Originally Posted by Henry17
The argument that there are other socially awkward and ineffective ways to approach women is not an argument in favour of PUA. It simply means that there are at least two ****ty ways to do something.
Its about results, cause and effect. Approaching and interacting with women in an AFC way produces one result. Doing the same in the PUA way produces another. I know because i have done both. Have you tried both? I kinda doubt that you have simply because you say rather boldly that it is patently ineffective and ****ty. By what standards are you saying that it is ineffective and ****ty? My results are better, my friends results who use it are better. The guys i know that have no knowledge of it, their results are worse, plain and simple.
Also, i have to say after reading some of this thread that you and many other people have a big misconception about PUA. Many people only know about the over the top aspects that they either have read in the Game or seen on the tv show. Personally, a lot of that stuff seems pretty ridiculous and i would never do them, nor would any of my friends. I'm talking about dressing like a clown because of peacock theory, constant negging to put girls down and get the upper hand, as you have said, and those mickey mouse magic tricks or gimmicks like palm reading. i wouldnt be caught dead doing any of that ****.
In retrospect, i guess i only use some of PUA techniques, but i think i use the most important ones. As i said, the biggest difference in what i did before and what i do now is what i said before and that is being different from the thousands of interactions she has had in the past. Talking to her differently from the AFC's who are kissing her ass and trying anything they can to ingratiate themselves with her for a shot to get in her pants. They can sense that neediness instantly.
Its about being unexpected, because they expect any guy who talks to them to be that way and they are sick of it. For instance, when you see her for the first time to pick her up for a date, instead of saying "OMG, you look sooo amazing, you are sooo beautiful" like every other guy has told her in the past, you might say, with a smile of course, "Mmm, you clean up alright. I guess i can be seen out in public with you". Yes, its a neg, but she knows you are joking and also knows that you probably really mean she looks great. But most importantly, its DIFFERENT and therefore infinitely more stimulating to her than all the other same old tired kiss ass, try hard garbage they have been hearing their whole lives. PUA teaches you that, teaches you to suppress those urges to be overly nice, overly interested, and overly complimentary. BTW, all of which i still constantly have, especially if they are hot. But instead of giving in to those urges, like every other guy does because he thinks, incorrectly, he is being nice and she will respond positively, it teaches you there is a better way to play it that produces way better results.
It makes you a different kind of guy in her mind. A guy who has value, who isn't so desperate that he'll say anything that he thinks she wants to hear. You're not needy, you're not calling and texting her constantly, again, like everyone else is doing. Believe me, i have my doubts about all that gimmicky crap that you see on the tv show and read about, thats why i would never do it. But the PUA attitude of not being needy, not being desperate, and not interacting the same way the vast majority of guys do undoubtedly works, and works well. And when a 24 year old ridiculously good looking dancer insists on paying for everything on your first date, she isnt doing it because you have some sort of upper hand on her, or you're dickish antics forced her into feeling like she had to. She is doing it because she wants to, she is enjoying the experience of being with a guy who stimulates her, who has value, and in many cases is something she has never experienced in her entire life.