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Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman)

07-07-2014 , 05:38 AM
That guy is 198? that is crazy.

Pretty much perfect comp BP in that video. The angle on his descent and the press up is what I was referencing in the form check post. Pushing back on an angle versus pushing up. Tied with leg drive.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-07-2014 , 07:35 PM
July 8: Week 3 Day 2 (GS)

Comp Squat:


Sumo DL:

Zercher Squat:

Tough day again, but I think the squats looked good. Walkout is improving and general approach is feeling pretty good. It is being suggested that I make a switch to sumo as my primary DL but I'll have to see about that, not sure I have the requisite hip mobility. Zercher squats were fun, a great lesson in ab bracing. Squat videos to come hopefully.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-08-2014 , 02:13 AM
on the bench setup
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-08-2014 , 04:29 AM
Videos from today came through:

For reference, 172.5kg doubles from last cycle:

Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-08-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
It is being suggested that I make a switch to sumo as my primary DL ...

Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-08-2014 , 10:35 AM
No wl to be seen. Switch to sumo.

gg, dark side has won.

Squats look good though.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-09-2014 , 10:44 PM
July 10: Week 3 Day 3 (YMCA)

Bench Press:

Up to 100x1x3

Speed Bench:


Cable Flies

Face Pulls

Mainly in to work on my bench press setup, particularly with respect to leg drive. I think it is getting better with not driving all the weight onto my feet but instead getting tight on the bench and then screwing the feet backwards. Not all reps were recorded as the cable row was being intermittently used.

Previous bench vid:
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 12:54 AM
Try to shove your heels and knees out a lot more.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
It is being suggested that I make a switch to sumo as my primary DL

Whoa. Found these quotes regarding sumo

grunch: sumo, so doesnt count

The benefit of doing conventional is that it actually counts, whereas sumo does not.

That dude would absolutely say no to the conversion to sumo. Are you significantly weaker sumo??
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Try to shove your heels and knees out a lot more.
but that's as far as they go

Originally Posted by loco
Whoa. Found these quotes regarding sumo

grunch: sumo, so doesnt count

The benefit of doing conventional is that it actually counts, whereas sumo does not.

That dude would absolutely say no to the conversion to sumo. Are you significantly weaker sumo??
haha yeah, i definitely first thought of my vehemently anti-sumo stance. i think i'll keep it as a secondary lift for a while, but doubt i will make the switch. i find the lockout position awkward and unstable, and my groin mobility is ****e so it would take a lot of work for marginal return.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 09:09 AM
When you do it right, the outside of your hips/glutes will be extremely tight. If that's really as far as your heels can go out, you dont need your toes pointed that far out. Toes out takes tension away from the glutes/hips. You want to be as tight as possible there.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 03:59 PM
Yes, overall it felt much better in both my glutes and knee extensors. It seemed like i was actively keeping tight. Still need to work on it!

Thanks for all your help.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 09:10 PM

Its hard to get everything right. The guy who taught me said my setup sucks, and I'm sure it still does weeks later after working on it a lot. Its good to know where you have room for improvement though.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 11:14 PM
July 11th: Week 3 Day 4 (GS)


Box Squat:


180 was fairly easy so we upped the weight to 185, which was quite tough. Box squats were quite good but was pretty drained by RDL time and the weight was a bit low. Probably under-fed going in and will have to take better care going forward.

Started taking creatine monohydrate or whatever, so we'll see what that does to my weight and to the lifts. Singles next week. Two weeks until meet day.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 11:15 PM
Cha's setup sucks? Cute, that's cute.

Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-10-2014 , 11:17 PM
It's all relative though. To mere mortals like you or I it looks infallible, to a 700lb bencher at <200 its a bit stink!
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-11-2014 , 12:33 AM
Waiting patiently for those sumo vids
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:40 AM
I think you'll have to be real patient
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-11-2014 , 11:20 PM
July 12: Week 3 Day 5 (YMCA)

Pendlay Row:

Narrow Cable Row:

Lat Pulldown:

BB Curls:


Just a quickie. Off out for japanese food for dinner so thought it was prudent.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-12-2014 , 12:03 PM
In what weight class are you going to compete?
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-12-2014 , 05:09 PM
Under 83kg
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-14-2014 , 04:06 AM
July 14th: Week 4 Day 1 (GS)

Comp Bench:
112.5x1 (PR)



105 was fast, will open with this at the meet. 110 was just ok, but 112.5 was better than that. I twitched my heel on 110 so I have to be aware that for the competition. I'm hopeful for 115kg at the meet.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-14-2014 , 11:42 PM
July 15th: Week 4 Day 2 (GS)


Zercher Squat:

Was cold in the warehouse this morning, took a while for everyone to get going. Plenty of reps with the bar and 60kg helped. Ive had a bit of a head cold the last few days which hasnt been good, but happy to tie my PR and hit the number for this cycle - even if it was a bit of a grind. Hopefully Im recovered by meet day.

Singles from last cycle are here.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-15-2014 , 12:27 AM
How long is the pause on that 247.5? Is it a quick stop n go that you hope gets white lights? Or is your coach actually giving you the press command at the bottom?
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
07-15-2014 , 12:47 AM
The older guy guy giving the squat commands gave the press commands - he's an ipf referee and been in the iron game a while. Im guessing it was a legit pause, but it can still vary. I didnt have the camera so no video unfortunately.
Aidan's Training Log (just weak strongman) Quote
