear delt mashine 3x20-25

-side DB rise – work to heavy 15 rep then double dropset
-smith military press or hamer shoulder press 1x6-8,1x12-10 single dropset in last set
-one arm side cable rise 3x20-15-single dropset in last set
-DB press seated 3x10-12
-rope push down 4x25-20
- one arm machine preacher 4x15-10
- incline bench skull crushers with cable 3x12-10
-incline dumbbell hamer curl 3x10-8
-dips 3x max
-”21” curl x3 sets.

- lying leg curl 1x8-10,1x20 RP(rest pause)
-tanding leg curl 3x12-15
-SLDL dead lift 1x6-8,1x10-12/hip thrust(rotate ex. every week) 1x8-10,1x12-15
-abductor 3x30
- seated one leg curl 3x12-10
-leg ext.(fst-7) 7x30(45-60sec. Breaks )
-dumbell RDL dead lift 2x20
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-29-2023 , 09:09 AM
I'm not exactly sure what was wrong the past few days. Super low appetite and big dip in strength+no pumps in the gym. Whatever it was, I seem to be on the mend as fast as I descended into whatever that was. Had an okay workout but didn't set any big PRs.

Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Ring pullups: bwx17, 13, 11
Barbell rows: 80kgx15, 10, 8
NG pulldowns: 45kgx20, 50kgx10, 8
Hammer curls: 4 sets failure 6 second eccentrics
cable curls: 4 sets
Ring pullups: bwx15, 10, 12 ???
Barbell rows: 80kgx16, 10, 9
NG pulldowns: bitched out and just did short rests 45kgx12, 10, 8 submaximal
Hammer curls: 4 sets failure
Ez curls: 4 sets failure

Coulda gone better but I'm happy enough with this. My step count was a whopping 14k and I got 30 mins cardio post training. Wednesdays I teach the first period so I can't really do AM fasted cardio. My new habit is going to be just going up and down the stairs of my campus when I arrive at work because most days I"m required to show up at 745-750 but don't teach until 840 which is just enough time for 30 min AM cardio sesh+meal. I have check-in pics going through my mandatories for the past 2 weeks. I won't post them here until I am lean and can show a cool ass before and after transformation.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-30-2023 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
I'm not exactly sure what was wrong the past few days. Super low appetite and big dip in strength+no pumps in the gym. Whatever it was, I seem to be on the mend as fast as I descended into whatever that was. Had an okay workout but didn't set any big PRs.

Ring pullups: bwx15, 10, 12 ???
Barbell rows: 80kgx16, 10, 9
NG pulldowns: bitched out and just did short rests 45kgx12, 10, 8 submaximal
Hammer curls: 4 sets failure
Ez curls: 4 sets failure

Coulda gone better but I'm happy enough with this. My step count was a whopping 14k and I got 30 mins cardio post training. Wednesdays I teach the first period so I can't really do AM fasted cardio. My new habit is going to be just going up and down the stairs of my campus when I arrive at work because most days I"m required to show up at 745-750 but don't teach until 840 which is just enough time for 30 min AM cardio sesh+meal. I have check-in pics going through my mandatories for the past 2 weeks. I won't post them here until I am lean and can show a cool ass before and after transformation.
I'd break a sweat doing 30 min of stairs. Do you have time to shower before your first class?
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-30-2023 , 12:43 AM
It's about 42 degrees farenheit, so no I don't really sweat much. Elbows were super painful on yesterday's pullups so I guess rings weren' the panacea. I should probably just freqauently rotate grips to avoid shoulder/elbow problems. I'm going to return to bar doing neutral next workout.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-30-2023 , 09:50 AM
30 minutes AM fasted cardio on the stairs, 13k steps, 250g protein, 300g carbs, 30g added fats

hip thrust machine: 1.5px18, 14, 11
Ham curls: 42.5kgx20, 15
Leg extensions: 22.5kgx26, 13, 15
Leg press: 4ppsx25, 18, 14

Great leg sesh. Got a nice pump and didn't feel too exhausted afterword. A bit more thirsty than normal, however so I'm prob gonna be peeing like crazy tonighgt.

Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Hip thrust: 1.5px17, 13, 12
Hamstring curl: 42.5kgx20, 12, 9
Leg extensions: 17.5kgx50, 30, 20, 10+5 drop set
Leg press: 4ppsx22 had a lot in the tank, 2ppsx100
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
11-30-2023 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
+1. I don't comment often because I don't have much to add but enjoy reading this log.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-01-2023 , 09:46 AM
Push workout
Lock 3
DB prone raises: 7kgx26, 15, 12, 10
Machine press: 67.5kgx20, 12, 9
Incline db press: 30kgx16, 10, 8
Pushdowns: 4 sets
dual rope pushdowns: 4 sets

Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Lock 3
DB prone raises: 7kgx24, 15, 10, 9
machine press: 67.5kgx17, 9, 7
Incline db: 30kgx15, 11, 8 first set much better than last week, but was out of power after that
Pushdowns: 4 sets
Dual rope pushdowns: 4 sets
Okay I did something dumb and went way harder than I should have on incline db just to sorta test myself after the bad push workout from last time and the mediocre one the time before. Clearly there's been progress despite weight loss. I'll be responsible and do only 14 reps on the next 3 push workouts, I promise.

Comparing against 3 push workouts ago. I had 2 sorta botched ones between. I realize now it was because of bad test. I bought raws from a different source and it didn't quite feel right when I pinned it... red and much more post injection pain than normal, swelling, weakness, fever symptoms, inflammation. That's probably why I was watery and 0 pump/appetite on those days. First time I've had such an incident brewing my own stuff, but i've had similar stuff happen when I used stuff that UGLs made. Completely subsided now.

Anyway, it seems to have resolved itself and I'm back to normal. I do make enough money to buy pharmacy grade only for testosterone; it's about $7/ml in Thailand and maybe even 5-6 per ML if you buy in bulk. It'd be easy enouogh to bring back into the country as they will write you a script right there and most likely the Chinese customs won't give a ****. I've travelled to THailand with my own homebrewed gear and brought it back to China and never had any issues. It's weird, but testosterone is the only compounds I've ever had any problems with when it comes to "bad shots" or bad pain after injections. It seems to be harder to get it to dissolve and stay disolved after injection. DEca/tren/eq/mast all very easy to work with and have pain free shots. So maybe go with pharma grade test and then brew up my own for the other compounds.

I know I said I like the approach of test+ lots of different compounds in lower doses before, but my coach straight up told me "no" and that this is mostly just short term cosmetic gains and in the long run as far as actually building tissue, test+gh are the key. You can throw in another compound like deca/mast/primo/eq on top of that or even two, but keep test as your main compound. The fact that you are gaining more strength in the gym from **** like tren/deca/orals isn't actually muscle building; it's just these compounds are allowing your CNS to recruit more muscle fibers or causing lots of intramuscular water retention and it's sorta the same as lifting more weight because you used tight elbow sleeves rather than more actual tissue. The dude produces pro after pro mostly just using test+deca with gh and insulin and something Eq/primo/masteron added to that stack for appetite/estrogen/mild cosmetic effect. I think I may have posted about him before, but a guy known as Swiper on the web was pretty famous for getting to ifbb men's open pro size largely using 2.2g test and 10iu of generic growth hormone basically year round and then doing 2 short "blasts" with lower test+tren+deca while he cut. And he had a pretty hilarious diet of ham sandwiches, subway, quaker brown sugar oats, chipotle burritos, and lucky charms while doing his bulks on just 9ccs of test/wk and 10iu of generic growth hormone no insulin. If anyone is curious about his training logs where he talks about his nutrition and gear, you can just google "Swiper Bodybuilding" and tons of old threads from 2009-2015 pop up on various boards.

I don't know if he's okay with me posting it, but I will anyway. G4s was also just a test+gh guy and didn't try to make things fancy.

