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Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Beeschnuts Strength Training Log

09-07-2021 , 05:36 PM
Sept 6: 25 min run

Sept 7: upper deload

Weighted chin-ups
Football bar wide grip
Meadows row
Tri rope ext
Rope curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-08-2021 , 03:17 PM
Sept 8: lower deload

SSB good mornings
SSB Bulgarian split squat
Band assisted Nordic leg curl
Spanish squat
Pull throughs
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-08-2021 , 04:38 PM
Gonna take off tomorrow and start a new program on Friday. Everything is going to be a tri set with a 6-12-25 rep scheme, going from a compound lift to less taxing lifts as the reps go up. Split will be chest/back, legs, shoulders/arms. Very limited rest between exercises and after I complete all 3, I’ll rest a few minutes before repeating each tri set 3-4 times per muscle group. Below is just a template with some options for each lift, I’ll choose one from each group.

A1. 6 rep options: Touch n go bench, paused, pin press, football bar
A2. 12 rep options: dB chest press, dB incline, weighted push-ups, cable press
A3. 25 rep option: cable pec fly, banded fly, BW push-ups)

B1. x6 options: Bent over row, landmine row, weighted chin-ups/pull-ups
B2. X12 options: chest supported dB row, one arm dB row, bw chin-ups, lat pulldown
B3. x25 seated cable row, chest supported cable row


A1. X6: SSB squat, SSB box squat, Hatfield squat, SSB front squat, Bulgarian split squat
A2. x12: Spanish squat, goblet squat, landmine belt squat, split squat, lunge variation, landmine front squat
A3. x25: banded leg ext, banded TKE, 25 sec iso Spanish squat)

Posterior chain:
B1. x6: DL, sumo DL, trap bar DL, RDL variation, good morning
B2. x12: banded leg curl, exercise ball leg curl, hip thrusts, pull throughs
B3. x25: hyperextensions, KB swings, pull throughs


A1. x6 OHP, paused OHP, pin press, Z press
A2. x12: facepulls, RDF, lateral raise
A3. x25: band pullaparts, banded lateral raise

B1. x6: CGBP, floor press, board press
B2. X12: skullcrushers, cable skullcrushers, rope ext, diamond push-ups
B3. x25: banded pressdowns, cable pressdowns

C1. x6 barbell curl, football bar hammer curl
C2. x12: DB curl, preacher curl
C3. x25 cable curl, rope curl
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-09-2021 , 03:22 AM
Looks pretty cool, and so many options so you don't get bored!
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-09-2021 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Looks pretty cool, and so many options so you don't get bored!
Thanks, it’s def something that would be easier in an actual gym where I could use machines for the high rep sets but tying to get creative with the equipment I have in my gym. The cable tower has been a game changer and easily worth the price. It will def be more bodybuilding ish than I’m used too and I’ll prob be pretty sore at first but I think my body will adapt pretty quick
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-10-2021 , 03:26 PM
Sept 10: chest/back

A1. Bench press: 255x6x3
A2. DB chest press: 62x12x3
A3. Cable pec fly: 20x25x3

Notating it 255x6x3 but it’s really 255x6, followed by 62x12 DB press, followed by cable fly. Trying to keep rest to 15 sec between exercises and after I do all 3 I rest 3-4 min. Chest was absolutely on fire after this.

B1. Weighted chin-ups: +25x6x3
B2. Chest supported dB row: 62x12x3
B3. Seated cable row; 70x25x3 (started this at 100 and realized it was too heavy for 25 reps)

Gonna have to play with how much weight to use until I get used to the rep scheme
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-11-2021 , 03:52 PM
Sept 11: legs

A1. SSB squat: 320x6x3
A2. Landmine belt squat: 4p x12x3
A3. Banded TKE: heavy blue band x25x3 (was able to do 25 straight the first set, 2nd and 3rd had to take a short break around 15 and then did 10 more)

B1. RDL: 315x6x3
B2. Banded leg curl: green band x12x3
B3. Hyperextensions: BWx25x3

Brutal workout. Both workouts have been very difficult and prob not sustainable long term. Might have to lower the weight a little until my body gets used to the high reps
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-13-2021 , 03:14 PM
Sept 12: 20 min run

Sept 13: shoulders/arms

A1. OHP: 150x6x3
A2. Cable lateral raise: 20x12x3
A3. Band pullaparts: red band x25x3

B2. Floor press: 245x6x3
B2. Cable skullcrushers: 40x12x3
B3. Banded pressdowns: purple band x25x3

C1. Football bar hammer curls: 85x6x3
C2. Cable preacher curl: 30x12x3
C3. Cable curl: 20x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-14-2021 , 04:27 PM
Sept 14: sprint intervals
10 rounds
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-15-2021 , 04:46 PM
Sept 15: chest/back

A1. Pin press, chest level: 255x6x3
A2. Weighted push-up: +25x12x3
A3. Cable pec fly: 20x25x3

B1. Bent over row: 225x6x3
B2. Band assisted wide grip pull-ups: 3x12
B3. Cable row: 70x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-15-2021 , 07:04 PM
how's the new program started? enjoying the variety? any DOMS?
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-15-2021 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
how's the new program started? enjoying the variety? any DOMS?
It’s a love/hate relationship. I do like the change of pace and it’s def challenging. The sets of 25 burn like hell, especially on the last round and I’m normally swearing by then. I actually get anxious before starting some sets like before a PR attempt bc you just know it’s gonna be painful and mentally challenging.

