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Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log)

10-16-2012 , 08:41 PM
Next workout is prob gonna be Friday (if I'm a loser), Saturday, or Sunday.


Front Squat: 3x155, 165, 175, 185
OHP: 7x102.5, 8x92.5, 9x85
DL: 6x315

Gonna speculate I have a leak in my back squat form considering 205 is completely agonizing and working up to 3x185 front squats was a complete joke. Real good OHP session, dunno where that came from. DL was fine, extra rep plus the speed was a bit better. Prob shoulda chinned but can do that during the week.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 09:28 PM
There's a non-zero chance I said **** cutting and decided to start 5/3/1 today. Which I guess mean's we've unofficially entered...

Bixby's BBBBB Log

Bixby's Boring "Boring But Big" Log: The extra B is for BYOBB

Squat Day (not actually BBB)
5/3/1 Squat
5x10 Front Squat
5x2 Power Clean

Bench Day
5/3/1 Bench
5x10 OHP
5x10 (Rows of some sort?)

Deadlift Day
5/3/1 Deadlift
5x10 Squat

5/3/1 OHP
5x10 Bench
5x10 Lat pulldowns -->chins

Here goes nothing...
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 09:30 PM
10/23 - Squat Day Week 1

Squat: 5x145, 5x170, 5x190
Front Squat: 5x10x95
PC: 5x2x155
Rollouts: 4x8

Oh man, this is gonna be fun.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
(Rows of some sort?)

Originally Posted by bixby snyder
No need imo.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 09:56 PM
yeah cutting is gay. You look like you'll be able to recomp a fair bit without getting fat ****ed.

On OHP day, 5x10 close grips imo.

Also, where do you train in STOUGHTON?
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 09:58 PM
Ha ha, good luck with that bro. I see you softened the blow a bit by removing the 5x10 deadlifts?? But you still have 5x10 front squats and 5x10 regular squats on another day. that's 10x10 squats in one week + the 5/3/1 squats!!!???? Ha Ha, good luck with that. But if you can do it, I am sure you'll make "all kinds of gainz."
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 10:00 PM
might snap his **** up though
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
might snap his **** up though

Yep. But I love it.

Start off slow Bixby. 50% of 90%1RM on those 5x10 beasts. Wendler mentions the hypertrophy but my gosh wait till you see the EPOC. You'll facking feel it during the workout and at night when you can't facking sleep because nervous system is still racing. But you'll get in much better shape and get bigger legs. And when you go back to a traditional strength program you'll be making "all kinds of gainz."

And get 3000 calories on deadlift day and squat day.

Last edited by loco; 10-23-2012 at 10:15 PM. Reason: you are right its 50% of 90%, forgot about that.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
No need imo.
Yea, seemed like a decent spot to do somethings for vanity (shrugs?) but we'll see how things go I guess.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
yeah cutting is gay. You look like you'll be able to recomp a fair bit without getting fat ****ed.

On OHP day, 5x10 close grips imo.

Also, where do you train in STOUGHTON?
Recomping would definitely be nice. I assume you mean close grip bench instead of bench? Never done the lift, I assume it's pretty much the same just a little lighter?

This is my gym: It's a big step above say Planet Fitness or Workout World, but a couple miles behind Boston Barbell haha.

Originally Posted by loco
Ha ha, good luck with that bro. I see you softened the blow a bit by removing the 5x10 deadlifts?? But you still have 5x10 front squats and 5x10 regular squats on another day. that's 10x10 squats in one week + the 5/3/1 squats!!!???? Ha Ha, good luck with that. But if you can do it, I am sure you'll make "all kinds of gainz."
Yea, they're at like 50% of 90% of 1rm so I hope all the squatting is doable. I also wanted to avoid squatting only once a cycle so I feel like this will be good. Especially since I'm honestly not sure I'll grab 4 workouts a week consistently, might take me 8 or occasionally 9 days depending on schedule.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
might snap his **** up though
Snap = good or bad in this context...?

Originally Posted by loco
And get 3000 calories on deadlift day and squat day.
Haha... now that's something I can definitely do.

Last edited by bixby snyder; 10-23-2012 at 10:19 PM.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-23-2012 , 10:28 PM
bixby, youtube the hodge twins. hours of entertainment.

Snappin' yo' **** up is definitely bad. But sometimes you need to risk it to make all kinds of gains.

loco's EPOC post kinda makes me want to try BBB.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
There's a non-zero chance I said **** cutting and decided to start 5/3/1 today. Which I guess mean's we've unofficially entered...

Bixby's BBBBB Log

Bixby's Boring "Boring But Big" Log: The extra B is for BYOBB

Squat Day (not actually BBB)
5/3/1 Squat
5x10 Front Squat
5x2 Power Clean

Bench Day
5/3/1 Bench
5x10 OHP
5x10 (Rows of some sort?)

Deadlift Day
5/3/1 Deadlift
5x10 Squat

5/3/1 OHP
5x10 Bench
5x10 Lat pulldowns -->chins

Here goes nothing...
this looks like fun! i need to figure a way to get more hyperbrophy into my own programming

Last edited by Aidan; 10-24-2012 at 03:35 PM.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 04:10 PM
Why are you doing 5x10 OHP on bench day? For the lolz right?
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 04:18 PM
In Wendler's BBB article on T-Nation he suggests flipping the assistance exercises (5x10squat on dl day, 5x10dl on squat day, 5x10bench on ohp day, 5x10ohp on bench day) to "make things less boring." I like that idea, plus it lets me squat two days a cycle which I think will be good for form/groove. Prob holds true for all exercises actually.