3rd check-in pics of the diet will be taken tomorrow. Pretty excited to see how progress looks. I'm eager to wake up at 6:45, 600ml water, 20mg yohimbine, 20 minutes posing practice, 30 minutes LISS, 30 minutes stairs on a facking saturday morning GETTING IT DONE.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-01-2023 , 09:54 AM
oh right dumb question but maybe one of you who knows more about this can help:

What cut of beef can I use to get either 93/7 or 95/5 ground beef? Do they even really sell this in stores or is the ultra lean beef like this made from retired dairy cows or smth?

I got 88/12 from costco. There are a bunch of 3rd parties that will ship stuff from costcos to other parts of china and charge you an arm and a leg markup. I have my own meatgrinder.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-02-2023 , 10:59 AM
NG chins on the bar: bwx17, 12, 9
Barbell rows: 80kgx14+3 junk reps, 11
neutral pulldowns: 50kgx15, 12
Machine rows: 15, 10
ez curls: 20kgx4 sets fail
hammer seated curls: 7.5kgx4 sets fail

changed things up to reduce systemtic fatigue. I guess the ring pullups aren't a panacea; just another thing to rotate in and out. I definitely notice more back activation and less arm activation on the normal ng pullups relative to the rings which are more bicep dominant.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-02-2023 , 11:11 AM
11k steps and 60 minutes of low intensity biking outdoors maybe 110hr
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-03-2023 , 08:55 PM
11k steps and no direct cardio on my off day. Not good. Did 40 minutes of cardio this morning by accident meant to do 30 but wasn't watching the clock.

Going back to ground chicken mixed with ground bell peppers, garlic, cilantro, cumin, and paprika. Work schedule just got less busy starting from this week so I will have some time to meal prep again finally.

Leg training with SLDL/lunge based workout later tonight. Excited.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-03-2023 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
oh right dumb question but maybe one of you who knows more about this can help:

What cut of beef can I use to get either 93/7 or 95/5 ground beef? Do they even really sell this in stores or is the ultra lean beef like this made from retired dairy cows or smth?

I got 88/12 from costco. There are a bunch of 3rd parties that will ship stuff from costcos to other parts of china and charge you an arm and a leg markup. I have my own meatgrinder.
Any lean cut of beef will be around that. Flank is like 92/8.

Just buy the cheapest **** with as little visible fat as possible.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-04-2023 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
Any lean cut of beef will be around that. Flank is like 92/8.

Just buy the cheapest **** with as little visible fat as possible.
cool! I can get some ultra lean "beef leg" (shank? idk, weird translation) that's probably 95/5. Flank is decently fatty and tasty, I'd almost hate to grind it because it tastes so good as steak but I'm going for volume and storability rn rather than taste. My work schedule just lightened up this week finally to where I have about 3 more hours per week of leisure time where I can meal prep for the week rather than pay the meal prep guy. Idk why I just really prefer my own cooking to most of these meal prep things, even the really premium ones in Thailand.

Had a very good leg workout where I got a great pump today

Hamstring curl: 40kgx23, 13, 9
Paused SLDL: 100kgx12, 9
Leg extensions: 22.5kgx30, 20, 15
Front foot elevated split squat: 12.5kgx10x3 like this a lot more than normal static lunge, could feel my glute working more and better ROM. Not challenging and I still have a lot of room to progress. Maybe even 25kg dbs in both hands soon.

Also made some new testosterone using a different recipe. 2% Benzyl Alcohol, 20% Benzyl Benzoate, then the remainder of the carrier 50/50 Ethyl Oleate and CASTOR OIL. Castor oil is the GOAT. Its what they use in most pharmaceutical test e ampules and I can see why. Very little post injection pain even doing a phat 3cc shot.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-04-2023 , 09:40 AM
On the plus side if you're all stopped up, can just take of shot of it to loosen things up.

Most of the flank I see is very lean. But this is a common sense thing. If you see visible flecks of fat, it is less lean than something all muscle. It isn't really rocket science. Also cooking the **** out of it will render out virtually all the fat. (You also end up with crispy little rock bits of beef.) Giant cuts of low grade beef without marbling are gonna be the best bang for your buck tho. Just cut off the visible fat and cube it.