Pretty bad DOMS after the first few sessions as you can imagine. I think I will stick with the template for a bit but might change the number of reps after a few weeks. Maybe a month at this rep scheme, then go to 4-8-16, then back up to 5-10-20, and then back down to 3-6-12 for the last wave.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-15-2021 , 09:37 PM
4-8-16 makes a lot more sense

And zero research on this crap. Which is better than German Volume Training (another love child of Poliquin). That one is researched and its confirmed fake.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-16-2021 , 03:50 PM
Sept 16: lower

A1. Sumo DL: 405x6x3
A2. Exercise ball leg curl: 3x12
A3. KB swings: 65x25x3

B1. SSB front squat: 240x6x3
B2. SSB split squat: 110x12x3
B3. Banded leg ext: green band x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-18-2021 , 04:13 PM
Sept 18: shoulders/arms

A1. OHP off pins, neck level: 145x6x3
A2. Banded facepulls: green band x12x3
A3. Banded lateral raise: red band x25x3

B1. Close grip 2 board press: 255x6x3
B2. Rope tri ext: 40x12x3
B3. Banded pressdowns: green x25x3

C1. Bb curl: 85x6x3
C2. Cable preacher curl: 30x12x3
C3. Rope curl: 20x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-20-2021 , 03:26 PM
Sept 19: 25 min run

Sept 20: chest/back

Decided to try pyramid’ing down on the main lifts. I’m using around 75-80% so the first set has been pretty easy but the 2nd and 3rd get hard from the fatigue of the drop set. So doing a little more weight when I’m fresh and then dropping a little for the 2nd and 3rd set.

A1. Paused bench: 255x6, 245x6, 235x6
A2. DB chest press: 62x12x3
A3. Cable pec fly: 20x25x3

B1. Weighted chin-ups: +45x6, +35x6, +25x6
B2. Chest supported dB row: 62x12x3
B3. Cable row: 60x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-21-2021 , 04:07 PM
Sept 21: legs

A1. Hatfield squat: 400x6, 380x6, 360x6
A2. Spanish squat: 3x12
A3. Banded TKE: blue band 3x25

B1. Trap bar RDL: 355x6, 335x6, 315x6
B2. Banded leg curl: green band 3x12
B3. Hyperextensions: 3x25
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-23-2021 , 04:02 PM
Sept 23: shoulders/arms

A1. OHP off pins, chin level: 165x6, 155x6, 145x6
A2. Cable lateral raise: 20x12x3
A3. Band pullaparts: red band x25x3

B1. Floor press: 265x5, 250x6, 245x6
B2. Football bar skullcrushers: 85x12, 75x12x2
B3. Cable pressdowns: 30x25, 20x25x2

Started a little too heavy on the tricep stuff

C1. Football bar hammer curl: 85x6x3
C2. DB Spider curl: 27x12x3
C3. Cable curl: 20x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-24-2021 , 05:21 PM
Sept 24: sprint intervals
10 rounds
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-25-2021 , 04:19 PM
Sept 25: chest back

A1. Football bar wide grip bench: 245x6, 235x6, 225x6
A2. Weighted push-up: +25x12x3
A3. Cable pec fly: 20x25x3

B1. Bent over landmine row: 4.5p x6, 4p +10x6, 4px6
B2. Lat pulldown: 110x12x3
B3. Straight arm pulldown: 20x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-27-2021 , 04:04 PM
Sept 27: legs

A1. conventional DL off 2 inch blocks: 425x6, 405x6, 385x6
A2. Cable pull throughs: 50x12x3
A3. Hyperextensions: 25x3

B1. SSB split squat: 200x6, 190x6, 180x6
B2. Spanish squat: blue band 3x12
B3. Spanish squat isometric hold: 3x25 sec
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-27-2021 , 06:38 PM
I've been training in gyms for coming up to 30 years and yet most times I read your log I seem to see at least one exercise or lift I have no idea how to do!
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-27-2021 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I've been training in gyms for coming up to 30 years and yet most times I read your log I seem to see at least one exercise or lift I have no idea how to do!
You should give some of them a try. I know you can’t do some that require specialty bars, but there’s prob a few you could do. Just look them up online or let me know if you have any questions on how to do them
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-27-2021 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by beeschnuts
You should give some of them a try. I know you can’t do some that require specialty bars, but there’s prob a few you could do. Just look them up online or let me know if you have any questions on how to do them
yep, thanks. I'm kind of in meh, maintenance mode right now with the lifting because 1. we've been in lockdown for 3+ months and I've only got a basic barbell, bench & rack set up at home and 2. I'm in competition prep for my rowing at the moment so only lifting twice a week and not doing any lower body

the final comp is 30th Oct and once this is over, I'm gonna switch up my training schedule for both rowing and lifting and I'll have a detailed look at what you're doing
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
09-28-2021 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
yep, thanks. I'm kind of in meh, maintenance mode right now with the lifting because 1. we've been in lockdown for 3+ months and I've only got a basic barbell, bench & rack set up at home and 2. I'm in competition prep for my rowing at the moment so only lifting twice a week and not doing any lower body

the final comp is 30th Oct and once this is over, I'm gonna switch up my training schedule for both rowing and lifting and I'll have a detailed look at what you're doing

Sept 28: shoulders/arms

A1. Landmine Viking press: 4.5p x6, 4p +10x6, 4p x6
A2. Facepulls: 30x12x3
A3. Banded lateral raise: red band x25x3

B1. Football bar floor press: 225x6, 215x6, 205x5
B2. Rope tri ext: 40x12x3
B3. Banded pressdowns: green band x25x3

C1. Football bar curl: 85x6x3
C2. Cable preacher curl: 30x12x3
C3. Rope curl: 20x25x3
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
