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08-23-2010 , 06:32 AM
Upon watching it again I have to agree that there is downward movement.

Raw bench is about 130. Ive benched 135, but that would not have been a good lift in competition.
08-23-2010 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
I get good results doing this with a lacrosse ball. Also, using the lacrosse (or tennis) ball on the floor for your traps while moving your upper arm is almost as good as getting ART. A hard medicine ball on the chest & front shoulders works well too.

I think he just did.
A tennis ball is too soft. But thanks.
08-23-2010 , 07:31 AM
Sky Sport news is no longer available on freeview from today Why so sad? Because Georgie Thompson is not longer available for my viewing pleasure as I don't have Sky.

08-23-2010 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
A tennis ball is too soft. But thanks.
I have found good results with a "girls" softball.
08-23-2010 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
A tennis ball is too soft. But thanks.
This depends on the individual. A tennis ball would be too soft for me too.

I have a friend who used a tennis ball on his traps the other day like this and he was in agony during it because he's got so many adhesions so near the surface. The lacrosse ball is way too hard for him to use at this point. Its too hard for my wife to use too.

When you get thicker muscles and your adhesions are deeper, or if you dont have them bad in the first place, then you need something harder than a tennis ball, but it can be good for a lot of people imo.
08-23-2010 , 09:33 AM

A 15 min drive doesn't include the hassle of parking. I live in the city and rarely drive.


Closer to Kendal. Somehow I've never heard of that place though, I'll give it a try!
08-23-2010 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by cookie
Upon watching it again I have to agree that there is downward movement.

Raw bench is about 130. Ive benched 135, but that would not have been a good lift in competition.
Well done cookie!

I didn't know a shirt helped so much. Do you think if you tried a raw single right now it would be ~130 - 135 or have you gotten a lot stronger since then?
08-23-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
This depends on the individual. A tennis ball would be too soft for me too.

I have a friend who used a tennis ball on his traps the other day like this and he was in agony during it because he's got so many adhesions so near the surface. The lacrosse ball is way too hard for him to use at this point. Its too hard for my wife to use too.

When you get thicker muscles and your adhesions are deeper, or if you dont have them bad in the first place, then you need something harder than a tennis ball, but it can be good for a lot of people imo.
You should be using the hardest surface tolerable. You'll quickly only need to spend a few minutes rolling on a very hard object instead of 20m tenderly touching yourself with a piece of squishy foam.
08-23-2010 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by ProphetofProfit
Sky Sport news is no longer available on freeview from today Why so sad? Because Georgie Thompson is not longer available for my viewing pleasure as I don't have Sky.

i'm getting her in HD
08-23-2010 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Well done cookie!

I didn't know a shirt helped so much. Do you think if you tried a raw single right now it would be ~130 - 135 or have you gotten a lot stronger since then?
While he's getting pretty good carryover in his shirt there, a lot of people get much more than that.
08-23-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
While he's getting pretty good carryover in his shirt there, a lot of people get much more than that.
Relative or absolute? The former I disagree, the latter obv.
08-23-2010 , 10:20 AM
Absolute, obv.

He's getting ~54% of his raw max, which I stated is pretty good, but there are some PLers getting more than that. I'm sure he's well aware, and there are a lot of factors that go into shirt carryover.
08-23-2010 , 10:35 AM
Word. I'm unsure if he's single or multiply either.
08-23-2010 , 02:01 PM
Is that amount of back arch normal? In most of the shirted bench videos I have seen the lifter is so humongous it is really hard to make out how much their back is arched, but Cookie is small enough and the camera angle is good enough you can see everything, and that is some crazy arch.
08-23-2010 , 03:57 PM
Quick question on TM:

What's the general guideline for % of weight used for volume and recovery day?

Is it like 75% of 5RM used for volume day and 55% for recovery day?
08-23-2010 , 04:18 PM
single ply, IPF, fwiw.
08-23-2010 , 05:08 PM
JF I started with 80% and ~%65. My volume day progressed linearly and my intensity day stalled once or twice, so my volume day is now 85%.

Its kind of a "play it by ear" situation. If volume day is not heavy enough, you will not be causing enough stress/whatever for your body to grow. Then you may not be able to set PRs on intensity day.

Recovery day should not be so heavy that it interferes with intensity day. It should be heavy enough to feel like you are not wasting time, and get some blood pumping through your muscles.
08-23-2010 , 05:10 PM
Can we have an officially stickied 'Intermediate Programming Questions Thread' that includes TM, 5/3/1, WS4SB and other similar programs? I see lots of various questions about intermediate programming scattered all over the board and think it would be useful to have them all in one place. The book Practical Progamming doesn't explain TM in great detail which obviously doesn't help.

JF, Miles recommended that volume is 85% of intensity, not sure about recovery related to volume.

Edit: It could replace the whiteboard, which hasn't been updated in ages.
08-23-2010 , 05:12 PM
Eh, I think there is a thread like that. Though it isn't official and sticked and stuff.

Last edited by Soulman; 08-23-2010 at 05:12 PM. Reason: Slow pony, I has it
08-23-2010 , 05:21 PM
That's the thread I was thinking of, but it sank to the murky depths of H&F where it can't be easily found.
08-23-2010 , 05:21 PM
On a separate note I bought a bunch of junk food yesterday and ate a bunch of it and I didn't feel very good.

WTF is wrong with me?

Oh well back on track today.
08-23-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Word. I'm unsure if he's single or multiply either.

lol, you do not talk like this. stop trying so hard, nerd.
08-23-2010 , 06:06 PM
Squatted today pain free for the first time in ~ 2 months! I am excited to be back but really not looking forward to squatting because I suck balls at it.
08-23-2010 , 09:03 PM
well, tomorrow i'm driving 6+ hours in hopes of getting a job at some ****ty chain gym in chicago.

CSCS and NASM-CPT and no gym in michigan has called me back.
