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BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress

06-05-2010 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadJonV
A question about the press, it's the only workout I've never done, would doing an incline bench press achieve the same results?
No, not even close. Doing something sitting down =|= doing something standing up.

Originally Posted by BigBadJonV
Is there any difference in the straight bar deadlifts and the trap-bar (the square bar) deadlifts?
Originally Posted by BigBadJonV
My thighs are still jelly, it's hard to go from sitting to standing up without gripping something, when I do my squats, how should I go about it? Just do the best I can?
Originally Posted by BigBadJonV
2nd workout:

Due to thigh's still having that jelly feeling and not being able to standup without gripping something, I skipped power-clean/deadlift/squats today. I did press and bench press (I know they are supposed to alternate but I wanted to get some stuff in.
Everybody thinks they're a special little snowflake and everybody is wrong. Just do the program as prescribed. The jelly feeling is most likely just doms and it will go away eventually. Don't be a pussy.

Presses are harder than I'd think they would be.
ldo. That's why you should be doing them.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-05-2010 , 10:20 AM
So no comments on the form of the bench press other than the thumbs need to be gripped around the bar?
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-05-2010 , 02:16 PM
I think it's hard to comment on the form on a bench video filmed with a grainly mobile camera. A few comments:
- Start the first rep by taking the weights out, lock your elbows, move it over your chest and then move down.
- No semi-suicide grip ldo
- Grip is slightly wide, forearms should be perpendicular to floor at the bottom
- No need to go that slow down
- Back arch looks decent, but hard to judge
- Impossible to see whether you have any leg drive
- Impossible to see if your head pushes against the bench or not
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-05-2010 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I think it's hard to comment on the form on a bench video filmed with a grainly mobile camera. A few comments:
- Start the first rep by taking the weights out, lock your elbows, move it over your chest and then move down.
- No semi-suicide grip ldo
- Grip is slightly wide, forearms should be perpendicular to floor at the bottom
- No need to go that slow down
- Back arch looks decent, but hard to judge
- Impossible to see whether you have any leg drive
- Impossible to see if your head pushes against the bench or not
Yeah that's what I was worried about, video quality. My friend has an iphone so maybe that will work.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-05-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by BigBadJonV
Yeah that's what I was worried about, video quality. My friend has an iphone so maybe that will work.
I think the angle is worse than the quality; you really can't see anything from the straight ahead view aside form your grip. Try taking it from the side next time.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 09:16 AM
Workout #3

OK, so I was feeling pretty good yesterday and we went to work out after work. I believe I need the most scrutiny on my squats. Last time I had a jelly feeling in my thighs afterwards, and the same happened this time. Worse arguably. The last time I did squats (a week ago), I didn't do much after working out.

Last night my wife and I went grocery shopping. I actually fell in the store from my thighs being so sore. Not once, not twice, but three times. The first two times I caught myself on something, the third time there was nothing around and I crumpled to the floor like a wet paper towel, it was extremely strange. (and embarrasing to my wife) It was like my thighs disappeared and had no type of muscle.

However, my thighs aren't nearly as sore today as they were last Wednesday. So that's a plus. Here are my sets:

Squat second set:

Squat third set:

Is it strange I'm benching more than I'm squatting? Also from the video it looks like I'm not going down far enough perhaps, but that's as far as I can go right now, I'm just not flexible enough yet.

Bench second set:

Bench third set:


I couldn't do the deadlift my legs were already too sore, I couldn't get my knees to bend down past like a 145 degree angle w/o falling on the floor.

Also my friend didn't like the criticism of his camera skills lol so there are some smart ass comments in the videos, pay no mind to him.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 09:47 AM
Yeah, squats are pretty lolbad as you are not even getting close to parallel. Watch this and make sure you are doing what he says. Practice getting into the position he shows at the beginning on your off days and as part of your warmup and that should help with the flexibility a bit.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 09:55 AM
Thanks, that should help a lot.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 12:29 PM
A note on breathing.

When doing these exercises you should not be breathing in or out during a rep. You should be executing the Valsalva maneuver which is taking a deep breath before you start the rep, holding it while you perform the rep and then exhaling when the rep is finished. Some like to even do a couple of reps on one breath of air.

This maneuver fills up your lungs which pushes against your diaphram and helps you lock up your inner and outer abdominals and form a better base for lifting. It also enforces the "chest up" cue in squats, the back arch in benchpresses etc etc.

Oh and all of this is in the book.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 02:00 PM
Have you ordered the book/DVD? These sets are so bad I'd just jog or punch my balls or something until you get them.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 02:03 PM
What is everyone's obsession with self ball punching around here??
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 02:18 PM
My name is SM and I'm into SM.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Have you ordered the book/DVD? These sets are so bad I'd just jog or punch my balls or something until you get them.
Imma newb. I assumed that because I'd done the weight training in the past, I could pick it back up w/o any help. I also assumed I knew how to do the lifts correctly since I've done them so much in the past, but obviously I was incorrect in that as well.

Should I purchase both the book and the dvd or will the book alone suffice?
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-09-2010 , 04:58 PM
The book is sufficient, but it's very comprehensive and might turn some people off. The DVD is easier to learn from, and faster to learn from, so I usually recommend purchasing both. It's a pretty cheap investment.

The book goes into detail on a lot of stuff the DVD naturally doesn't cover (like a lot of common errors and how to fix them, biomechanical explanations of the lift and son) so I'd get that as well for sure.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
06-10-2010 , 10:31 PM
Thanks a lot again for the pointers.

Workout #4

I only took one video because I didn't have a cameraman and I'm really sorry but I couldn't get it setup up standing straight up, my phone has a curved bottom and I just couldn't get it working at a good angle so the video is sideways. The first two sets messed up.

However, the video that Nottom linked has already shown me improvements in my flexibility (I believe). Again sorry it's sideways, I'm video noob so can't figure out how to turn.

3rd Set-I'm a little sore already, I also try to incorporate the breathing technique but I mess up a couple times. I also mess up my head and I think my knees need to go a bit more over my toes, which I believe is because I didn't angle my knees outwards quite enough.


I actually failed on my very last one, it was incredibly frustrating.



I did deadlift instead of clean because I didn't get a chance to do it in my last workout and my legs were pretty tight so I figured one set of lifts would be easier than 5 sets of clean.

Anyways, thanks again for suggestions and keeping on me, it's appreciated.
BBJV is convinced to do SS and logs progress Quote
