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04-06-2013 , 07:16 AM
Bros, the next phase of true bro fitness has arrived. Check out story #7 in this article. Next stage is not anabolics. It is genetic modification to keep up with the next stage of humanity.

7 People From Around the World With Real Mutant Superpowers
04-06-2013 , 09:59 AM
If they wasted super strength kid's powers on soccer, I'll be disappointed. He should be Dirk but with an 80 inch vertical
04-06-2013 , 10:02 AM
So, my back has been pretty achy at night lately. Ever since I tweaked it doing DLs. Waking up stiff. Tried 2 beds, same thing. So, last night I woke up with it aching and I remembered someone telling me a long time ago to put a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side. Tried it. Worked like a charm.
04-06-2013 , 10:05 AM
a gear subforum here isn't a great idea imo- no one here is an expert akaik. then again, people seem to repeatedly ignore ABs solid diet advice, so having an expertt might not help.

Last edited by Aidan; 04-06-2013 at 10:11 AM.
04-06-2013 , 10:06 AM
Super strength kid should be an NFL lineman if giant or an MMA fighter if small.
04-06-2013 , 10:09 AM
A gear thread isn't a terrible idea, but a gear subforum seems unnecessary FPS.

Not sure if the powers that be would want even a lone thread dedicated to anything (other than poker, ldo) which is frowned upon in USA#1! even if its fine in the rest of the world.
04-06-2013 , 10:15 AM
there used to be a steroid thread, i believe the op took a ban to have it deleted, but it may still be linked to in the faqs
04-06-2013 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Tried 2 beds, same thing.
What, like one on top of the other?

I ruptured a few discs a couple years ago and had to learn to sleep on my side. Before that I always slept on my stomach. Sleeping on your back is OK too but if I do that I snore pretty bad. I never get as good of a sleep on my side as on my stomach, if I'm having trouble sleeping I insta-revert to sleeping on my stomach. It's the worst long term side-effect of the back issues, imo.
04-06-2013 , 01:59 PM
I have things that I track daily in Excel. So literally a column of numbers, each row is a day. Is there a way I can generate plots that correspond to each day of the week?
04-06-2013 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I have things that I track daily in Excel. So literally a column of numbers, each row is a day. Is there a way I can generate plots that correspond to each day of the week?
Can you kinda sketch what you mean? Like do you want a graph with 7 bars on it, one for each day of the week? or do you want a standard line graph but the labels on the bottom are like
M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su
over and over?
04-06-2013 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
personally I think you'd look silly with a bunch more LBM and very low BF.
I'm already too wide so I agree. It would mostly be for strength/power purposes imo and to stay lean as I put on weight. I always wanted to be 175 @10% bodyfat (and have an ongoing prop bet for this.. a race with a friend who has a better chance of getting there because he is a bit taller and half black (lol racist) but doesn't work as hard and is lots weaker than I am).

That would be the heaviest I want to be, I think. That's prob just about my genetic limit if I had to guess. Maybe not even possible while natty for me *shrug*.

Oh well.. sadderday.

eta: I wanna get to at least 440 deadlift and 365 hbbs before I even seriously consider it, tho... pretty sure I could do it if I even stopped caring so much about being lean and avoided injuries.
04-06-2013 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Can you kinda sketch what you mean? Like do you want a graph with 7 bars on it, one for each day of the week? or do you want a standard line graph but the labels on the bottom are like
M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su
over and over?
I want to generate 7 different line graphs, each line corresponding to a day of the week. So for example a Monday (or any other day) graph would extract every 7th number from the column and plot it. So for the data:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1

I want my Monday graph to show 1 then 1.1.
04-06-2013 , 03:32 PM
You could sort the data by the day column (so it would go 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, .... 1.n, 2, 2.1, ...7.n), then create your graphs from that. Just duplicate the columns, sort them, and hide them if you still want them to input in 1,2,3...7.n order. Maybe there's an easier way to do it with a formula, but I don't know how to create an array with a stride in excel
04-06-2013 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
What, like one on top of the other?

read my log for the mattress chronicles

I ruptured a few discs a couple years ago and had to learn to sleep on my side. Before that I always slept on my stomach. Sleeping on your back is OK too but if I do that I snore pretty bad. I never get as good of a sleep on my side as on my stomach, if I'm having trouble sleeping I insta-revert to sleeping on my stomach. It's the worst long term side-effect of the back issues, imo.