Pretty much just stole his template from that article and stripped 5x10dl for FS+PC just because of interest and because high volume DL/multiple DLs per week sounds kinda meh.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 04:22 PM
Yeah sounds good, just wondered. He does the same thing in the "simplest strength template" I'm (kinda) following.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 10:30 PM
I take all credit with tempting to get you to stop cutting. You know inspiring you what with me making a log yesterday and what not.

Investing program. Definitely rows. I agree triceps seem kind of redundant, also fun triceps, but that's just me. At what intensity are the assistance exercises meant to be done at? Also is this a mon/tue thu/fri plan?
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 10:36 PM
if you do the close grips 5x10 like I suggest it'll both help your main bench movement but also work dem horseshoes.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 10:42 PM
Yea, I pretty much saw you start a log and was like "wtf, does this kid even lift? But he's way stronger than me? Screw it, GET HYUGE!"

(not serious)

I'm thinking of throwing shrugs in that triceps? spot, just an empty spot to do something for vanity as far as I'm concerned. Gets supersetted in with the other assistance so not a big deal, if anything a welcome rest from the real work.

The assistance version of front squats, bench, dl, and ohp are basically at 50% of 90% of 1rm (theoretically 50% of 1rm but conservative estimates are suggested). The guy talks about expanding it to 60% in month 2 and 70% in month 3, which seems absolutely brutal, we'll see how that goes. May just try and do a normal, incredibly slow progression. Gonna try and keep the other stuff at roughly that intensity as well, which will be a bit foreign since I haven't done a lot of high rep work.

I think theoretically it's any 4 days a week but my schedule is a bit wonky so I'm just going to attack it when I can. Sometimes that'll be two days in a row, sometimes there will be a day or two off. As log as I'm grabbing 3-4 workouts a week I'll be happy. This week for example, worked out yesterday, probably can't work out tomorrow, but may do Friday night and Saturday (Bench/DL) and then finish the cycle on Monday (OHP) which would make a weird but complete 4/7.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
if you do the close grips 5x10 like I suggest it'll both help your main bench movement but also work dem horseshoes.
Definitely open to the idea. Any idea how those get weighted as opposed to regular bench? Just... lighter? If my BBB bench weight was gonna be like 85lb, I assume CG is gonna be like... 65? 70?
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-24-2012 , 11:09 PM
sure. start light. always.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 11:53 AM
Rereading my post I realize my iPads auto correct hates me.

60-70% definitely would not be fun. Shrugs can be fun, just don't go all tree trunk, traps respond pretty well in general to isolated hypertrophy exercises. I was curious about scheduling from a rest perspective. Only time will tell how your body will recover with the high volume stuff.

What's your planned progression on the assistance, just keep it in line %wise with the intensity lifts?
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by dmansr25sd
I was curious about scheduling from a rest perspective. Only time will tell how your body will recover with the high volume stuff.
Yeah, agreed. Part of the reason I do kinda like 5/3/1 is I feel like I could still get in a super fast workout (skip all or part of the assistance) and still make some progress if say I have to work out 3 days in a row, but generally I'll try and make it every other day or so. One cycle is 16 workouts, if I can do that in a roughly a calendar month (5 weeks even) I'd be happy.

What's your planned progression on the assistance, just keep it in line %wise with the intensity lifts?
I was thinking about this yesterday and I came up with something that I think seems pretty reasonable. Basically going to start at whatever, microload twice, deload, and recalibrate the next month. So like...

Front squats: WK1 95, WK2 97.5, WK3 100, WK4 95 (deload)... next month 97.5, 100, 102.5, 97.5

That's effectively adding 5lb a month to 1rm on assistance exercises, which I think is pretty in line with the overall programming and not too demanding. I'll also just recalibrate squat and ohp (and regular bench if I move away from close grip) to be 50% of training 1rm as training 1rm goes up for the first workout of each month.

ETA: For tracking purposes I'll probably back into an estimated FS and CGBP 1rm (assuming my 5x10 is 50% of 90%) and just make sure that placeholder number keeps going up at a reasonable pace.

Last edited by bixby snyder; 10-25-2012 at 12:16 PM.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 03:10 PM
No need to plan the assistance in that much detail imo. Pick a weight, lift it. If you think you can bump up next time then bump up next time.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 03:46 PM
Understood, I'd just like a general guideline to avoid trending towards being a ***** or being too greedy.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:35 PM
Pretty excited for the upcoming week or so...

Tonight: Bench
Tomorrow: Get moderately drunk
Saturday: Deadlift
Saturday: Get very drunk
Sunday: Recovery. Watch football.
Monday: OHP
Tuesday: Get moderately drunk
Wednesday: Squats...

This is gonna work out fine imo.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
10-25-2012 , 08:27 PM
10/25 - Bench Day Week 1

Bench: 5x110, 5x125, 5x145
OHP: 5x10x55
DB Rows: 4x10x25, 15x25
Curls: let's say 4x8x50

Still pretty DOMSy from Tuesday to the point where bench setup was painful, ha. I'll get used to it, or it'll get better, or whatever. OHP was kind of a joke, rows were interesting. Failed on curls at various weights and reps trying to start with 55lb, let's call it what I have up there for logging sake.
Bixby got Fat. Time to Cut (Road to Vegas Log) Quote