You might be able to find some pork cuts that are around the 88/12 range (pork sirloin roast). Obv a tenderloin or loin is quite lean. Might be worth exploring for a change of pace/cheaper option. Obviously frog legs are insanely lean. Rabbit as well. Plenty of options beyond just ground beef that are likely budget friendly.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-04-2023 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
On the plus side if you're all stopped up, can just take of shot of it to loosen things up.

Most of the flank I see is very lean. But this is a common sense thing. If you see visible flecks of fat, it is less lean than something all muscle. It isn't really rocket science. Also cooking the **** out of it will render out virtually all the fat. (You also end up with crispy little rock bits of beef.) Giant cuts of low grade beef without marbling are gonna be the best bang for your buck tho. Just cut off the visible fat and cube it.

You might be able to find some pork cuts that are around the 88/12 range (pork sirloin roast). Obv a tenderloin or loin is quite lean. Might be worth exploring for a change of pace/cheaper option. Obviously frog legs are insanely lean. Rabbit as well. Plenty of options beyond just ground beef that are likely budget friendly.
hahaha, really I didn't know it was used for that as well. Not stopped up from massive sweet potato and oat intake.

I am only eating ground beef once per day and price of those ultra lean beef are super cheap like $4-6 per 500g. Rabbit is actually really common in this city but not other parts of China which is kind of hilarious.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-05-2023 , 08:50 PM
Great push workout. I took a much shorter break between machine presses and incline db presses and also held the top/lockout of my incline db presses for about 1.5 seconds each rep

Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Push workout
Lock 3
DB prone raises: 7kgx26, 15, 12, 10
Machine press: 67.5kgx20, 12, 9
Incline db press: 30kgx16, 10, 8
Pushdowns: 4 sets
dual rope pushdowns: 4 sets

Lock 3
Prone db delt raises: 5 sets
Machine press: 67.5kgx20, 12, 10
Incline pause db: 30kgx13, 9, 7
Bullshit cable flies: 2 sets of bullshit
Pushdowns: 4 sets
dual rope pushdowns: 4 sets

I'm noticing my right scap always gets unglued when I fully extend at lockout. I probably need to include some other type of prehab/rehab/strengthening work beyond lock 3 to prevent this. I mean it's bodybuilding so I could always just lock out about 80-90% and keep that good scap position and not worry about it but I'd rather just try to address the problem idk whatever.

Got a super cheap gh source literally $33/100ius. Seems too good to be true so I'll get bloodwork done on it to see. Test+gh only rn. I'm gonna have humalog with meals on refeed days once I am actually lean and depleted enough to need refeed days. I have a cheat meal (not a refeed/high carb day, social motivation rather than performance) tomorrow. The best pizza restaurant I've ever eaten at in my life is closing down. RIP Mike's Pizza in Chengdu, China.

I'd like to add masteron enanthate to my stack once I can get some raw powders and set aside a few hours to brew and filter it. Check out Chase Irons recent videos on his healthy offseason stack of just huge amounts of test+mast+gh. Got crazy good results while minimizing side effects/health damage by just sticking to mostly non-toxic compounds. I'd like to ween off nandrolone/eq/tren in offseason forever and just only use tren 9 weeks out and orals 4 weeks out from a comp henceforth. Not just for health reasons or longevity, but I generally feel like crap on those drugs.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-06-2023 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
NG chins on the bar: bwx17, 12, 9
Barbell rows: 80kgx14+3 junk reps, 11
neutral pulldowns: 50kgx15, 12
Machine rows: 15, 10
ez curls: 20kgx4 sets fail
hammer seated curls: 7.5kgx4 sets fail

changed things up to reduce systemtic fatigue. I guess the ring pullups aren't a panacea; just another thing to rotate in and out. I definitely notice more back activation and less arm activation on the normal ng pullups relative to the rings which are more bicep dominant.
NG chins: bwx16, 14, 11+f
BArbell rows: 80kgx16 high quality reps, 12 even higher quality reps
NG pulldowns: 50kgx16, 12
EZ curls: 5 sets
Leaning dumbbell curl: 5kgx10x3 holllyyy **** this is awesome.

