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National High Speed Subway System National High Speed Subway System

02-14-2010 , 08:23 AM
As has already been noted in thread, this idea is terrible for obvious reasons (cost, infrastructure for planes + cars + trains already existing in appropriate places, lack of need for this tunnel system, etc.)
02-14-2010 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
Distorting markets and having the incredibly inefficient government run things hurts the economy. Taxing everyone more hurts the economy. You aren't creating 50 million jobs.

You don't need a government to build bridges and roads. The economy values efficiency, the government does not.
Yes, but the individual members of the economy aren't going to put in for something that they can't get something out of. If the government doesn't build the infrastructure, I don't see any possible way a private enterprise comes together to build it. Something or other about 'free riders'.

“Bad idea most of the time. There are examples where privatization makes sense, where people can do things much more efficiently. But oftentimes what you see is companies want to buy those parts of a government-run op that are profitable, and they don’t want to do anything else.”

“So, for example, the U.S. Postal Service, everybody would love to have that high-end part of the business that FedEx and UPS are already in, business to business you make a lot of money. But do they want to deliver that postcard to a remote area somewhere in rural America that is a money loser? Well, the U.S. Post Office provides universal service. Those companies would not want to provide universal service.”
02-14-2010 , 03:55 PM
The USPS is god awful. Is that really your argument?

USPS' tracking system is absolutely worthless. I wonder how much they spent developing that piece of crap and who thought it was a great idea.

Every time I've had to go into the post office, it's taken at least 15 minutes when there's 4 workers at the counter and little to no line. It's ridiculous watching the USPS employees chit-chat with each other for 5 minutes at a time then calling someone up. Every time I've gone to the UPS store, it's taken under 5 minutes to get everything done. That's with 1 worker and a few customers.

So, you're basically advocating for the USPS because we need to subsidize junkmail to the middle of bum**** America? Here's an idea: if someone wants to ship something to the middle of bum**** America, they pay for it. Brilliant idea, I know.

We don't need the USPS to have a monopoly in order to lose billions of dollars every single year just so people can get postcards delivered for 42 cents.
02-15-2010 , 06:20 AM
I actually like the idea of putting our resources and such into an improved rail system.. An underground one seems ******ed/ pointless, but I like the general idea of improving infrastructure.. It's investing in the future.
02-15-2010 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Illuminasty
I had to get a new account because I picked the dumb tradepokermoney screen name.
You may have got rid of the name, you didn't get rid of the dumb.
02-15-2010 , 01:51 PM
There has been a steady rate of improvement with communication services for centuries. Comparing laying high end cable to digging a vast network of VietCong meets Montreal tunnels is ridiculous.
02-15-2010 , 04:17 PM
damn... did you guys read the articles? they totally support building a national high speed subway system!
02-17-2010 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
You realise a project like this would take a 100 years?
haha well that would actually be irrelavent since a National High Speed Subway System would create 50 million jobs.
02-20-2010 , 07:44 PM
So really, Al-Qaeda is good for the economy? By destroying stuff, they create lots of jobs in rebuilding it?
