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04-01-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Maximum Rocknroll
Finally made the 1,000 pound club
prove it
04-01-2011 , 05:23 PM
April Goals

Likely train my chins and pull ups pretty hard. I'm going to try to aim for a 1 arm chin as a goal I think.

Decide what way i'm going to take my gym programme now that i've decided to gradually shift from barbell training for the time being (due to forseeing month(s) long gym going gaps in the near future) to a more flexible equipmentlite workout that I can do always.

Might be to cardiotard, gymnastic bodies-tard or demichelleotard or all or none of the above.
04-01-2011 , 05:25 PM
March goals:

1. Improve clean form and clean 5x60kg or 3x70kg Semi-fail, switched to triples and did 3x65 prob could have done 5x60, improved form according to one of the olytards I asked for help
2. Squat 4x4x115kg Fail, couldnt do 4x4x110 so reset a bit
3. Maybe attempt a new bench PR Fail, but will try it on monday
4. Read more for school and dont do everything last minute (yeah right) Fail, more or less a complete fail, I guess I did some of the things before last minute but way to much last minute stuff to call this anything other than a fail

April goals:

1. Get ready for the season, practice hard, play good on intra squad scrims
2. Squat more without good morning
3. Clean 3x70kg, improve form
4. Bench 1x90kg
5. Figure out in season programing
04-01-2011 , 05:32 PM
Push Press 67.5x3
Power Snatch 55
Power Clean 80
DL 145x5
Pullups 15
Chinups 17
04-01-2011 , 06:37 PM
1. Cardio-tard like a mofo 3+ times per week, including running and swimming. This should shape up my legs a bit... will probably have to cut back squats so as not to stall.
2. Eat in a non-******ed way to lose a little of the SS-fueled gut (aesthetic gym-body-tarding).
3. Train lots body-weight exercises: lots of pull-ups, chins, push-ups, planks, burpies, sit-ups. Weights will also be thrown in of course (especially Bench).
04-01-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
- Lose 15 pounds
15 lbs in a month? Coupled with an increase in bench 1RM of 10-15 lbs? Bro, come on bro. 15 lbs in a month is a pretty hudge deficit.
04-01-2011 , 06:50 PM
everyone aims to do more planks, until they do a few planks, and realize they're entirely too boring.
04-01-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
15 lbs in a month? Coupled with an increase in bench 1RM of 10-15 lbs? Bro, come on bro. 15 lbs in a month is a pretty hudge deficit.
you missed the part about WIM. get 'em JF.
04-01-2011 , 07:08 PM
cut 5lbs, shake-up my routine to involve more stabilizer and core activity. Bench press 225 5x.
04-01-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
everyone aims to do more planks, until they do a few planks, and realize they're entirely too boring.
Or they are too hard?

Seriously, I am trembling before a minute without any added weight. So I guess I should do more planks.

Have to think about my goals for the month. Get under 165lbs for bodyweight for one.
04-01-2011 , 07:14 PM
Planks are a serious bitch. So they prob good and stuff.
04-01-2011 , 07:16 PM
No goals until I find out what's up with my back.

I went in for an initial consultation with the chiro. Did a bunch of research to find a non-idiot that accepted my insurance. Went in, got screened, asked a bunch of questions and received satisfactory answers to them. She did some more tests and I had about 25-30 degrees of forward lumbar flexion (my fingers went barely to the top of my knee) before the pain was too great to continue, but nothing from extension.

She figured it was just general joint dysfunction and not muscular in nature; she initially was worried that it was compressive disc fracture but changed her mind after she palpated the area and did some tests.

She did two spinal manipulations (kinda neat) and I retested. Wow. To say it was a religious experience is a bit far, but I was able to bend over and nearly touch my toes (my normal ROM) with 2.5-3.0 on the pain scale whereas even thinking about touching my toes would have been a 4.0 on its own (actually doing it would be a 9.5 if I could manage the ROM).

I am a pretty skeptical guy when it comes to doctors, chiros, and everything related, but I am very happy with this development and can't wait to go back next week for adjustments/massage.
04-01-2011 , 07:25 PM
March goals were not to miss a session, not to get injured, and not to get sick.

Made all of them. Slightly injured, but not preventing me from training.

April goals pretty much the same. When I get sick and miss training, I always lose a **** ton of progress compared to when I miss training and am not sick. So not getting sick = number 1 goal
04-01-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I wear onitsuka tigers as my daily walk around shoes. You could definitely walk/run/lift in them if you needed to.
Can also find a pair for $60 from Zappos (free shipping) delivered to your door. I bought a couple months ago and so far they're OK. Don't think I'd like to squat in them but pretty suitable all purpose shoe.
04-01-2011 , 07:53 PM
most i ever planked was a 25lb plate on my lower back for 30 seconds. was sore the next day Fo sho.
04-01-2011 , 08:08 PM
i have no idea why but i am ridiculously good at all but the most advanced(and probably silly) "core" exercises.
04-01-2011 , 08:19 PM
bro genetics
04-01-2011 , 08:23 PM
I planked 135 lbs for a minute about 6 months ago. It's really dependent on body proportion; I think I have a really short torso and my rib cage extends pretty far down so I get really good leverage.

I suck at anything that involves lifting my legs though.
04-01-2011 , 08:35 PM
Lose 10 pounds this month. From January to March I lost 20 but I got a concussion and haven't worked out for 3 weeks. I should be cleared to workout in 2 weeks and I'm gonna eat really well and workout hard. I have to get to 215 by July 14th and right now I'm like 244
04-01-2011 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
I planked 135 lbs for a minute about 6 months ago. It's really dependent on body proportion; I think I have a really short torso and my rib cage extends pretty far down so I get really good leverage.

I suck at anything that involves lifting my legs though.
04-01-2011 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal

So I was talking to a chiro in the gym and mentioned deadlifting. He then went on to say you shouldn't do it with heavier than the bar and the powerlifter in the corner lifting 300 was going to have the back of a 90 year old in 20 years. Apparently he sees it every day. Also squats are evil. I often wonder if I'm being trolled by like minded or more advanced trainers.
I think I'm just not going to talk to anyone at the gym.
04-01-2011 , 09:09 PM
does anybody here eat kraft dinner on a regular basis?

whole box: about 900 calories, 32g protein, 140g carbs, 16g fat.
04-02-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Barge Ass

So I was talking to a chiro in the gym and mentioned deadlifting. He then went on to say you shouldn't do it with heavier than the bar and the powerlifter in the corner lifting 300 was going to have the back of a 90 year old in 20 years. Apparently he sees it every day. Also squats are evil. I often wonder if I'm being trolled by like minded or more advanced trainers.
I think I'm just not going to talk to anyone at the gym.
There are good chiros and bad ones. This one is clueless about weight lifting.

Sounds like Kyle found a good one - nice.

My chiro is excellent, and is in favor of me doing heavy DLs. He is not crazy about the fact that I bench press though (shoulder issues).
04-02-2011 , 12:06 AM
The chiro I go to is ambivalent about heavy lifting. Neither for nor against it. Which is good enough for me.

Also I may be living the cha59 dream as I hit my insurance deductible for the year and it covers 20 more chiro/alt therapy vists. I will be hitting them up for ART/Graston a ton assuming I can get away with it.
04-02-2011 , 12:12 AM
Nice - ART to the upper back & hips will do wonders for your low back.
