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2016 - Lose 100 & get fit 2016 - Lose 100 & get fit

07-26-2016 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
It's not a great idea to establish a precedent of not logging days where you ate poorly. Kind of takes the accountability factor out of it. It isn't like everyone here is gonna poke fun at your food choices or something.

Knowing that you have to log everything you eat makes you think twice about what you eat, having a subtle positive effect on your diet adherence.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
07-26-2016 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
It's not a great idea to establish a precedent of not logging days where you ate poorly. Kind of takes the accountability factor out of it. It isn't like everyone here is gonna poke fun at your food choices or something.

Knowing that you have to log everything you eat makes you think twice about what you eat, having a subtle positive effect on your diet adherence.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-01-2016 , 03:30 PM
Back on it slipping..also any news on job?
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-04-2016 , 06:38 PM
Sorry for the delay - I have been on and off the road a lot, including this coming weekend.

Today 294.6, so maintaining.

No job yet...

Back to updates Monday...
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-10-2016 , 07:31 PM
Baseline - 300
Sunday - 297
Monday - 297
Today - 296.2

Breakfast - 3 slices HF bread with a light coating of PB, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 Tb peanuts
Lunch - 2 eggs, large salad, 1/3 cup beans, nonfat dressing
Snack - 1 1/2 cups sugar free chocolate milk, fiber one/peanuts mix, 1 sq. dark chocolate
Dinner - 7 oz. roast chicken breast (boneless), 1 can string beans
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-11-2016 , 07:05 PM
Baseline - 300
Today - 295.6

Breakfast - Fiber One and Lowfat granola in 2% milk, 1 Tb peanuts
Lunch - Buffet lunch: 1 1/2 cups steamed string beans, about 6 oz. baked fish, watermelon, funnel cakes (dessert)
Dinner - Black bean veggie burger on 2 slices HF bread
Snacks - 2 part skim mozzarella sticks, fiber one/peanuts with a sq. of dark chocolate
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-11-2016 , 10:44 PM
Woop woop. Looking good!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-12-2016 , 08:56 AM
Baseline - 300
Today - 294

Breakfast: Coffee flavored Greek yogurt with fiber one, 1 tb peanuts
Lunch - abut 6 or 7 oz. fried fish with about 3/4 cup cole slaw
Dinner - 4 oz. turkey breast on HF bread, 3/4 cup carrots with nonfat dressing
Snacks - 2 cheese sticks, fiber one/peanuts mix
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-12-2016 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by wildebeest84
Woop woop. Looking good!
Your encouragement and reminders are a huge part of my getting back on track - thanks!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-12-2016 , 09:45 AM
No worries mate...We all need it....Imo you just need to string a few days together again and stay consistent. Once you start your like a machine!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-14-2016 , 08:29 AM
Baseline - 300
Today - 294.2

Note - today is a ritual fast day for Jews, so my next update will be Tuesday.

Breakfast - 3 slices HF bread with peanut butter, 1/2 a grapefruit, 1 tb peanuts
Lunch - Large salad with 3 oz. turkey, 1/3 cup chickpeas, nonfat dressing
Dinner - about 1 cup pasta with tomato sauce and 6 oz. extra lean ground beef, apple with honey, challah roll
Snack - 2 part skim cheese sticks

5 AM snack - 1/2 cup sugar free ice cream
Breakfast - Fiber one, granola, and pecans in milk, grapes
Lunch - salad with 2 hard cooked eggs and tuna, chocolate cake
Dinner - 2 challah rolls, one with egg salad (3 hard cooked eggs, lite mayo), one with low fat cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar free ice cream
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-16-2016 , 05:41 PM
Baseline - 300
Today - 294

Breakfast - Fiber one with granola in 2% milk, grapes
Lunch - Coffee greek yogurt with fiber one
Snack- 2 cheese sticks
Junk - Snickers bar (was at a car dealership and it lasted a LOT longer than expected)
Dinner - Black bean veggie burger on a lite roll, sugar free chocolate milk, can of string beans
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-16-2016 , 05:41 PM
I think I can hit 40 Lb. in the next week
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-17-2016 , 07:05 AM
Baseline - 300
Today - 293.2

Breakfast - 2 slices HF bread with peanut butter, some pecan halves, 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - Salad with chickpeas and a hard cooked egg with low-fat dressing
Dinner - 3 egg omelette, 2 slices hf bread with margarine
Snack - Fiber One with peanuts and a square of dark chocolate
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-17-2016 , 10:03 AM
Gnatie..What phase of this programme are you you have many more changes to the diet to do?
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-17-2016 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by wildebeest84
Gnatie..What phase of this programme are you you have many more changes to the diet to do?
I have already cut out some of the extra calories per day. At this point I am eating approx. in between the recommended amount for someone weighing 280 and where I started (230). I have not been getting hungry even though I am eating a bit less than I was a couple of months ago.

