Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 48,128
Almost everyone who thinks "I have a fast metabolism, I just can't gain any weight" doesn't eat nearly as much as they think imo. When I was bulking up(think I got to 215lbs at my heaviest) I would routinely eat 3500 calorie bags of cashews in one sitting, and I probably ate anywhere from 6000-10,000 calories per day. Foods like bacon, steak, cashews, burgers, omelets, etc. taste great and have a ton of calories. 99% of people would love to be able to eat a ton of that food, so consider yourself lucky imo. Now I weigh 180 lbs and eat less than 2000 calories per day...God I wish I could go back to when I was eating a ton- eating good tasting foods is so much fun!
I'm sure some people will say that my calorie counts were excessive, and they may be right...I'm just letting you know what worked for me.
If you can't eat more than 4000 at first, start with that, but up it by 500 calories every few days until you're at least above 6000(and the more the better).
edited to add: I also smoke weed and that helps a ton when you need to eat a lot