Originally Posted by saw7988
If you're interested, reading Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle McDonald would be pretty applicable here.
There's a ton of fantastic info, but the practical aspects revolve around getting sufficient protein and minimizing everything else (calories). All of the best advice you're getting regarding fat loss is along these lines (chicken/tilapia + veggies). Other good sources of protein are egg whites, haddock, cod, lean cuts of pork, and fat free cheeses and greek yogurt. Supplementing with fish oil and vitamin D is a good idea (it's a good idea in general). If you want to go all out, you may want to look into EC stack as well.
Awesome. Thanks for all the recs. I will check it out.
My wife is also bringing home 16 quarts of egg whites today so that should get me through a good amount of my mornings.
Also when suggesting foods/meals, do not fear being repetitive. I am one of those guys who can happily eat the same things over and over for weeks.
Thoughts on turkey sausage?