Once I drop down below 280 it will be time for another adjustment if I want to keep losing.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-17-2016 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by gnatie
I have already cut out some of the extra calories per day. At this point I am eating approx. in between the recommended amount for someone weighing 280 and where I started (230). I have not been getting hungry even though I am eating a bit less than I was a couple of months ago.

Once I drop down below 280 it will be time for another adjustment if I want to keep losing.
ok, keep up the good work!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-21-2016 , 02:03 PM
Not such a good trend over the past few days:

Baseline - 300
Today - 295.2
Saturday - 294.6
Friday - 293.2
Thursday - 292.6

Why? Junk food and straying off "book". The past few days have seen me eating a lot of challah rolls (sweetish white bread), cake, and Honey Nut Cheerios. In the meantime I have not been eating a lot of fruits or vegetables.

OK, so I am getting back on track and the numbers will likely come down, again. However, I have some travel (interview) coming up in the next 48 hours which might affect things. No weigh-in on Tuesday morning, BTW.

In the meantime, I got a used car last week and have begun driving for Uber in order to bring in some more income.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-21-2016 , 02:12 PM heres the thing, what are you going to do to mitigate the travel. What choices are you going to make? What snacks can you make prior to your travel which are healthier than sweet sweet challah roles?

Also what has led you to stray off book? Stress, lack of time, or just hunger?

I also have a religious question if thats ok....does posting a log on the sabbath constitute as work? Just curious!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-21-2016 , 03:33 PM
Just hire a shabbas goyum IMO
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-21-2016 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by wildebeest84 heres the thing, what are you going to do to mitigate the travel. What choices are you going to make? What snacks can you make prior to your travel which are healthier than sweet sweet challah roles?
I have been preparing healthy snack bags before travel whenever possible. I try to limit my car snacks to those plus fruit/veggies. However, I have a habit of underestimating how much to bring.

Originally Posted by wildebeest84
Also what has led you to stray off book? Stress, lack of time, or just hunger?
A and B, less so C. If I have had the time earlier in the week to make sure I am stocked up with the correct foods I generally turn to those first when hungry. Stress/exhaustion were probably key elements last week.

Originally Posted by wildebeest84
I also have a religious question if thats ok....does posting a log on the sabbath constitute as work? Just curious!
As with most answers to such questions, it depends on the Jew. In my case I refrain from electronic communications on the Sabbath except in case of a medical or other emergency. Plenty of other Jews who keep Sabbath are perfectly comfortable using their phones/laptops; lots of variety.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-21-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Just hire a shabbas goyum IMO
Are you volunteering?

*Back in the day when homes were warmed by stoves and, if the stove went out, the family wold suffer, Jewish families would hire non-Jews to come in on a set schedule and tend the fire. These days nearly every synagogue has a non-Jewish facilities manager who plays a similar role.
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-25-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by gnatie
I have been preparing healthy snack bags before travel whenever possible. I try to limit my car snacks to those plus fruit/veggies. However, I have a habit of underestimating how much to bring.
On this. do fruit and veggies keep you full... because they dont for me! I usually refer to cooked chicken to keep me going as a snack, or the occasional carby treat!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
08-30-2016 , 02:43 PM
No backsliding mate...9 days without logging..

Think you need to think of some sort of system that motivates you to log daily (sabbath and holy days excluded.)

I know there is a lot of stress in your life, but you have a phone, and logging takes 5 mins, so not really an excuse.

Back on it!

How about this: For every month you log more than 21 days of food logs You get a point. For every month you don't log i get a point. T the end of 6 month's the person with the most points gets a prize from the other player. Doesn't have to be monetary, or it could be a bottle of bourbon, kosher wine etc

Just a suggestion!
2016 - Lose 100 & get fit Quote
