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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

06-22-2024 , 03:17 PM
You look great, very symetrical, really good proportions.

Been reading last 100 posts and wanted to recommend unilateral lat-work, but you already added it.

Did you try unilateral cable tower rows? Those at least felt great for me, in the lower lats with very low weights, focusing on peak contraction, with 2-3 second holds.

Dont you like pullovers for lat, of any kind?
I've trained with a german ex-pro bodybuilder who alternated in between doing pullovers as first and last movement on back days, doing cable pullovers mostly, but also DB and Nautilus machine. His last we're insane, but he had very low insertions, too.
Maybe an isolation movement could serve you well.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 02:00 AM
No I feel pullovers only in serratus really. I've never tried a good pullover machine though and different cable machines can feel a lot different, maybe the one wherever I end up next will feel better.

15 degree incline dbs: 35kg19, 11, 10 omg why wasn't I doing this movement before? Felt amazing, so well connected and feel my upper chest perfectly.
Machine press; 42.5kgx16, 13, 11
Cable xovers (30 sec rests): 7.5kgx13, 9, 9
Db prone raises: 8kgx4 sets
Pushdowns: 25kgx24, 3 more sets myo rep matching
curls in between

Trained in the late morning after 2 meals instead of at night because I have half days these days at work. Feels a lot better and cable machine isn't infested.

I'm gonna cycle through 30 degree, 15 degree, and flat for db presses and I think doing it this way I'll end up with a reps or weight pr every sesh. It's not noted anymore but all of my presses and flies are paused; I haven't done a tng rep in almost a year now.

Fasted morning bodywieght was 98.x. I'm taking weekends to get into a hypocaloric state around 400-600 cal deficit each day to restore insulin sensitivty, protect digestive system, take an opportunity to get some cardiovascular work in, and slow down fat gain during offseason.

Still mentally waffling in my head about how much weight I should gain. If I just increase insulin and carbohydrates I can easily be at 107-108 by November, but in my head this feels unhealthy even if it results in my body composition being in an acceptable place. Maybe 103-104 is a better target before we start the cut.

Post cut I think I've had exactly 1 restaurant meal of chicken breast with pesto risoto (Chinese sized, so probably like 300 cals) and then 2 "cheat" meals of protein pita bread air fryer pizzas. Macros on those cheats were probably around 50c/25p/12f so barely even a cheat.

Stuff like toast with honey and gummies are in the plan but might be considered a cheat by some.

Last edited by GuyThatGoesToDaGym; Yesterday at 02:18 AM.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
