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04-09-2013 , 02:46 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 190x3; 205x3; 220x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 190x2; 200x2; 210x2
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 200x1; 210x1; 220x1; 175x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 201
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04-10-2013 , 04:53 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 170x1; 175x1; 140x8. Felt much better than Friday but 175 still felt REAL heavy. It is going to take awhile to build back up again.
Hammer PD: 120x6; 140x5; 160x5
Tri PD: 140x6; 160x5; 180x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3

Weight: 201
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04-12-2013 , 02:09 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 220x1; 230x1; 240x1; 190x8.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 210x3*. I had a spotter for the last set and had a little help on the last rep.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 200. I had my weight belt on the last notch for squats. I actually feel thinner. Looking for 195 by the 24th.
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04-15-2013 , 01:56 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 145x2; 155x2; 165x2
Hammer PD: 120x7; 140x5; 160x5
Tri PD: 140x7; 160x5; 180x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x1; 95x1; 100x1; 105x1; 110x1; 115x1; 90x8

Weight: 202. Wrong way.
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04-17-2013 , 02:08 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 225x2; 235x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 200x1; 210x1; 220x1; 175x8
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 199!
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04-19-2013 , 01:29 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x5; 160x5
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x5; 180x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x1. Couldn't get the 2nd rep @ 110

Weight: 199. I've had a pain behind my left elbow (lower triceps?) for about 5 days. I wasn't sure how much I could do today. It bothered me on the first couple of sets of PP's but it was tolerable after that until curls. I thought the Tri PD's would aggravate it but it was the curls, specifically at the top or finish position where it hurt the most. I wear an elbow sleeve on that elbow because I've had pain there before but nothing to this extent.
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04-19-2013 , 02:18 PM
I've had some tender spots there, ended up flossing and rolling the area and it feels way better. It was honestly the most painful rolling I've done besides first time on the IT band.
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04-23-2013 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by RUDIKULOUS
I've had some tender spots there, ended up flossing and rolling the area and it feels way better. It was honestly the most painful rolling I've done besides first time on the IT band.
I used the lacrosse ball for some rolling. Feels better. Thanks.


SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 190x3; 210x3; 225x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2. Wanted to get 215x2 but 205 felt heavy and I didn't have a spotter so I stopped.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 225x1; 180x7
Ab stuff

Weight: 198. I wanted to be 195 by the time I went to Vegas for my anniversary. Last trip to the gym before I leave is tomorrow. Looks like I'm going to come up a little short. I waited too long to actually get serious about cutting calories. Still happy about getting under 200.
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04-24-2013 , 04:26 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 170x1; 175x1; 140x8
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x6; 160x5
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x6; 180x5
EZ Curl: 75x5; 85x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3

Weight: 199. Off to Vegas tomorrow. Back to the gym Monday.
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05-02-2013 , 12:43 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 225x2; 240x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 170x8
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 200. Expected to gain a few lbs after the weekend eating orgy in Vegas so 'only' 200 was a pleasant surprise.

On the down side I missed Monday's workout and then Tuesday I experienced severe knee pain while doing squats. The pain was in the front of my knee and down the shin. I felt it from the 1st warm up set but I kept going since it wasn't effecting my ability to squat. By the time I finished rows I was limping. Got home and iced my knee which was swollen. Could barley move around at work but as the night wore on it actually started to feel better and the swelling went down some. It was still pretty swollen on Wednesday but the pain was mostly gone. Today it seems to be OK. Lately it always seems to be something. I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting too old for this ****. I don't want to be that guy with the chrome db's doing tricep kickbacks.
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05-03-2013 , 02:07 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x7; 160x5
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x7; 180x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x2

Weight: 199. Felt good today. I thought the push presses might aggravate my knee but they didn't. No swelling or pain.
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05-06-2013 , 02:14 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 190x3; 210x3; 230x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 225x1; 185x7
Ab stuff

Weight: 200. Knee felt fine today. No pain, no swelling (yet). I really don't know what the hell happened last week. I dislocated that knee a couple of times 30+ years ago and I used to have a problem with it popping out but it hasn't bothered me in along time. Just seems so random. Oh well, no pain is fine with with me.
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05-09-2013 , 01:52 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 170x1; 175x1
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x6
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x8; 180x6
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3

Weight: 201. Bad habits creeping back.
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05-10-2013 , 04:50 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 225x1; 235x1; 245x1
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 210x3
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 200
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05-10-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mojo56

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 225x2; 240x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 170x8
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 200. Expected to gain a few lbs after the weekend eating orgy in Vegas so 'only' 200 was a pleasant surprise.

