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3x3 3x3

09-21-2012 , 02:58 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x7; 130x5
Tri PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x5; 160x6. Did 160x5 before I realized I was supposed to do 160x6. Doh!
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x7; 90x5

Weight: 202
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09-24-2012 , 04:07 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3; 210x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 165x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 170x1; 185x1; 200x1; 210x1; 170x8
Ab stuff

Weight: ???. Once again the gym scale is out of order. WTF?!?
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09-26-2012 , 03:40 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 180x1; 145x8
Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x8; 130x5
Tri PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x7
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x8; 90x5

Weight: 201. Almost there.
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09-28-2012 , 03:52 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 205x1;220x1; 230x1; 185x8
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 195x3
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 170x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 201
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10-01-2012 , 03:58 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 150x2; 160x2; 165x2; 170x2
Tri PD: 120x8; 140x8; 160x8
Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x8; 130x6
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x8; 90x6

Weight: 202. I have until Friday to get under the 200# mark. Leave for Vegas on Sunday for 5 days so I'm going to take next week off from the gym.
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10-03-2012 , 03:24 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 210x2; 220x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 205x1; 215x1? (I asked the only other guy at the gym if he could give me a spot. Don't know him. Seen him benching a few times with some decent weight. He asks if I want a lift off so I say "sure". He uses a double overhand grip between my close grip which is fine but then he never lets go of the bar. He said it was 'all me' but who knows); 175x7
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 201
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10-05-2012 , 02:27 PM

Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x8; 130x7
Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 150x3; 160x3; 170x3
Tri PD: 130x5; 150x5; 170x5
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x8; 90x7

Weight: 201. Damn. Couldn't get to 200 by today. Off to Vegas Sunday so I'm going to take next week off.
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10-15-2012 , 04:43 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3; 210x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 165x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 170x1; 185x1; 200x1; 210x1; 170x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 202. First day back after vacation. Managed to get sick again my last night in Vegas which made the ride home the next day a nightmare. Felt like crap all weekend but I felt much better this morning. Still a bit congested but not bad.
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10-17-2012 , 02:18 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 180x1; 145x6. Still not breathing great which really affected the back off set.
Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x8; 130x7
Tri PD: 130x5; 150x5; 170x5
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x8; 90x7

Weight: 202
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10-19-2012 , 03:42 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 205x1; 220x1; 230x1; 185x8
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 195x3
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 170x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 202
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10-23-2012 , 01:44 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 150x2; 160x2; 165x2; 170x2
Hammer PD: 90x8; 110x8; 130x8
Tri PD: 130x5; 150x5
EZ curl: 70x8; 80x8; 90x8

Weight: 202. JFC, I can't shake this cold. Runny nose, chest congested, arrgh!
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10-24-2012 , 05:07 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 210x2; 220x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 205x1; 215x1; 175x8
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 202
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10-26-2012 , 03:26 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 150x3; 160x3; 170x2. Missed the 3rd rep last set. Had it at the sticking point but couldn't drive it up. I seem to have regressed a little since my vacation.
Hammer PD: 100x5; 120x5; 140x5
Tri PD: 130x6; 150x5; 170x5
EZ curl: 75x5; 85x5; 95x5

Weight: 203. Not happy I went up a pound but at least I know the scale isn't broken.
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10-29-2012 , 04:10 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3; 215x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 170x2; 180x2; 190x2; 200x2; 210x2
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 170x1; 185x1; 200x1; 215x1; 170x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 204
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10-31-2012 , 04:06 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 175x1; 180x1; 145x7
Hammer PD: 100x6; 120x5; 140x5
Tri PD: 130x7; 150x5; 170x5
EZ curl: 75x6; 85x5; 95x5

Weight: 202
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11-02-2012 , 03:28 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 205x1; 220x1; 235x1; 190x7. Felt good.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 205x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 201. I'm looking for 199 on Monday (yeah, I've been saying it for months. This time it happens).
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11-05-2012 , 05:06 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 150x2; 160x2; 170x2; 175x2
Hammer PD: 100x7; 120x5; 140x5
EZ curl: 75x7; 85x5; 95x5

Weight: 201. New strategy: I'm NEVER getting below 200.
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11-05-2012 , 06:29 PM
I like the flow, keep it up, man.

How wide of a grip do you use for push-press?
I just try to widen mine and am not sure how far I can go,
and tend to place my hands about another hand wider than directly over shoulderlength when the bar restes on my shoulders.

Last edited by HU4holes; 11-05-2012 at 06:34 PM.
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11-06-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
I like the flow, keep it up, man.

How wide of a grip do you use for push-press?
I just try to widen mine and am not sure how far I can go,
and tend to place my hands about another hand wider than directly over shoulderlength when the bar restes on my shoulders.
TY. I use what I guess is a pretty narrow grip. I'm only about an inch off the smooth, so only slightly wider than my CGBP grip. I had some pretty serious shoulder pain a few years ago so the narrow grip came about by trial and error and finding out what didn't hurt. I've been relatively pain free (shoulder wise) for quite awhile now (knocking on wood).

The wider your grip the shorter the distance you need to move the bar so it sounds like you are doing it the right way. Gradually move your hands out until you no longer make gains and then bring them back in a bit. That is probably close to your optimum grip.
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11-07-2012 , 04:16 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 215x2; 225x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 210x1; 220x1; 175x8. 220 went up fairly easily. Could have got 225 but I'll save that attempt for 2 weeks from today.
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 190x3; 205x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 203. I smoked a couple of pork butts yesterday for my bar & grill so I decided to try a variation on a recipe I saw on Food Network. It was called 'Loaded Fries'. We mixed some shredded cheddar & jack into Alfredo sauce to make an Alfredo cheese sauce. Then we tossed some pulled pork into the cheese sauce. We poured the whole thing over a bowl of crispy hand cut fries. Sprinkled some more shredded cheese over top with some fresh basil. Holy crap this stuff was good. It was also probably about 2,000 calories so I can't be eating this too often.
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11-09-2012 , 04:40 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 150x3; 160x3; 170x3. Had a lot of pain at the base of my left thumb which made holding the bar a bitch. I really didn't think I'd be able finish the sets but I surprised myself by not only finishing but getting 170x3 which I missed last time.
Hammer PD: 100x8; 120x5; 140x5
EZ curl: 75x8; 85x5; 95x5
Tri PD: 130x8; 150x5; 170x5

Weight: 202. Gym is closed Monday for Veteran's Day. 2 day week next week. Back either Tuesday or Wednesday.
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11-14-2012 , 02:16 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 180x1; 185x1
Hammer PD: 100x8; 120x6; 140x5

Weight: 203. I had a migraine developing when I left for the gym so I'm glad I was able to get in at least a few sets and the 185 PP was a pleasant surprise. I was feeling worse after the PD's so I decided to head home and cut the workout short.
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11-16-2012 , 04:43 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 225x1; 240x1; 190x8
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 190x3; 205x3
Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 215x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 204. Happy with the progress on squats. Numbers are still nothing to write home about but at least they are trending in the right direction. Back to where I was in June before I hurt my back.
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11-20-2012 , 02:40 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 150x2; 160x2; 170x2; 180x1. Missed the second rep @ 180. Almost got it, just couldn't lock it out.
Hammer PD: 100x8; 120x7; 140x5
EZ curl: 75x8; 85x6; 95x5

Weight: 203
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11-21-2012 , 04:32 PM

Safety bar squat: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 185x2; 200x2; 215x2; 230x2
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 210x1; 225x1; 180x8. Back to where I was a couple of months ago which actually feels really good. Hopefully I can move up from here.
Pendaly rows: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 210x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 204. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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