I've never been able to sleep on my stomach. Maybe the back occasionally, but mostly side.
04-06-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I want to generate 7 different line graphs, each line corresponding to a day of the week. So for example a Monday (or any other day) graph would extract every 7th number from the column and plot it. So for the data:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1

I want my Monday graph to show 1 then 1.1.
Oh, I see. I would probably do this by, for example, making a monday tab in the spreadsheet.

Column 1 would be a list of numbers. For monday, A1=1, for tuesday A2=2 and so forth. Set A2 and beyond to add 7 to the previous value.

Column 2 would be a list of formulas, each one like:
This is basically saying, use the value from the same row in column A to lookup the value from the other worksheet's column.

You copy these down as far as you want and they basically pull values by the index() formula from WORKSHEET1. Then you can make graphs for each tab.

If you PM me your email addr I could send you an example if that's not clear.
04-06-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I want to generate 7 different line graphs, each line corresponding to a day of the week. So for example a Monday (or any other day) graph would extract every 7th number from the column and plot it. So for the data:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1

I want my Monday graph to show 1 then 1.1.
I'm on Office 2010. This might not be available for 2007, but you can try. Pretty sure it's available in Office 2013.

If your data is just a list in Col A, then I'd add a title "Value" for A1, then add column B called "Date", and C called "Weekday". You can generate B easily by adding one date and dragging it up/down, and then C starts at C2 =TEXT(B2,"DDDD") and runs on all rows.

Select columns A, B, C go to Insert > Pivot Table dropdown > Pivot Chart, click OK (you can play around with this popup once you know what it's doing).

On the right you'll have the list of columns at the top and quadrants on the bottom. Add Weekday to Report Filter. Date to Axis Fields. Value to Values. Values will be added as "Count of Values" which is not what you want, so click the down arrow on it > Value Field Settings > change to Sum.

Now you'll get a chart with each value separated by date, which you can filter by week in the top left corner of the chart.

You can cut and paste the chart into another worksheet and change the cosmetics. At the bottom left you can filter date ranges, etc. Play around with it to your liking. Pivots rule.
04-06-2013 , 04:47 PM
Pivot tables are available in 2007. I highly recommend you watch some tutorials and play around with them until you get the hang of it, rather than following some rote instructions. You'll spend a couple of hours but gain powerful tools and invaluable knowledge.

Pivot tables are like Excel ON STEROIDS.
04-06-2013 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Pivot tables are available in 2007.
Not sure about Pivot Charts tho. Although in 2007 you can probably just make a chart from a Pivot Table, it just won't have the built-in controls.

Originally Posted by amplify
I highly recommend you watch some tutorials and play around with them until you get the hang of it, rather than following some rote instructions. You'll spend a couple of hours but gain powerful tools and invaluable knowledge.

Pivot tables are like Excel ON STEROIDS.
04-06-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
I'm already too wide so I agree. It would mostly be for strength/power purposes imo and to stay lean as I put on weight.

eta: I wanna get to at least 440 deadlift and 365 hbbs before I even seriously consider it, tho... pretty sure I could do it if I even stopped caring so much about being lean and avoided injuries.
Yeah that would be the reason to gear up for you imo, re: getting lean/strong. Those numbers seem very attainable for you if you decided to fatten up.

Originally Posted by amplify
Pivot tables are available in 2007. Pivot tables are like Excel ON STEROIDS.
Pivot tables have been available since at least 2003. And yeah, they're quite excellent.
04-06-2013 , 05:38 PM
max calorie deficit possible while maintaining strength assuming perfect diet and good training routine, estimations?
04-06-2013 , 05:43 PM
About 350
04-06-2013 , 05:49 PM

30ish % long-term? Variance etc.

Started watching Dexter season 7, turned it off midway into episode 2. lol what a pile of steaming dog turd that series is now. Sorry Yvonne Strahoviski, even your insane hotness is not enough for me to watch this.
04-06-2013 , 05:51 PM
missin out big time
04-06-2013 , 05:52 PM
Thanks a lot for the Excel tips guys. I'll have to play around and do some learning, will let you know if I have any questions.
04-06-2013 , 05:54 PM
dexter is a trainwreck. I stopped at season 6 last year, but got back on board recently when I was sick/bed bound for a few days. it's almost at the level of "so bad its good" now. kinda want to see how they end it, but definitely a show that went downhill like no other