I'll post a pic of the beef I got and maybe one of you can give me an estimate of how I should log it. I'm basically using added fats only once per day RN so I can probably afford to add in something as fatty as 93/7 or 90/10 even no problem.

Regular diet now:

Meal 1
200g ground chicken
200g sweet potato

Meal 2
Repeat Meal 1

Meal 3
200g ground chicken, 180g rice

Meal 4
Repeat meal 3

Meal 5
200g ground chicken, 75g oats, 300ml skim, ??? frozen blueberries, 1 small spoon of almond butter

Maybe replace the first and 2nd meals with ground beef instead of chicken. Cals go up slightly but I'm losing fat at a great rate and still very mild on stimulants. If my cals go up by like ~200 from added fats from beef but my cardio goes up to 1hr/day and I am getting up to 400mg caffeine and working up to 80mcg clen over a few weeks, I'll still keep losing weight/fat. I don't plan on using any trenbolone or orals or any harsh compounds this cut. Saving them for contest prep. Gym weight around 102kg and morning fasted hovering around 98.4. Tomorrow first and probably only dirty cheat of this dieting phase. Clen will start up again around next week. Gonna diet until around February and then get back up to no more than 98-100kg over the next 8 weeks after that, then start a contest prep and hopefully only diet for 16 weeks since I should be starting about leaner than i am currently. I'd love to not need to lose more than 10kg of scale weight over a 16 week contest prep. Then compete around late june or early july then rebound/reverse diet in Thailand over the summer. Then big offseason and try for nationals in October 2025. I was looking back at my pics from the 2020 early covid prep. Even then I had pro level classic physique upper body and my upper body was very lean. My lower body was not muscular or lean enough yet and my posing was terrible back then. The difficulty has also gotten harder but this is a marathon and not a sprint; just want to win a local show in 2024 and then get first callout at any pro qualifier (ideally Chinese nationals since it has the highest level of competition) and not look like I'm getting totally smoked in 2025. Going pro would probably be a lot easier if I just fly to Thailand or do one of the Chinese amateur olympias where the competition level is lower, but that is not really the point....

Meat grinder has been literally the best investment of my bodybuilding career and it was literally 9 USD. Whether I was bulking or cutting, one of my main obstacles as a bodybuilder was the time it takes to prep my meals, and more importantly the time it takes to eat and chew. Ground meat based meals go down so quick I feel like I don't need to spend 30 minutes eating my meal every time and getting interrupted by life/work stuff. Can just polish it off in 10 minutes and get on with what needs to be done.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-06-2023 , 09:33 PM

Ground chicken mix with bell peppers, garlic, and cilantro. And then the beef I ground up today. Fat % estimates?
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-08-2023 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
30 minutes AM fasted cardio on the stairs, 13k steps, 250g protein, 300g carbs, 30g added fats

hip thrust machine: 1.5px18, 14, 11
Ham curls: 42.5kgx20, 15
Leg extensions: 22.5kgx26, 13, 15
Leg press: 4ppsx25, 18, 14

AM 35 minutes on the stairs

Leg day
Hamstring curls: 40kgx25, 18, 12 forgot how many reps last set tbh
Hip thrust: 1.5px21, 14, 11
Leg extensions: 27.5kgx25, 14, 10
Leg press: 4ppsx28, 18, 14
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
12-08-2023 , 09:46 AM
oh I did hamstring curls before hip thrusts because I literally forgot what day it was and the ham curl weight was actually 42.5kg today as well I just ???. Will I keep doing ham curls before hip thrust? yeah probably; seems like doing ham curls first actually got my glutes to take more of the action and that way I'm always doing ham curls first on both leg days which makes it easier to gauge progress.

Had a huge cheat last night and didn't really gain a bunch of scale weight so that's a good sign I just filled out from it without really spilling over.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
