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Showtime's "Californication" Showtime's "Californication"

10-16-2007 , 04:30 AM
seems like this show is also comming to the netherlands, I just saw some commercials about it
10-16-2007 , 09:23 AM
This show has really done well not to taper off. Some of the conversations they've got - Moody and his agent, the two ex-wives - are really good. His ex has got this chain-smoking, Streep-circa-Sophie's Choice hotness about her.
10-16-2007 , 10:18 AM

I also liked that I thought he was trying to warn him about hearing the chicks coming in at first, then you see he was really trying to warn him about something else, haha.
Scene was gold. I love how they don't immediately run after their women, they take a moment to laugh at the situation.

Stuff is good.
10-16-2007 , 02:05 PM
Best episode yet. I love this show. Too bad only 2 ep left. Hopefully next season will be longer. They did this w/ weeds too w/ 2 10 week seasons which is just too short for a 1/2 hour show IMO.
10-16-2007 , 03:17 PM

Also the whole side plot about the dominatrix wannabe agent and the 16 yr old negotiating about Hank's lost manuscript is just going to go nowhere. It's so superficial and transparent.
No, I think it's a necessary plot devise to advance all the major themes of the show, and it looks like a lot of stuff is going to unravel in the final two episodes as a result. Also, it just shows us again how brazen and manipulative Mia is capable of being.

I was sort of surprised that Hank/Charlie didn't even discuss the carjacking/loss of manuscript from last week.
10-16-2007 , 04:43 PM

Also the whole side plot about the dominatrix wannabe agent and the 16 yr old negotiating about Hank's lost manuscript is just going to go nowhere. It's so superficial and transparent.
No, I think it's a necessary plot devise to advance all the major themes of the show, and it looks like a lot of stuff is going to unravel in the final two episodes as a result. Also, it just shows us again how brazen and manipulative Mia is capable of being.

I was sort of surprised that Hank/Charlie didn't even discuss the carjacking/loss of manuscript from last week.
I think it's a great twist. Hank can't really claim the material as his own without undergoing huge suspicion from others about him and Mia and he's probably going to be forced to write the screenplay, a format he hates, of the novel, the format he loves, that someone else stole from him. It adds a lot to the show.
10-16-2007 , 04:55 PM
This is the type of forced plot device that really turns me off. For example, the whole thing with Mia and Charlie's assistant - are we really supposed to believe that Mia was going to give Hank's book to Charlie without Charlie being like "wow, this book looks like it was written by Hank Moody"? But no, their meeting just happened to get cancelled so that Mia could give the book to someone who's going to keep it a secret.

One of the reasons I like this show is that it feels natural and shouldn't require this deus ex machina crap to keep it fresh.
10-16-2007 , 07:05 PM
bad continuity this ep, why does hank not care that he just lost the novel he'd been slaving over? not to mention his car.

the squirting scene was good but pretty much an exact retread of the vomit scene in ep 2.

the mia/dani california stuff is dumb. very very dumb.
10-16-2007 , 07:53 PM
This is the type of forced plot device that really turns me off. For example, the whole thing with Mia and Charlie's assistant - are we really supposed to believe that Mia was going to give Hank's book to Charlie without Charlie being like "wow, this book looks like it was written by Hank Moody"? But no, their meeting just happened to get cancelled so that Mia could give the book to someone who's going to keep it a secret.
I agree with this to an extent, but that doesn't mean I don't think the fallout won't be enormously fun to watch.
10-17-2007 , 03:09 PM
Yeah this thread is kind of dead, but if anyone can tell me the name of the guitar song that played briefly during the beginning of the credits, I would appreciate it.
At the end of the show? I think it is John Mayer - Slow Dancing In a Burning Room.
10-17-2007 , 03:38 PM
all the songs for each ep are on
10-17-2007 , 07:07 PM
bad continuity this ep, why does hank not care that he just lost the novel he'd been slaving over? not to mention his car.
I don't think it's that bad. Hank's the kind of guy that'd just be like, "Well, that's LA. [censored] it."
10-17-2007 , 07:55 PM
Yeah this thread is kind of dead, but if anyone can tell me the name of the guitar song that played briefly during the beginning of the credits, I would appreciate it.
At the end of the show? I think it is John Mayer - Slow Dancing In a Burning Room.
Nah I know that song and that wasn't it. Although it does melt panties away.
10-18-2007 , 07:36 AM
still so amazing, but some of those people are infuriating. they should also bring back meredith because she was hot.

bill's daughter, not so much, and she's a psycho bitch.
i really like the wifey.

this is really some of the best writing on TV kind of a show about nothing that everybody can "relate" to.
10-18-2007 , 10:57 AM
this is really some of the best writing on TV kind of a show about nothing that everybody can "relate" to.

In all honesty the writing is just above avg. I think what makes the show is the delivery by DD. Most of the other actors are very good w/ the exception of his kid which makes me want to scratch my eyes out when she's onscreen. DD makes this show though w/ the extremely dry sense of humor that he delivers so well.
10-24-2007 , 12:49 PM
Mia makes me want to kill somebody.
10-24-2007 , 02:18 PM
this show is so my favorite 30 min. of tv.

after having high hopes i think that i have really done a stellar job in not disappoining me and actually exceeding my expectations in a number of ways including:

duchovny could not be better in any way.

characters that i thought would be weak (charlie, danni, daughter) have stepped it up on the acting side even when the writing must be a chore to deliver.

bill is the ultimate other guy. hateable, but not entirely.

mia is infuriating and not so hot that she is unbelievable in her character.

there are a few flaws in the show that i try not to dwell on, but soooooooooo entertaining.

the season finale should be epic. J.
10-24-2007 , 04:10 PM

I couldn't agree with your assessment more. I look forward to this show every week.
10-24-2007 , 04:25 PM
Shows I watch every week :

Curb Your Enthusiasm, Heroes S1, Californication, Big Shots, The Office, Friday Night Lights, Top Gear, Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe.

All great shows but Californication is the one I look forward to the most.
10-24-2007 , 06:55 PM
Mia is the most annoying character out of any show I've ever watched.
10-29-2007 , 11:22 PM
10-30-2007 , 12:17 AM
david duchovny is excellent, but the show i believe has gone down hill over the past several episodes. they need new story lines
10-30-2007 , 12:18 AM
Brotherhood and Dexter are by far the 2 best shows on TV oh ya Prison Break too
10-30-2007 , 01:31 AM
Season finale was great. I'm sad that I won't get to see a new ep for a while.

That said, I'm not really sure where the heck they're going to go from here for next season! I can only guess that they'll play off the whole ending thing as something in Hank's head or something. We shall see.
10-30-2007 , 11:49 AM
I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. The rest of the show was great, but the last 15 sec was lazy IMO. It would have been way better to have him not on top of the world. Basically everything turned out for the best. It reminded me of the 'Super Happy Ending' on Wayne's World.

Also, couldn't Bill figure out that Hank [censored] his daughter. He didn't deny it, and didn't fight back when hit in the face. If I was innocent I would be so pissed. He looked so guilty, how can Bill not see that?

Overall this show was great TV and I can't wait for next season. I love the Charlie subplot, I actually like Mia, the kid is growing on me, but needs some work on the monotone voice, I just didn't like the oh so happy ending, even though my gf loved it.