On the down side I missed Monday's workout and then Tuesday I experienced severe knee pain while doing squats. The pain was in the front of my knee and down the shin. I felt it from the 1st warm up set but I kept going since it wasn't effecting my ability to squat. By the time I finished rows I was limping. Got home and iced my knee which was swollen. Could barley move around at work but as the night wore on it actually started to feel better and the swelling went down some. It was still pretty swollen on Wednesday but the pain was mostly gone. Today it seems to be OK. Lately it always seems to be something. I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting too old for this ****. I don't want to be that guy with the chrome db's doing tricep kickbacks.
I know the feeling - I'm 48 and still push myself hard when I lift. Its getting harder & harder to recover from that. How old are you?

Glad the knee feels better.

I bet it would help at least a little if you roll the **** out of your quads, ITBs, glutes & calves, and stretched the quads/hips flexors.
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05-14-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
I know the feeling - I'm 48 and still push myself hard when I lift. Its getting harder & harder to recover from that. How old are you?

Glad the knee feels better.

I bet it would help at least a little if you roll the **** out of your quads, ITBs, glutes & calves, and stretched the quads/hips flexors.
57 in a couple of months. I probably would be well served if I stretched more. I'll have to make more of an effort in that area. BTW, you are doing so mighty fine lifting for any age.


Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 145x2; 155x2; 165x2; 170x2
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x8; 180x7
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x1; 95x1; 100x1; 105x1; 110x1; 90x7
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x7

Weight: 201
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05-15-2013 , 02:08 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 230x2; 245x2. 2nd rep @ 245 was a real grind.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 200x1; 210x1; 220x1; 175x8. Felt real strong on these today.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 200
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05-18-2013 , 12:40 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3. I usually like to add a little weight or a rep from week to week. Now if I don't regress I consider it a success.
Tri PD: 140x8; 160x8; 180x8
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x2
Hammer PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x8

Weight: 201
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05-21-2013 , 01:17 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3; 235x3. These felt good today.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 190x2; 200x2; 210x2; 220x2*. Needed a little help on the second rep @ 220.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 225x1; 185x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 200
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05-22-2013 , 05:25 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 170x1; 175x1; 180x1; 140x8. 1st time I've gotten 180 since I got sick back in March.
Hammer PD: 125x5; 145x5; 165x5
Tri PD: 150x5; 170x5; 190x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3

Weight: 202
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05-25-2013 , 12:57 PM

CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3*. Needed help on the 3rd rep.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 210x1; 230x1; 250x1; 200x6
Ab stuff

Weight: 201.
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05-28-2013 , 04:38 PM
The gym was closed yesterday so only 2 workout days this week. Today:

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 230x2; 250x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 225x1; 180x7
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 201
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05-31-2013 , 02:09 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
Tri PD: 150x6; 170x5; 190x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x2

Weight: 202
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06-03-2013 , 02:33 PM
You ever have one of those days where everything feels REALLY heavy. This was one of those days.


SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 180x3; 200x3; 220x3; 240x2. Wanted to do 3 @ 240 but the 2nd rep was a real grind so I bailed.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 190x2; 200x2; 210x2; 220x2*. The 2nd rep @ 210 was pretty damn hard. I had a spotter for 220 and I actually surprised myself by getting the 1st rep easily. Needed help on the second rep.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 210x1; 220x1; 230x1; 185x8. Form kind of broke down on 230.
Ab stuff

Weight: 200
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06-05-2013 , 03:11 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 170x1; 175x1; 140x8
Hammer PD: 125x7; 145x5; 165x5
Tri PD: 150x7; 170x5; 190x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x3; 90x3; 95x3; 100x3

Weight: 202. My shoulder was bothering me today. Semi bothersome on presses, really felt it on pull downs.
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