Related GGO: this is literally the first time I have ever deadlifted without shoes in this gym. No sooner had I put the bar down some PT came over and told me to put my shoes on. F*cking spider sense or something.
I had this vision of me standing on the big deadlift platform. cha59 on my left. kelly starret on my right. lifting in the world series of deadlifting. i let that vision blind me today on the platform at my sh*tty franchise gym.
Originally Posted by Aidan
hyperextending at the top still, back is a bit soft off the floor too
Dr McGill was standing behind you. He says every one of those lifts cost you a dollar from your lifetime DL lower back account.
Hey Mr.Snitch. A quick comment from a hit-and-run poster: Notice the change in back angle from the first 4 reps to the last 4. In the first 4 reps you start the pull with your hips low and they start moving upwards slightly before the bar leaves the floor. That would be what SS coaches call "failing to take the slack out of the bar". Make sure your hammies are tight as a mofo before starting the pull. The last 4 reps when you leave your hips higher and squeeze your chest up are better, IMHO, aside from fatigue from previous reps. Sqoooeeeeeze that chest up, your spine loves a good sqoooeeeeeze.
Also, I like the way you drop the bar in disgust after the last rep
Thanks for the feedback again, bros. It's much appreciated.
SQWTF, yeah, I had this plan of starting with a more vertical back... then it felt sh*t, so I went to a more horizontal back, and it was all in all just a mess.
Tuesday 1 October 2013 Grandfather died last night. Not quite sure how old he was (but it was old,. pushing 90). His mind was sharp as a tack all the way up to the last month or so. Every time I saw him he had new stories of his life and was a great story teller. Just the body wasn't able. He had various knee and back issues (worked manual jobs his whole life - and that was before voodoo bands) and was basically immobile for the last few years.
1x122.5 (wr!)
5x130 (belt)
I've noticed all these tinybros talking about benching 250 in their logs and noticing that the 4th spot on the whiteboard was basically undefended I thought I should lay down a little cover for team fatty.
I knew it was coming. He deteriorated fairly rapidly in the end. I saw him a few months ago and he was as sharp as ever. Then the last time I saw him (maybe 4 weeks ago) was the first time he's ever not been 100% "there". He was sort of in and out of consciousness. I had plans to go visit him this weekend before I flew out to Brazil because I knew there was a decent chance he wouldn't be here when I got back.
1) Yah. Although it is looking like I'm still going to have to do some jiggery-pokery as it seems the earliest we can have the funeral is Tuesday (my uncle - his son obv - is out of the country)... and my flight is scheduled for 0600 Tuesday...
2) Imagine if I actually knew how to f*cking bench.
I think some of these reps showed some improvement in terms of less pulling with the lower back... I was kind of thinking more "chest up faster". I think it had me pulling "back" more. Possibly helped with a better head position too.
I also think it helped my upper back tightness somewhat which probably filtered down a little to my lower back. My lower back really feels like it did nothing in this set. Basically no fatigue.
I've kind of neglected this aspect (upper back tightness) in my deads. I think I will concentrate more on that. It's something Mrs Snitch does quite well in her deads and while it may not be optimal for powerlifting... I'm never going to be a power lifter, so wgaf.
Although I'm still fairly obviously going from lower back slightly flexed to slightly over extended. I'll post the lighter sets later for comparison...
I also filmed my squats but they were all over the shop. Five reps. Five different forms.
You start your squats with an arch in your low back. Try to pull your pelvis up to your rib cage and keep it held in place during the whole set. That will put your back in a neutral position. That's the same position you want to keep it in during DLs. This is why I keep saying you need to strengthen your core. Your abs & obliques are either weak or not working right during those lifts.