kann entweder auf redkings oder auf towergaming mit identischem rakeback spielen. Jetzt war dieser Towergaming Warning thread, der auf einen link im englischen 2+2 forum(
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29...6/index13.html ) verwies, in diesem jedoch der thread-ersteller selbst am Ende zugab: "They are being very co-operative at the moment and they already made an offer to cover some of the damages. DV has really left them in the dark about everything, as his bosses didn't even know that I have my own editorial in a magazine... they just saw the whole mag for the first time (as I've only sent copies to David so far, assuming he would show them to his bosses ofc) so I think it's safe to say it wasn't Tower as a company who scammed me.
Conclusion: I would assume your money is safe with Tower"
Was würdet ihr empfehlen, auch im Hinblick auf Sicherheit (Wahrscheinlichkeit Pleite zu gehen), Schnelle Auszahlungen usw. ? Gibts da ein Unterschied zwischen Red Kings und Towergaming?
danke schonmal vorab